FAQs: Tobacco-free discount:
Q-When does the discount for non-tobacco users go into effect?
A-The Tobacco free credit will continue through fiscal year 2015 effective July 1, 2014.
Q-Who is eligible to receive the discount?
A-All employees enrolled in a medical plan offered byCHS who are:
- Non-tobacco users;or
- Tobacco users who have completed at least five sessions ofan approvedtobacco cessation program.
Q-How much is the discount?
A-Up to $120 per employee for the plan year after eligibility is confirmed, which is $5 a pay period for the 24 pay periods per year in which medical premiums are deducted from your paycheck.The discount will appear in your paycheck as a medical credit.
Q-How is a "tobacco user" defined?
A-For the plan year that begins July 1, 2014, a tobacco user is someone who has used tobacco in the past SIX months.
Tobacco includes cigars, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco or any other tobacco product.
Q-Does using the nicotine patch count as tobacco use?
A-No. Nicotine replacement therapy, including the patch or gum, is not considered tobacco use.
Q-Are electronic cigarettes recognized as nicotine replacement therapy?
A-No. A number of FDA-approved smoking cessation aids are available for tobacco users, depending on their nicotine dependence. These include nicotine gum, nicotine transdermal patches, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalation products, nicotine nasal sprays, Chantix tabs and Bupropion 150 mg SR/Zyban 150 mg.
Electronic cigarettes are not considered an aid and, therefore, are considered a tobacco product.
Q-Why is CHS implementing this discount and focusing on tobacco?
A-Studies illustrate that a tobacco user's annual medical costs are, on average, $1,700 higher than the costs of a non-tobacco user. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men and women who smoke have more lifetime medical expenses and are absent from work more days each year than those who do not smoke. In addition, smoking increases costly pregnancy complications such as pre-term delivery and infants with low birth weight. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse:
- Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body. It's been linked to cataracts and pneumonia, and it accounts for about one-third of all cancer deaths. The overall rates of death from cancer are twice as high among smokers as among nonsmokers.
- Smoking has been linked to about 90 percent of all cases of lung cancer and is associated with many other cancers and lung diseases. It's also been well documented that smoking substantially increases the risk of heart disease, including strokes, heart attacks, vascular diseases and aneurysms.
- All tobacco, including smokeless tobacco, contains nicotine, which is addictive. The amount of nicotine absorbed from smokeless tobacco is three to four times greater than that delivered by a cigarette; while nicotine is absorbed more slowly from smokeless tobacco, more nicotine per dose is absorbed and stays in the bloodstream longer.
- Chewing tobacco and snuff contain 28 carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). Smokeless tobacco increases the risk for cancer of the oral cavity, which can include cancer of the lip, tongue, cheeks, gums, and the floor and roof of the mouth. Other effects include oral leukoplakia (white mouth lesions that can become cancerous), gum disease and gum recession (when the gum pulls away from the teeth).
Q-Why aren’t other health-related issues, such as obesity or alcohol use, being targeted for discounts toward medical insurance premiums?
A-Substantial research links tobacco use to higher medical costs. We continue to study medical research involving other health factors as we develop future plan design recommendations. In our culture of wellness, we strive to encourage employees to make healthy decisions that can positively affect their well-being.
Getting the discount for FY2015 plan year, which begins July 1, 2014:
Q-How can I get the discount beginning July 1, 2014?
A-You have a few options:
- You must certify during benefits open enrollment that you have been a non-tobacco user for the six months immediately prior to completing your enrollment; or
- You must certify during benefits open enrollment that you are a tobacco user who has completed at least five approved tobacco cessation classes/sessions.
- After open enrollment, you will not have the opportunity to receive this credit.
The discount will appear as a medical credit in your paycheck; employees who qualify will first see this reflected in their July 11, 2014, paychecks.
Q-If I am currently receiving the tobacco free credit in FY2014 do I need to complete the requirements for FY2015?
A-Yes, you will need to resubmit an affidavit or complete another five approved tobacco cessation classes/sessions. The credit will not automatically continue in the new fiscal year.
Q-How do I certify my status during open enrollment?
A-There are two options:
- By completing an onlinesurvey orsigning a hardcopy affidavit.
IMPORTANT: All employees whoenroll in a medical plan offered by CHS must certify their status during open enrollment no later than May 31, 2014.
Q-What if I didn't certify my tobacco-user status during open enrollment?
A-You will be considered a tobacco user until you submit your affidavit, and you will not be eligible for the discount until the next qualifying period. The only qualifying periods are during open enrollment and as a new hire.
Q-What if employees certify they are not tobacco users when, in fact, they are?
A-When you certify your tobacco-user status, you attest that you are telling the truth. If it is later discovered that you made a false statement, you will be subject to disciplinary action and will incur the higher premium rate upon discovery.
Q-How do I complete/participate in at least five sessions of an approved tobacco cessation program?
A-Many free tobacco cessation programs are available including:
- Tobacco Free Florida. Three ways to quit for free at Access free counseling, tobacco cessation aids (gum/patch), journals, quit lines and more. You can also call 1-800-822-6669.
- Florida AHEC Network. Free live classes. Features a Quit Smoking Now program. Provides support, training and tobacco replacement therapies. Call 1-877-848-6696 or visit
- Aetna Healthy Lifestyle Coach/Program or EAP face-to-face counseling.
Q-Is a social or occasional tobacco user considered a tobacco user?
Q-What is a “session” of a tobacco cessation program?
A-Depending on the approved smoking cessation program a tobacco user chooses to participate in, a session could be:
- Face-to-face, telephonic or online coaching/counseling (one-on-one or group); or
- In-person or online classes.
Q-What if I don't certify my tobacco-user status?
A-You will be considered a tobacco user and therefore not receive the discount.
New hires:
Newly hired employees can fill out the hardcopy affidavit and submit before their medical benefits become effective. You must also include the date in which your medical benefits are becoming effective on the affidavit.
The discount is implemented using the honor system. Those who are untruthful will be subject to disciplinary action and will incur the higher premium once discovered. If you are a non-tobacco user during open enrollment but become a tobacco user during the year, it is your responsibility to notify the Benefits Department of your change in status.