Sub Group on Children and Violence, Minutes Feb 9th 2004. Meeting held at World Vision, Geneva, at 3pm.

1. Present: Alex Pearce (International Children’s Trust), Myriam Ernst (Casa Allianza), Rachel Brett (Quaker UN Office), Jo de Linde (ECPAT International), Monique McClellan (BICE), Paulo David (OHCHR), Jane Connor (OHCHR), Eva Ahlen (Save the Children, Sweden), Sunita Nielsen, Ruth Lee (World Council of Churches), Valerie Quere, Alessandro Conticini, Agneta Ucko (Arigatou Foundation), Laure Doneniconi (Women’s World Summit Foundation), Elly Pradervand (WWSF), Joy Muller (IFRC), Brigitte Polonovski (International Council of Women), Ellen Mourarioff-Apostol (IFSW), Usha Selvaraju (DCI), Lesley Miiler (UNICEF), Severine Jacomy (OMCT), Helene Sackstein (IAW), Helena Gezelius (Save the Children), Melanie Gow (World Vision International)

Apologies: Jo Becker, Peter Newell, Denise Allen

2. Update from UN agencies

Jane Connor (OHCHR) updated the Sub Group on the recent appointment of Amaya Gillespie as Director for the UN Study (a short bio on Ms Gillespie was circulated). Ms Gillespie hopes to be in Geneva shortly and has already begun to work on the Study. Much of her initial focus has been on fundraising for the study. In support of this the OHCHR held a consultation with donors on funding for the study. Ms Gillespie was recently in Geneva to meet with a small number of NGOs (predominately those who had direct experience with the Machel study). While in Geneva Ms Gillespie also spoke with members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

During these discussions 5 members of the Committee from the Middle Eastern region asked how they might interact with the Study. Jane emphasised the need to include the Committee members on the Study and especially to think about linking them at an early stage to processes developing around the regional consultations. A number of members of the Committee expressed a particular interest in the definition of violence and links to cultural issues and concerns.

Professor Pinheiro continues to be active on the Study attending meetings with agencies and donors in the US and the UK. Professor Pinheiro will be delivering an update report to the Commission on Human Rights under agenda item 13 (Rights of the Child). Dates have not yet been formalised for Professor Pinheiro’s time at the Commission but Jane will continue to keep Sub Group members informed about the dates. Professor Pinheiro will be at the CHR a few times as he will also report in his capacity as Special Rapp. on Myanmar. It is also hoped that he will attend the Commission on the Status of Women and the Crime Commission to make reports on the Study.

Professor Pinheiro continues to work on the outline for the Study, building on his concept paper which should be available shortly.

It was stressed that the outcomes from the Study – what should come as a result – should be discussed early. Melanie noted that this will be on the Ad Panel agenda in April. Helena offered to organise a small brainstorming meeting involving NGOs, UN agencies and States on outcomes. Helena will inform the Sub Group once plans are more concrete. Outcomes need to be considered at all levels – global, regional, national and local.

Jane reported on a parallel process that is being undertaken on violence against women and stressed the need for the integration of the processes (especially as girls will be included in both reports). The violence against women report is being coordinated by the Division for the Advancement of Women. The time frame for both studies is similar with a final report to the GA in 2005.

The three other Secretariat positions for the UN study are being advertised within the UN and it is hoped that they will be secondment posts from within the UN.

Discussion about the NGO liaison post raised some ongoing concerns amongst Sub Group members that such a position should not also attempt to deal with child participation but rather that these should be two separated posts. Discussions with Ms Gillespie and Professor Pinheiro on this will continue.

Lesley (UNICEF) talked about the meetings that Ms Gillespie had held with NGOs in Geneva, including the Secretariat for the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and noted that they had been helpful and fruitful.

Ms Gillespie had also met with WHO and attended their meeting on inter-personal violence at which the UN study was also raised. Many UN agencies present noted that they had much to contribute to the UN Study.

Lesley reported that Ms Gillespie is conscious of the need for focus in the study and that currently discussions remain quite broad. At a meeting of UN agencies and Ms Gillespie and Professor Pinheiro, UNICEF talked about the regional consultations, highlighting the Yokohama experience as an appropriate model for emulation.

Lesley indicated that Professor Pinheiro had highlighted two expectations for the regional consultations:

  1. that they provide direct input and learning for the Study
  2. that they act as a mobiliser and catalyst for action and political change

Members of the Sub Group Severine Jacomy and Rachel Brett who met with Ms Gillespie the previous week reflected that the meetings had gone well and that Ms Gillespie was very open to NGO engagement. Ms Gillespie had already reviewed the paper on lessons from the Machel study and had found it very helpful. Ms Gillespie had also expressed a preference for looking at the study through the lens of the situational context of violence.

Ms Gillespie also indicated that the preliminary outline for the study which was being developed, would certainly be shared with NGOs at an early stage.

Regional Consultations

Eva Ahlen from Save the Children Sweden attended the latest meeting (Feb 6th) of the steering committee responsible for organising the South East Asia Regional Conference. The meeting went very well and progress is being made. Tentative dates for the South East Asia Regional Conference are 12-14 October in Bangkok.

Eva reported on the good model that has developed in the region with close links between UN agencies and NGOs. UNICEF will take the lead in inviting governments and UN agencies and NGO members of the Steering Committee will work to engage NGOs.

The afternoon session of the meeting focused on child participation and the desire to engage children from the region in the consultations as well as links to the ad Panel.

Copies of the minutes from the meeting are available upon request. Email Eva Ahlen, save the Children ()

The group plans to meet again at the end of March.

Jane Connor reported that organisation for a regional study and consultation in Latin America are advancing. It is anticipated that a regional consultation will be held in that region in 2005.

Melanie reported that discussions are also taking place in Canada this week on plans for the North America consultation.

Lesley indicated that tentative discussions have begun with the Council of Europe and that UNICEF offices in Africa and the Middle East have expressed a commitment to the development of regional consultations, though timing is at this stage unclear.

Lesley also reported on a planned meeting in Sarajevo May 13-15 which will focus on follow-up to the Special Session but will also discuss the violence study through a working group.

3. Committee on the Rights of the Child

Paulo David (OHCHR) discussed the recent meetings of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and noted that violence against children continues to be a major focus for the Committee. The Committee has raised violence is relation to almost all of the Convention clusters. In addition, unexplained deaths of children remains a problem for a number of States, and was raised by the Committee with France recently.

Corporal punishment remains a real concern to the Committee and is often highlighted. In addition, violence in the home, at school and in juvenile justice centres are constantly raised by Committee members with governments. The discussion of violence against refugee children is also a matter of concern.

Discussions on how to use the Committee reports and members expertise to feed into the UN Study was also raised by Sub Group members.

The General Comment on minimum age of criminal responsibility could not be agreed. Basic principles on juvenile justice are being developed though as yet there is no first draft.

There is continuing discussion about developing a General Comment on corporal punishment but this is not yet decided.

Early childhood will be the theme of the September 2004 day of general discussion and violence against young children could be a key theme in discussions.

The Committee is also updating its working methods.

4.Update on the Ad Panel

Melanie reported on the planned meeting on the Ad Panel April 4 and 5. An agenda is still being developed. It will be good for the Sub Group to have an opportunity to meet with members of the Ad panel as had occurred previously, this should take place on April 6th.

5. Child Participation

Severine reported on the child participation in the Ad Panel. Nominations have been made for several regions and final selection of child candidates is almost complete in Latin America, South Eats Asia, Eastern Europe and North America. There remain gaps in Africa and West Africa.

Between 2 and 3 children will be selected from each region and where possible gender balance will be sought. The children will have previous experience in working in the area of violence. The children will be involved in the regional consultations planned.

Ad Panel members in the region have taken responsibility for the process in their regions and have worked with organizations to support nominations and selections of children.

Challenges around funding support to get the children to the Geneva Ad panel meetings continue. Funding is being sought through the Canadian government and various UNICEF offices. The same restrictions and uncertainties pertain to the participation of the adult Ad Panel members.

In funding is secured for the participation of children a one day preparatory meeting for the children is planned for April 2nd. This will enable the children to be bought up-to-date on the Study process to date etc. In addition there is training being proposed by expert members of the Ad Panel and representatives from Save the Children for all members of the Ad Panel (adult and children) on working with the child participants in the Ad Panel. This training is tentatively set for the afternoon of April 3rd and the morning of April 4th.

Eva Ahlen from Save the Children Sweden then introduced the new toolkits that have just been released. The three documents, listed below will shortly be available on the Swedish and Alliance websites.

The publications are:

“Children’s Participation in Research: Reflections from the Care and Protection of Separated Children in Emergencies Project”

“So You Want to Involve Children in Research: A toolkit supporting children’s meaningful and ethical participation in research relating to violence against children”

“So You Want to Consult with Children: A Guide to Good Practices”.

In addition, Save is planning to produce child-friendly versions of Professor Pinheiro’s concept paper as well as an overall introductory paper to the Study itself. It is hoped that these papers will be completed in March.

Eva also offered the training that was being organised with the Ad panel to the wider Sub Group and NGO Group members, as well as the UN agencies. There was real interest expressed by Sub Group members to be involved in the training. Eva and Helena will continue to discuss and will share a concrete idea for dates and agenda with the Sub Group.


The Matrix continues to progress slowly. It was decided that the format should be given to UNICEF regional offices and those NGOs involved in organising the regional consultations as a possible format to be replicated in the regions. The good research that has been identified already by those organizations that have completed the Matrix, will be passed onto the UN Secretariat. Eva Ahlen to talk with Lesley about disseminating to UNICEF regional offices.

7. Commission on Human Rights

Language has been developed on violence against children, including with specific reference to the Study, for inclusion in the NGO text for the child rights omnibus resolution.

A panel session is being planned for April 6th, 1-3pm involving experts from the Ad Panel including children. Professor Pinheiro will also be invited to speak.

Following this meeting, in the same room, the next Sub Group meeting will be held and Professor Pinheiro will be invited to attend.

Save the Children shared a first draft of an oral statement that are proposing for the Commission on violence against children. Sub Group members should get comments on the draft to Helena by Friday 13th. After revisions Helena will circulate again to Sub Group members and invite those who want to support the statement to join on.

There will be a child rights caucus organised during the Commission. It will met everyday for two weeks of the from March 29th. It will meet before and after those two weeks as required. Those wishing to organise a session during the caucus meetings should liaise with Severine.


Melanie apologised that the minutes from the November meeting had not been circulated and indicated that they would be included with these minutes in the next list serve email.

9. Next Meeting

To be held during the Commission on Human Rights – April 6th 3-5pm at the Palais des Nations – room to be advised.