Tuesday – May 20, 2014
4:30 p.m.
Room 401
*Public Oral Communication on Items Not Listed on Agenda
(3 minutes maximum per speaker, 15 minutes total)
- Preliminary
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
Rene Loaiza___x______
Marta Lara ___x______
Rosa Ortiz___x______
Heather Galyen___x______
Socorro Valenzuela___x______
Yolanda Villela___x______
Bernardo Vasquez ___x______
- Approval of Minutes
Motion:Heather GalyenSecond: Rosa Ortiz
- Communications
A.*Oral Communications:Community
- Mrs. Carolina Juarez (parent) addresses the board:
- Concerned about losing the Boys and Girls club. Wants to know “how will this transition affect us? How will it be handled?”
- The Boys and Girls club brings a role model every December to promote anti-bullying. This club brings a lot to the community, such as bringing turkeys during Thanksgiving. I hope this doesn’t impact families.
B.For Information:Principal’s Report
- Mr. Velasco reports the following:
- Met with YMCA officials to come up with a plan for the transition. We will be dispersing a letter to families tomorrow to invite them this Friday for a community meeting. We will add this flyer to Peach Jar,
- Informational booth will be outside everyday afterschool to give parents more information, as well as applications for the following school year. Parents will have 2 weeks to submit in the applications. A school team will meet with the YMCA to determine those students who will be accepted into the program.
- Jordan Martinez will be recognized tomorrow at the CVESD Board Meeting for perfect attendance for 7 years. We will also recognize her during her 6th grade promotion ceremony.
- Area outside of the 700 building, construction will begin this weekend.
- Construction of Kindergarten restrooms has begun in the 800 buildings.
- Qualcomm is on board to help us replicate an engineering lab here at Feaster, to service K-8 grade.
- Robert Snider from the Ruben H. Fleet Science center will be here next Tuesday so he could help us design our engineering lab to have more hands on experiments for our students.
C.For Information:Associate Principals
- Mrs. Motsinger reports the following:
- Testing for CVESD Local Measures will wrap up this week.
- Ms. Castillo reports the following:
- Lion King presented for 2 nights last week. We were fortunate enough to sell tickets for the performance. The VAPA drama team has grown much this school year.
- Charlie Brown presented for 1 night. We had a good showing overall; this was predominantly geared towards primary grades.
- Laura Whitney and I will be meeting tomorrow with various level teachers to participate professional development in integrating the arts into science and math.
- For Information:Finance Director
- Remodeling of Rooms 801 & 1303
- Est. Expense $25,000.00
- Mr. Depass
- Main estimate was 20,000 for each room. It now is going to $25,000 for both rooms.
- For Information:Parent Teacher Organization
- Ms. Hillary (PTO Treasurer)
- 4,000 off of the Spring Fundraiser
- We will be purchasing the following for the school:
- ½ of the cost of a colored poster maker
- 10 iPad covers for 4-7th grade
- Parent Volunteer Vests for students to identify safe parents on board
- 2-3 benches for the parent area
- $2,500 for iTunes gift cards for teachers
- Freezer for ASB Store
- Movie night for K-4th grade for May 30th in the auditorium
- PTO Community Meeting on Thursday morning at 8am where the PTO Nomination process will conclude.
- Consent Calendar Items For Approval –
- Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Fiscal Impact:$-0-
Staff Recommendation: To approve plan as designed for 2014 through 2017
Motion:Bernardo VasquesSecond:Renee Loaiza
B. Curriculum Materials for the 2014-2015 School Year
Fiscal Impact: $65,000
Staff Recommendation:To approve the curriculum needs budget for the 2014-2015 school year.
Motion:Heather GalyenSecond:Rosa Ortiz
C. Transition from Boys and Girls Club to YMCA ASES 6 to 6 Program for
The 2014-2015 School Year.
Fiscal Impact:$-0-
Staff Recommendation: To approve the transition from the Boys and Girls
to the YMCA.
Motion:Renee LoaizaSecond:Socorro Valenzuela
Vote: Unanimous
- Items Scheduled for Action – N/A
- Curriculum/Instruction
Fiscal Impact:
Staff Recommendation:
- Personnel
V. Items Scheduled for Information
- Achieve 3000 additional licenses.
- Up to $38,000.00
B. Professional Development 13-14 & 14-15 School Year
- Mr. Velasco reports the following:
- We would like to purchase licenses for 3-4th grade, as we have for 5-7th grade. Each license is good for 2 years.Each grade level has seen improvement in lexile scores and there has been much success.
- Last year we proposed a professional development budget. We have covered everything with the exception of what is not highlighted (see Proposed Professional Development 2013-2014). We accomplished everything for teachers with the exception of the 4 Day GLAD training. Our priority was getting teachers the professional development they needed.
- Our administration team, and coaches will meet to discuss what professional development we would like to propose for the 2014-2015 school year. We will develop this and you will have it at the next training.
VI. Board Items
VII.Closed Session
VII.Reconvene to Open Session
VIII.Adjournment – 6:02pm
Motion:Heather GalyenSecond:Renee Loaiza
Vote: Unanimous
- Next meeting: June 3rd, 2014
*Public Oral Communications-Members of the public wishing to provide the board public testimony on items not listed on today’s agenda must either call the Feaster Office, Board Secretary at 619-422-8397by 4:00 PM, the day of the board meeting or submit a “Public Testimony Request Form” to the Board Secretary prior to the beginning of “Public Testimony.” Hearings are limited to a maximum of fifteen minutes per subject with a maximum of three minutes per speaker. No deferral time is allowed.