AP Review chapters 15-16 (Absolutism and Scientific Revolution)

Terms to know: Thirty Years War, Peace of Westphalia, Absolutism, Cardinal Richelieu, Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Oliver Cromwell, Glorious Revolution, Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Universe, Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Scientific Method

Thirty Years War: Consisted of 4 main phases and lasted from 1618-1648. It started out as a religious struggle between Catholics and Calvinists but turns secular (map 447)

-In the first phase (Bohemian) Habsburg Archduke Ferdinand (not the one assassinated in WWI) is elected king. He is a strict Catholic even though the nobles are Calvinists so people become frustrated with his re-Catholicization process

-Second and Third phases are the Danish and Swedish both countries try to help the protestant cause but eventually lose out. At the battle of Lutzen Swedes make a strong push but lose their king Gustavus Adolphus and then lose afterwards.

-In the final phase, the Franco-Swedish phase, Catholic French help the protestant swedes! Turns into a Bourbon vs. Habsburg fight with the French victorious

-Peace of Westphaliaends the fighting in 1648 and determines that religion and politics should be separated. Most of the HRE is divided and loses territories to various independent nations.

Absolutism: This is the idea that a king is chosen by God and therefore should have absolute power over his/her subjects. They have the divine right of kings

-The most famous of the absolute monarchs is Louis XIV of France

  • Ruled for more than 50 years alone and as a boy for more than that
  • His advisor was Mazarin
  • Adopted mercantilism by suggestions of JB Colbert which gave his economy an immediate boost but later decline
  • In constant militant struggle that drained the treasury
  • Built Versailles and the wine and dined his nobles to gain power
  • Edict of Fontainebleau destroyed Huguenot churches in 1685

-Peter the Great 1689-1725

  • Westernized Russia to remove barbarian stereotype
  • Navy, Education, Clothing etc.

Oliver Cromwell/Glorious Revolution: British ruler who deposed absolutism in Britain . . . kind of

-James I was king after the mess with Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth (odd choice)

- James I’s son Charles I becomes king and continues the idea of his dad to be an absolutist which ticks off a lot of Brits. When Charles needs money he calls Parliament who issue the Petition of Rights saying that Parliament can tax, not the king

- Charles continues to tick off his own Scottish friends with Anglican reforms and is replaced by Oliver Cromwell of the Roundheads

- Oliver Cromwell leads the New Model Army and removes the king (beheads him) but then realizes he doesn’t care much for parliament either so lives out his life as a dictator

- Charles the II then James II take over until the Glorious Revolution where James is removed without force just the threat of an invasion by William of Orange. William had been sought out by Parliament since they were unhappy with the Catholic minded James II

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric model of the Universe: The geocentric theory was that everything in the cosmos revolved around the earth. The heliocentric model which was adopted in the scientific revolution stated that the sun was the center of the universe.

-This seems basic to us but it ran contrary to what the church had taught for more than a thousand years.

-The Geocentric model had been adopted by Ptolemy and Helio by Nicholas Copernicus

Johannes Kepler: lived from 1571-1630 and for a while worked as an astrologer

-Developed the Three laws of planetary motion

  • First law said orbit are elliptical
  • Second law said orbit speeds up as planet approaches the sun
  • Third said planets with large orbits revolve at a slower average velocity than those with small orbits

-His ideas eliminated the previously accepted Geocentric model

Galileo Galilei:Lived from 1564-1642 and helped western civilization with his inventions, mathematical principles, and new sciences

-Creates a telescope to look at distant objects in space.

-Works of the cosmos contained in his book the Starry Messenger

-Angers the catholic church and has to claim that his findings proving the Heliocentric model were simply mathematical supposition

-Helped understanding of science and forces with concept of inertia and accelerating speeds

Newton: English scientist

-Wrote the Principia that talked about 3 laws of motion (object in rest stays in rest or moves if moving unless acted upon, rate of change of motion of an object is proportional to the force acting on it, and for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. )

-Invented calculus

-Explains the concept of gravitation

Scientific Method: Using a series of observations and experiments to try to prove something

Some page numbers to review: Thirty years war 446-447 Peace 448 Absolutism 451 Cardinal 451 Louis 452 Colbert 454 Fontainbleau 453 Peter the Great 461 Oliver Cromwell471 Glorious Rev. 472 Baroque 476 Geo-Helio485 Copernicus 486 Kepler 487 Galileo 489 Newton 493 Scientific Method 500 Bacon 501Pascal 505