Unit: ______Date(s) of Use: ______
Office Phone (located in ArdenHillsCity Hall): 1245 W Hwy 96 (651) 634-5229
Training Area Coordinator Cell Phone: SGT LeClair (651) 775-1284
CampRipleyRange Control: Shift Sgt Fire Desk (320) 632-7298
A representative from the unit needs to meet with AHATS TAC SGT LeCLAIR before and after utilizing training site. A key will be issued to a unit representative and that soldier is required to complete RC Form 18 (Range Opening/Closing Checklist) and clear the training areas with the AHATS TAC before leaving (unless prior arrangements have been made). The key needs to be dropped off in the DROP BOX located on the Hamline Gate south of the AT parking lot. Remember NO LONG TERM KEYS.
Units must comply with the digging restrictions noted on the map on the reverse side of the RC Form 18. No-digging areas are marked on site with signs. Other no-dig areas include: (1) within 15 meters of wetlands and (2) tree plantations. Failure to abide by these restrictions will terminate the unit’s privilege to train at AHATS.
DO NOT touch or handle any DUDs or UXOs. If you come in contact with a suspected DUD / UXO, mark it with available material, notify AHATS TAC with any information you have (size, type, location, marking method) and then wait for and follow AHATS TAC instructions.
There are NO FIRES allowed at anytime on AHATS. If a fire starts, contact AHATS TAC with the grid location, direction of travel, estimated size, speed, and type (grass, wood). Then contact the Lake Johanna Fire Department by dialing 9-1-1.
All spills must be reported to AHATS TAC. When a spill happens, take the following actions: stop the flow, contain the spill, report the spill to AHATS TAC and clean the spill. If the contaminated soil is less than what would fit in a 55-gallon drum, dig it up, contain it in a plastic bag, call the AHATS TAC, and he will transport it to the designated collection site. If the amount is greater than that would fit in a 55-gallon drum, earth-moving equipment may be necessary for removal. Units are responsible for showing AHATS TAC the location of the spill. Units will complete the Incident Report Form, ATS Form 285-AB-R, and turn it into the AHATS TAC.
NO smoke or CS is allowed on AHATS.
Cutting of any type of tree is not allowed. However, the use of already dead trees and branches is permitted for concealment.
All animals on the training site are protected. Intentionally harming animals will result in fines and/or jail. DO NOT feed, tease, harass, or play with the animals. Please dispose of food and trash ASAP after meals. Stay clear of wildlife that comes into your area. Report any unusual animals to AHATS TAC with the following information: description or common name, location and disposition.
There are two types of ticks at AHATS: the deer tick and the wood tick. If you discover an embedded tick in your skin, go to unit medical personnel for removal. Imbedded deer ticks are tested for disease. Proper procedures for removing ticks are in the Range Regulation, page 20-4. Removal instructions and test packets (Lyme Disease) are available from the AHATS TAC. Test packets will be turned into the AHATS TAC for processing.
There are two types of maneuver damage: normal training damage, which is expected, and intentional damage, which must be repaired at unit’s expense.
Use of live ammunition, blank ammunition, or pyrotechnics is strictly prohibited. If a weapon is lost, secure the area, inventory weapons and check serial numbers. Begin a detailed search and notify AHATS TAC with number and type of weapon as soon as possible. Conduct search until weapon is found or relieved by investigating officer. Fill out incident report, to include witness statements.
Field latrines or “cat-holes” can be dug however only in certain dig areas. Portable toilets may be ordered at the unit’s expense. The following list provides numbers for portable toilet companies in the area. You are not limited to these companies; they are listed as a convenience only. A unit representative will be responsible for coordinating drop off and pick up times with the Latrine Company and AHATS TAC.
Biffs Inc……………………………(763) 972-9701
On Site Sanitation………………….(651) 429-3781
Royal Flush………………………...(763) 786-4500
Smilie’s Sewer Service…………….(651) 429-8319
Soderville Portable Toilets………...(763) 434-5442
Before leaving training site, police all trash, wire, pallets, and all other debris. Fill in all holes and remove all roadblocks. If the Training Area is not clean the Unit will be called and be expected to return for proper clean up. Remember, there is no on-site trash disposal; that is a responsibility of the unit. Burying of trash is prohibited.
References: Arden Hills Army Training Site SOP, CampRipleyRange Regulation, CampRipley Leader and Soldier Field Card
I have read the above guidelines and agree to implement them during all training activities.
Unit Representative: ______Date: ______
Signature: Last Name, First Name, Rank