November 5, 2017
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
What’s a vocation? Do you have a vocation? Vocation means “calling.” Each one of us receives a vocation in baptism to join our life to the threefold mission of Christ. Vocations are there- every baptized Christian has one, and so vocations increase every time someone else is baptized.
In baptism we are called to share in Christ’s role as prophet, priest and king. Our participation in Christ’s role as prophet urges us to speak God’s word and guide others to align their lives with the word of God. As baptized people, we are also called to share in Christ’s mission as priest, or mediator between God and humanity. Female, male, young, formerly young, married, divorced, single and widowed people are all priestly people of God. Each one of us is called to share in Christ’s priesthood by praying for one another, living as a bridge between the mundane and the divine and placing the needs of others ahead of our own. When we share in Christ’s kingship, we establish the reign of God in our hearts, and strive for peace and justice through service.
In order to live our threefold Christian vocation more fully, God might guide us to seek the grace in certain sacraments, or we might be guided to a particular way of living. God guides some people to seek the sacrament of Holy Orders so that they might serve as an ordained priest or as a deacon. God invites some people to seek the sacrament of marriage. Some women and men are guided to commit to certain vows as part of a religious community or public consecration. Others live their call as single people.
Last weekend, we had our first Family Fun Day of the year. It was a Halloween inspired activity called Saints: Superheroes of Faith. We played a game, made some crafts and ate pizza while we learned about how the saints lived as God has called them. The children and adults decorated a prayer mural which we will be displaying in our Faith Formation building, and they made some postcards we will be sending to parishioners who have asked for our prayers.
I was so inspired by the volunteers who helped make this event a success. They sacrificed their time, they guided others to God’s word, and they helped to build God’s kingdom. They answered a call to serve God and God’s people. They were happy, friendly and enthusiastic. They were shining examples of adults who were living the universal vocation of Christian service.
Beginning Sunday, November 5, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops asks us to join in an annual week of prayer for vocations. Next weekend, we’ll be joined by a few men in our diocese who are preparing for the ordained priesthood, and we’ll hear their vocation story. Your story might be different from theirs. My story is too. Don’t let your story block out God’s voice. Remember that you have just as great a calling as anyone else to share in the universal priesthood of Christ that each one of receives by virtue of Christian baptism.
What’s your vocation? Are you living your call? Are you listening?
Your pastoral associate,
Elena V. Brandt
P.S. If you’d like to learn more about what I’ve discussed, take a look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1268, #1546, #1547. I can also send you a link to the Catechism online and other resources if you send me an email.
Mass Intentions
GB=Gibbstown PB=Paulsboro SB=Swedesboro
BTM=Baptism During MassMH= Ministerio Hispano
Saturday, November 4, 2017
9:00 am SBDonald Ziegler r/o John & Dona Fogarty
4:30 pm GBMichael Chew r/o His Family
Sunday, November 5, 2017
8:00 am SBAndrew Tanzola r/o Fred & Agnes Musumeci
9:30 am GBNancy Mackin r/o Her Family
Salvatorina Clemente r/o Her Parents, Armondo &
9:30 am SB Luis Rodriguez Hernandez r/o Trani Family– MH
11:00 am SBTrudy Squarcia r/o Jim Squarcia & Children
4:30 pm SB People of the Parish
Monday, November 6, 2017
8:30 amPBPeople of the Parish
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
8:30 am GBHarry S. Lombardo r/o The Family
6:30 pm SB People of the Parish - MH
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
8:30 am GBDonald Ziegler r/o John & Dona Fogarty
Thursday, November 9, 2017
8:30 am SB Rosario r/o Pasqualino & Ann Marie Vorrasi
Friday, November 10, 2017
8:30 am SBKathleen Morrison Vuk r/o Carole & Bill Dupper
Saturday, November 11, 2017
9:00 am SBDeparted Souls of Legion of Mary r/o Legion of Mary
4:30 pm GBSpecial Intention r/o Rosemarie Gilcrest
Sunday, November 12, 2017
8:00 am SB Jean Coppola
9:30 am GBDolores Landolfi r/o Tera Mahana
Salvador Veracchio r/o John & Sherri Marcucci &
Daniel Farr r/o Mrs. Dariano & The Third Grade
9:30 am SBPeople of the Parish–MH
11:00 am SBMichael Grottini r/o His Parents
4:30 pm SB Sarah Magyar r/o Sholette Family
The Pro-Life Rosein Swedesboro is in memory of
Joe Drager r/o Cookie
The Tabernacle Candlein Swedesborowill burn this weekfor
Dennis Conneen r/o Vince & Elaine Long
Prayer List Michelle Barr, Paula Brickner, John Burzichelli, Michael Campbell, Richard Carotenuto, Charles Clerecuzio, Dee Conrad, Davis Family,Mark Dawalt, Andrew DiFonzo, Mikey DiPaolo, Rosemarie Edl, Larry Ferringo, Joseph Funari, Mark Gage, John Gentile, Frances Gargiulo, Domenica Ferretti Grant, Toni Giorgianni-Gray,Austin Grubb, Reginald Hall, Kenley Kuhn, Jack Kuntsmann, Cheryl Llyod, Bruce & Kate Macphail, Palmina Mami, Dan Morlachetta,Judy Nastasi, Yesenia Vazquez Pagan, Alfio Patane, Benny Patten, Sr., Benny Patten, Jr., Virginia Patten, Geraldine Plucinski, Martha Rastelli, Carolyn Reistle,Zach Rizzuto, Marie String, Harry Sullivan, Mary Ellen Szwejkowski, Pasquale Tropiano, Shelby Turner, RichardViola and Susan Webster.
Pray for our Service Men and WomenGM3AlexCurran, Mason Harris, Mitchell Harris, Lt. David Kehoe, Lt. Jeffrey Riggs,HN Michael C. Rutcosky, Jr., Harley K. Sarmiento, Daryn Smith, Lt. Cdr. Sarah Turse EOD and the Diocese of Camden Clergy who serve in the armed forces.
There will be a second collection next week for Parish Improvement
Week at a Glance
Sunday, November 5, 2017
9:30amChildren’s Liturgy of the Word – GB Convent LL
11:00 amBaptisms – GB Church
2:00 pmBingo – PB GARS Gym
7:15 pm12-Step Program – SB Parish Office
Monday, November 6, 2017
7:00 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal – SB Church
8:00 pmKnights of Columbus – SB Parish Hall
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
4:00 pmLegion of Mary – SB Parish Office
7:00 pmKnights of Columbus -PB Ministry House
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
7:00 pmBible Study – Parish Office 2nd Floor Conf. Rm.
8:00 pmAA Meeting – GB Convent LL
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017
9:00 amEucharistic Adoration – SB Church
Saturday, November 11, 2017
10:30 amBaptisms – SB Church
7:00 pmBingo – PB GARS Gym
Sunday, November 12, 2017
9:30 amChildren’s Liturgy of the Word – GB Convent LL
11:00 amBaptisms – GB Church
2:00 pm Bingo – PB GARS Gym
7:15 pm 12-Step Program – SB Parish Office
Spiritual Reflections
In Preparation for Sunday, November 12, 2017
First Reading:Wisdom 6:12-16
Second Reading:1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Mark your calendars for
Tuesday, November 14 at 6:30PM
in Swedesboro!
Earlier in the year, the Diocese of Camden approved of a multi-phase pastoral plan for the future of our parish family!Our pastoral leadership would like to share this exciting information with you. Come and join us as members of our finance council and parish leadership present
the plan for our future!
Baptism Information
Tuesday, November 28 at 7PM in the Swedesboro Office will be the last baptism prep class for 2017. There is no prep class in December, so anyone planning baptism in January should plan to attend the November class. As a reminder,
St. Clare of Assisi Parish does not baptize during Lent.
Faith Formation
The Office of Faith Formation provides spiritual formation in a traditional religious education program (PREP), alternative summer model (ASREP) and home school model (FREM) and children over the age of reason (7) and older who are not baptized or catechized. All students attending Catholic and Public Schools are prepared for sacraments through the Office of Faith Formation. For more info, visit
CAP Sessions
The Office of Child and Youth Protection is
announcing CAP (Child Assault Prevention) sessions.
CAP is the safe environment training program for adults who have regular contact with minors. Attendance is required in order to comply with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The policy of the diocese is that adults will attend CAP once every five years. Adults must attend CAP 1 before attending CAP 2(Bullying Prevention) or CAP 3(Cyber Empowerment). After five years, adults have the option of attending CAP 1, 2 or 3 when they renew their CAP. To attend one of these classes, please email Maryellen Schell at or call the CAP
Registration Line at the Office of Child and Youth
Protection at 856-583-6165. Please leave your name
and the session date you are attending; you will not
receive a call back. Please register at least five days
before the session you would like to attend.
Sunday Nov. 5, 1PM Holy Family Parish
226 Hurffville Rd. Sewell
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 7PM St. Teresa of Calcutta (Good Shepherd School)
100 Lees Avenue, Collingswood
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 7PM St. Rose of Lima Parish
300 Kings Hwy. Haddon Heights
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 7PM, St. Charles Borromeo Parish
176 Stagecoach Rd., Sicklerville
Sunday, Nov.5, 3PM Holy Family Parish
226 Hurffville Rd. Sewell
Knights of Columbus
Annual Hoagie Sale ~ Sat., Nov. 18 Pick up at Parish Hall 9AM-1PM, The Knights will be taking prepaid orders after Masses on the weekend Nov. 11/12.For more information, please call Tony Losito 467-1355.
Guardian Angels Regional School News
GARS Hoagies for Heroes Luncheon in Honor of Veterans ~ Thursday, Nov. 9th 12-2PM
Veterans and their spouses are cordially invited
to our, Hoagies for Heroes Luncheon.
Paulsboro campus gymnasium: 717 Beacon Avenue
This FREE lunch will include sandwiches,
salads, drinks, and desserts.
Please RSVP by Monday, Nov. 6th(856) 423-9440
GARS Fall Open House ~ Monday, Nov. 13th
9:00-10:30AM or 6:30-8:00PM
Explore. Discover. Learn.
Explore our campuses, discover how we encourage our students to excel in the classroom, learn about our after-school activities and athletics.
Explore, discoverlearn at our Fall Open House.
For more information or to RSVP,
please contact the school office (856) 423-9440
Pay bills online?
Then why not give online?
Did you know
St. Clare of Assisi Parish
offers online giving?
Donate directly from checking, savings, and credit card accounts. You can set up recurring or one-time gifts, contribute to specific funds and see your giving history at any time!
Please visit our Parish Website –
and click:
Mass of Remembrance Wednesday, November 15
You are invited to attend a Mass of Remembrance on November 15, 7PM at St. Michael Church in Gibbstown as we honor family and friends who are with God, especially those who have died during the past year.
Remembering Your Deceased during theMonth of November
There will be cutout doves provided at the entrance of the Churches. Please write the names of your loved ones who have died on them and place them in the container. They will be displayed in the Gibbstown Church for the month of November.
Come and Join Us for A Community
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sponsored by the Columbiettes
Sunday, November 19
St. Clare of Assisi Parish Hall
Come together for good food, good friends and good fellowship. Contact Barb 856-467-3066 to let us know how many will be coming. Volunteers and Donations will be welcome but not necessary, all are welcome. Please let us know by Nov. 15 so we can plan for enough food. Thanks, and hope to see you November 19.
Sat. Nov. 11 from 9AM-3:30PM
Queen of the Sea at Saint Mary by-the-Sea
101 Lehigh Ave.
Cape May Point
Donation $35-$45
For registration please call 609-884-8708
We’re going to ISRAEL! NOVEMBER 5-13, 2018
A trip to ISRAEL has been organized from
St. Clare of Assisi Parish!
9 Days travelling with
Fr. Rene Canales and Fr. Dave Grover
Let the Gospels Come Alive for You!
I am EXCITED! I have never been to the Holy Land. What an adventure to experience the homeland of Jesus, and Mary & Joseph… Wow!My mind is already looking to know the connections. When I first visited Ireland, I was amazed that I felt, really felt, a deeper understanding of Grandmother and her stories of life in Ireland. It was powerful for me. I am trying to imagine the connections and understandings I will feel with Jesus in Israel! This is a great opportunity through pilgrimage to embrace the lessons of the Gospels we love and the Gospels that perplex us. A pilgrimage is a journey made in faith, seeking understanding of God’s presence in our lives today. We will journey, celebrate mass together, pray and find the blessings of the pilgrimage that will come home in our hearts and our faith!
Come! Join Fr Rene and I in ISRAEL 2018!
Fr Dave
For more information,r check our parish web * Seating is limited
Saint Michaels Mutual Club
Porkette Sale
Election Day, November 7
Starting at 11:00AM
Giammarino & Memorial Avenue
Saint Michaels will have their famous “Porkette”, Meatball, Sausage & Peppers, Roast Beef, Homemade Soup and Pasta Faggioli
call 856-423-2616 or
for larger takeout orders.
Wednesday, November 29
Rocco’s Town House
21N. 3rd St. Hammonton
Personal Training in Prayer is on at
Theology on Tap
The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal of Atlantic City will be exploring the importance of prayer and communicating with God.
For more info
or join “Theology on Tap-South Jersey” on Facebook or follow “theology on Tap SJ” on Twitter.
Mass of Remembrance for ourDeceased Bishops,
Priests and Deacons
Tues. November 7, 12:05PM
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
642 Market Street, Camden, NJ
Followed by lunch in Cathedral Hall
In a special way, we will remember in those whohave died this past year, especially:
Reverend Marjan L. Bober – Deacon Joseph J. Izzo
Reverend Robert J. Dunphy - Reverend Henry J. McBride
Reverend Joseph M. Hayden – Reverend Jerome C. Romanowski
Deacon John A. Schiavo
Health & Fitness Fair
Wednesday Nov. 8,
Woolwich Fire House
Featuring the Mamo Van,Derma Scanand
much more…