Cardinal Newman Catholic School

Minutes of the Full Governing Body

Meeting Date: Wednesday 16 November 2016

Meeting Time: 19.00 hours

Attendees / Initials / Role / Attendees / Initials / Role
Domenica Maxted / DM / Foundation Governor / James Kilmartin / JK / Head teacher
Carolyn Sheehan / CyS / Co-opted Governor / Sandra Murphy / SM / Co-opted Governor
Kerry Clarke / KC / Local Authority Governor / Roger Galvin / GN / Staff Governor
Cathy Hoar / CH / Foundation Governor / Gemma Bond / GB / Parent Governor
In attendance / Initials / Role / In attendance / Initials / Role
Andy Thomas / AT / Clerk to the Governing Body / Paul Miller / PM / Deputy Headteacher
Kate Forbes / KF / Assistant Headteacher
Apologies / Initials / Role / Absent / Initials / Role
Tim Williamson / TW / Foundation Governor / Louise Hulton / LH / Foundation Governor
Ian Keating / IK / Chair of Governors/
Foundation Governor / Fr Kevin O’Donnell / KOD / Associate Member
Caroline Shinn / CoS / Parent Governor
Graham O’Sullivan / GOS / Foundation Governor
Nick Wells / NW / Foundation Governor

The quorum is 50% of the current membership of the Full Governing Body, which was 14 at the time of the meeting. The number of Governors attending was 8. The meeting was therefore quorate.

No. / Agenda item, discussion and decisions / Action /
1.1 / 1.  Opening prayer
The meeting was opened in prayer by JK.
2.2 / 2.  Apologies
Apologies had been received from IK, GOS, TW, NW and CoS. These were duly accepted.
In the Chair’s absence the meeting would be chaired by Vice Chair Sandra Murphy.
3.1 / 3.  Freedom of Information reminder
Governors were reminded that business should be conducted in an open way which stands up to publicscrutiny, and that all non-confidential minutes would be published on the school's website.
4.1 / 4.  Declarations of pecuniary and other interest
There were no declarations of interest.
5.7 / 5.  Minutes of the 21 September and 12 October meetings
·  Accuracy
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 12 October were agreed and signed by SM [noted that an Action List from the 21 September meeting had been issued in advance of the 12 October meeting and full minutes were to follow].
·  Matters arising
Anti-bullying whistleblowing (21 September meeting): It was agreed that the anti-bullying policy should be placed on the school website.
Circulation of website governor profile example and template (12 October meeting): Governors were duly reminded to submit website profiles for publication
Pupil, Staff & Parent survey (12 October meeting): It was reported that this was due to be issued the following day, Thursday 17 November.
Circulation of ALPS link to governors (12 October meeting): It was confirmed that this has been done.
Meeting with local Catholic Primary schools: It was reported that this was in hand, together with a meeting in Eastbourne on Friday 18 November which IK was attending with JK. The issue would also be raised at the Deans Headteachers’ meeting on Thursday 1 December.
-  Complaints policy: It was noted that an oral report would be given later during the meeting. / JK
6.13 / 6.  Policies
·  Admissions
It was reported that the Admissions Policy required updating in line with the Diocese model. The relevant documentation, including a redraft of the policy and a note of the changes, had been circulated in advance of the meeting. It was noted that there would no longer be Priest involvement and it was agreed that this should be communicated.
The proposed Newman College policy was discussed in detail. It was agreed that the third paragraph beginning “Although Catholic students…..” should be moved to the beginning and that the faith declaration in the associated application form should be removed.
Following general discussion on the changes set out in the documentation, it was noted that the new Policy would now be subject to wider consultation. It was confirmed that the proposed new Policy met legal requirements and was in line with Diocese requirements. Subject to the wider consultation process, and the changes agreed following discussion (see 6.2 above), the Governing Body endorsed the changes in principle. The option chosen was Option 1 ‘Baptism Only’.
The Admissions Working Group was discussed. It was noted that CH needed to be replaced on the Working Group. In the meantime volunteers were required to undertake an audit by 16 December 2016. SM and KC agreed to undertake the audit on Friday 18 November 2016.
·  Complaints
It was confirmed that the Policy was currently being reviewed. Hard copies of a proposed guide to the new Policy were distributed at the meeting.
It was reported that the aim was to make the Policy more informal; to incorporate safeguards against vexatious complaints; and to provide clarity on the website about the Policy. The proposed redraft would be presented at the December FGB meeting.
It was noted that the Local Authority was also producing general guidance for staff and other materials. Staff and parents would be consulted about the Policy.
In response to a question it was confirmed that a system of logging complaints was being put in place as part of the revised Policy.
·  Pay
It was noted that the current school policy, new Local Authority model and information sheet had been circulated in advance of the meeting. A new school policy was required and this would be tabled for discussion at the December FGB meeting.
It was agreed that, in the meantime, any detailed questions or comments should be referred to the Business Manager or HR.
Following discussion about how the unions and staff would be consulted on the changes, it was confirmed that consultation on the model had taken place through the Local Authority but that discussion and communication with unions and staff locally would be taken forward. Any revised new policy would be published to staff.
·  GB Code of Conduct
A model Code of Conduct had been circulated in advance of the meeting. It was agreed that a Code of Conduct should be put in place. The content of the document, including the Nolan principles, was endorsed.
A question was raised concerning whether reference to the Catholic ethos of the school should be added. This was agreed and that the following should accordingly be added to the first bullet point relating to ‘strategic direction’ on page 3 of the model: “…taking into account its Catholic ethos.” It was agreed that the revised draft should be tailored to the school and re-circulated for discussion at the December FGB meeting. / PM
7.2 / 7.  Governing Body membership
It was reported that there were currently three Foundation Governor, one Co-opted Governor, vacancies on the Governing Body. A number of potential new Foundation Governors had been identified and a meeting with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors was being set up with some of those interested. In response to a question it was agreed that the Regulations should be checked in respect of any restrictions of the total number of parents allowed on the Governing Body.
Following discussion it was agreed that reference to Foundation Governor vacancies should be made in the school and parish newsletters. / Clerk
Clerk/ JK
8.18 / 8.  Headteacher’s report
·  General
IK’s thanks to JK for issuing all relevant papers in advance of the meeting were relayed.
The following questions were raised:
What was the rationale for the 96% attendance target? It was confirmed that this was aspirational set against the national target of 95%.
-  How was PP pupil attendance being addressed? It was confirmed that Pupil Premium funding was used in part but that the gap in this area was not significant. However work was ongoing to address this.
-  How were individual excluded pupils being addressed? It was confirmed that the individual circumstances of each pupil were treated on merit and pupil history taken into account.
It was confirmed that the Inclusion Unit had been established and named ‘The Zacchaeus Centre’. It was well staffed and resourced and would deal with both learning and social factors. A fuller report would be made to the GB in due course.
The following questions were raised:
-  Would the circumstances around internal exclusions be examined in order to reduce the instance of external exclusions? This was confirmed.
-  Was the figure of 19 exclusions considered high and why had it increased from the previous year? It was confirmed that this figure was indeed too high, hence the setting up of the Inclusion Unit. The figure had gone up but half of all days were accounted for by a small number of pupils, many of whom had come from other schools with a history of poor behaviour.
JK was thanked for his report.
·  School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The SIP had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Following discussion it was agreed that FGB agendas should cover aspects of the SIP on a rotational basis and that Teaching and Learning should be included on the December FGB agenda. Accordingly Clare Jarman would be invited to attend.
It was also agreed that the ‘Able Students’ section should be discussed at the December FGB meeting.
In response to a question concerning the frequency of Working Group meetings it was agreed that these should meet regularly and link in to SIP development work.
JK was asked to highlight any changes in the SIP in coloured font and to date the document each time it was updated. This was agreed.
·  Target setting
Target setting was covered in detail in the Headteacher’s report circulated in advance of the meeting. KF was in attendance to present the information.
It was reported that the key change was a move away from the ‘FFT20’ model, based around the top 20% target, to the ‘FFT5’ model based on the top 5% of schools in the country. In discussion it was agreed that if the school wished to attain ‘outstanding’ status then challenging targets needed to be set. This would require engagement and communication with parents to ‘buy them in’ to the new target regime and address any concerns.
It was asked whether it would be helpful for a supportive message to be issued to teachers from the Governing Body. Following discussion it was agreed that a Christmas message should be issued, explaining the strategy and reassuring teachers around any concerns about individual targets and accountability and the link to pay and appraisal. In this regard it was emphasised that the targets were not forecasts but aspirational objectives.
Following discussion it was also agreed that support should be given to the staff Christmas party.
·  2017 results forecast
Again a forecast had been included in the Headteacher’s report circulated in advance of the meeting. KF presented the information. The figures were provisional but looking very positive. In response to a question concerning parents' reactions to the new “9 to 1” GCSE grading system, it was reported that parents seemed confused about the rationale for this and what was perceived as constant change. It was unclear how the old and new grading system matched and different ‘scores’ for different purposes was causing confusion. This was noted.
It was confirmed that a further update would be available in January 2017, however not in time for the FGB meeting scheduled for that month. / Clerk/ JK
Clerk/ JK
Clerk/ JK
9.5 / 9.  Resources Committee report
·  Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on 20 September 2016 had been circulated in advance. It was noted that amendments to one section of these had been agreed and would accordingly be made.
·  Scheme of Delegation
This was currently being reviewed and would be tabled for discussion at the next meeting.
·  Asset Management Committee
The Resource Committee had recommended that an Asset Management Committee (AMC) be established to oversee the management of the school estate and infrastructure. This was agreed. It was further agreed that a member of the Resources Committee should sit on the AMC.
In response to a question about a fundraising plan, it was reported that there was a need to raise funds and that a plan was in development. This would be examined further by the Resources Committee. It was agreed that consideration should be given to engaging a fundraising expert, possibly as an Associate Member of the Governing Body.
·  Committee membership/ Chair
The Resources Committee had agreed to recommend CyS as the new Committee Chair and this was agreed. It was agreed that the GB chair, KC or SM should also sit on the Committee. / Clerk
CyS/ Clerk
10.2 / 10. Link Governors
It was agreed to defer this item for discussion at the December FGB meeting.
In response to a question it was confirmed that the SEN Working Group would represent the link to the Governing Body until a Link Governor was established. / Clerk
/ 11. AOB - notified to the Chair in advance of the meeting
Governor Social
Following discussion it was agreed that a Governors’ Christmas Social should be arranged for the evening of Wednesday 14 December following the school awards presentation.
Cathy Hoar
It was conformed that CH was leaving the Governing Body. The GB expressed its sincere thanks to CH for her hard work and commitment, and wished her all the best or the future. DM thanked CH for her support during the former’s tenure as Chair. A card and flowers were presented to CH, who thanked those present.
Pay Committee
It was noted that a meeting of the Pay Committee (a sub-committee of the Resources Committee) was being arranged for December. / SM
12.2 / 12. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 13 December 2016
The next FGB meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 13 December at 7.00pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Signed______Chair of Governors