Regular Session February 11, 2008
6:00 p.m. HoraceO.PorterSchool at College Hill
Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Mt.PleasantMiddle School students, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Jerry Lassiter, Chet Rhodes, Hoyt Gardner, Talvin Barner, Loretta Goodloe, Steve Kindler, Greg Ladd, Joe Foster, Tommy Dudley and Daniel McCulley.
The Chair asked that Recognitions be moved forward on the Agenda.
Literacy Leaders presented the Academic Showcase and provided an overview of the great work being done in elementary classrooms in the system.
CentralHigh School Bowling Team and Coaches were introduced as the TSSAA State Champions. They were commended for their success both on the bowling team and in the classroom.
SCOPE Delegates were introduced by Supervisor of Secondary Education-Rick Robinson and presented Certificates of Recognition for their participation in the program.
The Director introduced Sharon Kinnard as the new Grant and Communication Specialist and Sharron Cantrell as the newly appointed SHES Assistant Principal.
Upon a motion by Mr. Kindler, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved the Agenda with following revisions: Mr. Rhodes request to have explanations regarding VI Consent Items Other F D and Mr. McCulley’s request to move VIII Other Business D 2 and 3 to Consent Items. (Mr. Rhodes objected to D2 and it remained where listed.) The Director asked to add approval of Resolution of House Bill 9 to Business A 1.
Rhonda Burkeen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership reminded the audience that February is Black History Month and a time of reflection and learning about events that have taken place over a course of time. In honor of Read Across America and Black History Month, two McDowell Elementary students read in celebration of these two events. JaTeya Benderman read a poem by African-American poetry writer Maya Angelou and Nick Gay read a story by Dr. Seuss.
Upon a motion byMr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved: Minutes (January 10, 2008 Regular Meeting and January 17,2008 Special Called Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving request from Assoc. of School Librarians to use the library at Wright Elementary Feb. 2, 2008 from 10 am until 2 pm for executive meeting with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Martin Luther King Celebration 2008 to use two schoolbuses with drivers Jan. 10, 2008 from 5 until 7 pm as part of celebration; request for Volunteer Coach: MPHS-Tim Holt-bus driver; request from Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club to use the cafeteria at MPHS Jan. 11, 2008 from 3:30 until 6:30 pm for fundraiser chili supper with all use of facilities fees waived; request for student trip: SHHS Band Competition-MTSU-Jan. 10-12, 2008; request for student trip: Cox-Mid-State Band Competition-MTSU-January 10-12, 2008; request for student trip: Central High Band Competition-MTSU-January 10-12, 2008; request from parent Beth Moser to allow her daughter attend Central High the remainder of the 2007-08SY-she presently attends Hampshire Unit School out-of-zone; request from Maury County Arts Guild to use the auditorium at Central High Jan. 26-27, 2008 from 11 am until 6 pm for auditions with all use of facilities fees waived; request from MPHS to declare surplus property with a value of less than $250 and the property donated to MPHS Athletic Booster to be sold as a fundraiser event; request from Maury County NAACP to use the auditorium at MPMS 1-20-08 from 4 until 8 pm for Martin Luther King Concert Celebration 2008 with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Columbia Soccer Assoc. to use the gymnasium at McDowell Elementary Jan./Mar. 2008 for indoor soccer practice with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Maury Regional Hospital/Middle TN Women’s Health Group to use the auditorium, cafeteria, hallway and bathrooms Feb. 23, 2008 from 7 am until 5 pm for Mothers/Daughters Day with the following use of facilities fees to apply: Facility Fee $150-Custodian $150=$300 due and payable to SHHS on or before the event-Utilities $200 due and payable to MCPS on or before the event; request for Volunteer Coach: SHHS basketball-Stephanie Hewitt; request for student trip: MPHS Band Conference-MTSU-Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2008; request for student trip: Central Band Contest-Martin, TN-Jan. 24-26, 2008; request for student trip: Central Band Contest-Clarksville, TN-Feb. 7-9, 2008; request for student trip: SHHS Bowling Team Competition; Chattanooga, TN-Jan. 18-21, 2008; request from Mediation Center/MKL Committee to use the auditorium and concession stand at Central High Jan. 20, 2008 from noon to 10 pm for concert with the following use of facilities fees to apply: custodian $150 due and payable to MCPS on or before the event; request from Maury Monarchs to use the practice gym at Culleoka School Saturdays Jan./April 2008 from 8 am until 12 pm for practice with all use of facilities fees waived; request for student trip: Central Bowling tournament-Smyrna, TN-Jan. 23-25, 2008, Attendance Report, the following student trips:
1. SHHS Boys Soccer Tournament-Tullahoma, TN-April 18-19, 2008
2. Culleoka FBLA National Conference-Atlanta, GA-June 26-29, 2008
3. Culleoka Physics Class Enrichment Trip-Louisville, KY-May 9, 2008
4. SHHS Band Festival-Tennessee Tech University-February 14-16, 2008
5. SHHS Interact Club/FCCLA-Outdoor Classroom-Louisville, KY-May 9, 2008
6. SHHSFBLAStateConference-Chattanooga, TN-April 7-12, 2008
7. CulleokaFFAStateConvention-Burns, TN-February 15-16, 2008
8. Culleoka DECA State Competition-Marriott Cool Springs-March 5-8, 2008
9. Culleoka DECA National Competition-Atlanta, GA-April 25-29, 2008
10. SHHS Health Science Study Group-Atlanta, GA-April 25, 2008
11. MPHSDECAState Competition-Clarksville-March 28-29, 2008
12. Woodard Elementary Chorus Competition-St. Louis, MO-May 2-4, 2008
13. Central NJROTC USMC Base-Quantico, VA/WashingtonDC-March 24-28, 2008
14. SHHS Operation PRIDE-Huntsville, AL-February 16, 2008
15. SHHS JROTC Leadership Training-Ft. Knox, KY-April 25-26, 2008
16. SHHS JROTC Leadership Training-Red Stone Arsenal, AL-Feb. 15-16, 2008
17. SHHS HOSA Leadership Conf.-Chattanooga, TN-March 16-19, 2008
18. Santa FeFFAStateConvention-Gatlinburg, TN-March 30-Apirl 2, 2008
19. SHHSFFAStateConvention-Gatlinburg, TN-March 30-April 2, 2008
20. MPHSFFAStateConvention-Gatlinburg, TN-March 30-April 2, 2008
21. CulleokaFFAStateConvention-Gatlinburg, TN-March 30-April 2, 2008,
Board Members notification from Hampshire Unit School of acceptance of $1,500 from Athletic Booster
Clubto support minor sports; notification from Santa FeUnitSchool of acceptance of white boards for 7 classrooms from PTSO; notification from Central High of acceptance of $5,000 from Dr. Jim Craig
Endowment Fund to assist students at CHS; notification from MPMS KOS Foundation of acceptance of $5,000 from the Community Enhancement Grant,
the following volunteer coaches:
Santa Fe Unit School-Michael Warf-Baseball
SHHS/Cox Middle School-Alan Rice-Music
MPMS-William Ring-Baseball,
request from Maury County Bridle & Saddle Club to use system bus and driver for Mule Day Wagon Train,
request from Special Education Department staff to make application forAssistive Technology Grant for $35,000, AYP Grant for $25,000 and Inclusion Grant for $125,000and request from Supervisor of Transportation and Safe Schools to make application for Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Fiscal Year 2008 Grant, with staff to prepare and submit amendments, addenda and correspondence pertaining thereto and Master Lease Agreement/Apple Computer.
Supervisor of Special Education Kelley Woodside and Supervisor of Transportation and Safe Schools Bobby Anderson provided specifics of grant applications listed above.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Dudley, Board approved support of Tennessee House Bill 9, Senate Bill 277 that would allow K-12 lottery money to be used to fund capital school projects when divided equally among the 95 Tennessee counties. It was noted that both TSBA and TOSS support this bill.
A. Committee Reports
Policy Committee Chair Joe Foster, on behalf of the Committee, recommended approval of revisions to Policy 6.300 (Discipline Plan), Policy 6.310 (Dress Code) and Policy 6.405 (Medications). Mr. Barner asked that they be addressed individually. Board approved revisions to Policy 6.405 (Medications).
Mr. McCulley made an amendment motionto remove jeans from the dress code and it was seconded by Mr. Kindler. This amendment was to the Committee Chair’s original motion to approve revisions to Policy 6.310. Amendment motion failed with Mr. McCulley, Mr. Dudley and Mr. Gardner voting yes and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. Daniels, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner, Mr. Lassiter and Mr. Ladd voting no.
Mr. Rhodes motion to waive Policy 1.700 (Policy Development and Adoption) in order to hear from a member of the audience was seconded by Mr. Barner. Motion failed to receive necessary 2/3 vote with Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner and Mr. Lassiter voting yes and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Ladd and Mr. Gardner voting no.
Mr. Lassiter’s amendment motion to keep the current policy but to include stripes in shirts, pants to be 1” above or below the waist and inseam appropriate to size was seconded by Mr. Gardner. Second was withdrawn by Mr. Gardner. Mr. McCulley called for question for original motion. Mr. Rhodes objected. Upon a roll call vote, call for question carried with Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner and Mr. Lassiter voting no and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Ladd and Mr. Gardner voting yes. Original motion to approve revisions to Policy 6.310 (Dress Code) with word pants changed topants and/or jeans on line 12, page 2 was approved with Mr. Lassiter voting no, Mr. Rhodes abstaining and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Barner, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Gardner, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Dudley and Ms. Goodloe voting yes.
Mr. Rhodes challenged the ruling of the Chair and called him out-of-order regarding the amendment motion made by Mr. Lassiter for current policy to include stripes, etc. With a roll call vote, Mr. Rhodes’ challenge failed with Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Lassiter voting in favor, Mr. Barner abstaining and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Ladd and Mr. Gardner voting against.
With the original motion by the Committee Chairto recommend approval and after discussion, Board approved revisions to Policy 6.300 (Discipline Plan). Mr. Barner voiced his objection to any suspension related to dress code.
Policy Committee Chair Joe Foster, on behalf of the Committee, recommended approval to post the required time Policy 1.601 (Hearing Requests), Policy 6.4031 Pediculosis (Head Lice), Policy 2.500 (Depository of Funds) and Policy 4.704 (Promotion/Retention). Board approved.
There was Board Discussion regarding Policy 4.904 (Prayer and Period of Silence). The Director, as asked by the Board, has requested an Attorney General’s opinion regarding this issue and is awaiting a response.
After discussion Community Relations Committee Chair Loretta Goodloe stated two dates had been tentatively scheduled for the Goals and Planning Meetings Mr. Rhodes had requested. They are: Tuesday March 4, 20084:30 pm – Tuesday April 8, 20084:30 pm. Mr. Rhodes motion to approve these two dates was seconded by Mr. Barner. Mr. Gardner’s amendment motion to take this issue to the Committee for their review did not receive a second. Board agreed to the two dates with a roll call vote. Mr. Kindler, Mr. Daniels, Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Ladd and Mr. Gardner voted no and Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner and Mr. Lassiter voted yes.
Mr. McCulley’s motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Mr. Ladd. Motion failed with Ms. Goodloe and Mr. Gardner voting yes and Mr. Kindler, Mr. Foster, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner, Mr. Lassiter and Mr. Ladd voting no.
B. Personnel
Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved request for Band consultant, Alan Rice, to work with CoxMiddle School students with cost for enrichment to be paid with fundraising money from band and fingerprinting/background check fee funded by SHHS and Cox Band Programs.
C. Instruction
Maury County AYP Graduation and Dropout Data was provided to Board Members for their information.
Mr. Barner asked for additional information from Supervisor of Attendance and Discipline Mary Carter’s office regarding how the drop-out rate and graduation rate are correlated specifically in District 3. He asked for the information for the past three years.
Director Hickman provided information regarding the High School Transition Policy and Career & Technical Education Changes. Future meetings will be held to better inform the public.
D. Finance
Manager of Business & Finance Walter Bobo provided his Report of Monthly Revenues & Expenditures.
Upon a motion by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved Budget Amendment BA8031, BA8035, BA8039, BA8040, BA8041, BA8042, BA8043, BA8044, BA8045, BA8046, BA8047 and BA8048.
E. Other
Board Members were reminded of TSBADay on the HillFebruary 26, 2008 and encouraged to attend.
Director of Schools’ Report on Personnel was provided to Board Members for their information as follows:
The Director of Schools has approved the election of the following personnel:
Carol Nuber, Systemwide ELL Teacher, effective January 2, 2008
Kayla Daniel, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Interim Teacher, effective January 4, 2008
Cindy Clinton, Systemwide ELL Teacher, effective January 2, 2008
Sheri Gray, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Interim Teacher, effective January 2, 2008
Matt Yuhas, Culleoka Unit School Interim High School English Teacher, effectiveJanuary 22, 2008
Amy Case, Spring Hill Elementary School Sp. Education Pre-K Teacher, effectiveJanuary 7, 2008
Stacy Huey, HoraceO.PorterSchool @ College Hill Skills Acquisition Teacher,effective January 8, 2008
Jamie Kees, R. Howell Elementary School Sp. Education Teacher, effective January11, 2008
Miranda Kilpatrick, Marvin Wright Elementary School Music Teacher, effectiveJanuary 7, 2008
Carla Meyer, SpringHillElementary School 2nd Grade Teacher, effective January 4,2008
Penelope Miller, McDowell Elementary School Teacher, effective January 2, 2008
Robert Plunk, E.A. Cox Middle School Assistant Principal, effective January 2, 2008
Lisa Bean, E.A. Cox Middle School Sp. Ed. Inclusion Assistant, effective January 7, 2008
Donna Cunningham, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effectiveJanuary 7, 2008
Shelly Calderhead, Marvin Wright Elementary School Educational Assistant, effective January 7, 2008
Lesa Jackson, Spring Hill Elementary School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate,effective
January 4, 2008
Teresa Beard, Spring Hill High School Interim Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effectiveJanuary 14, 2008
Sandra Kay Johnson, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effectiveJanuary 10, 2008
Margie Israel, McDowell Elementary School Interim Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant,effective January 14,2008
Gail Landers, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective January21, 2008
Terry B. Fox, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective January 21, 2008
Lea Ann Scott, Culleoka Unit School Part-time Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effectiveJanuary 18, 2008
Amanda Burcham, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Part-time Reading Interventionist, effective January 24,
Donnie Boshers, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effectiveJanuary 22, 2008
Amanda Adkins, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective January 25, 2008
Patricia Dooley, Highland ParkElementary School Interim Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant,
effective January 25, 2008
John Smoke, Whitthorne Middle School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, effective January 24, 2008
Sandra Welch, Central High School Cafeteria Interim Food Service Associate, effectiveJanuary 24, 2008
Donna Burns, Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective January31, 2008
Lillian Oakley, Brown Elementary School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate,effective January 31, 2008
Transfers and Assignments:
Richard Godfrey, SpringHillHigh School Math Teacher, to Spring Hill High School P.E.
Teacher, effective January 3, 2008
Sharon Kinnard, WhitthorneMiddle School Teacher, to Central Office Communication/
Grant Writer Coordinator, effective January 14, 2008
Sharon Cantrell, WhitthorneMiddle School Teacher, to SpringHillElementary School
Assistant Principal, effective January 18, 2008
Ricky Clifton Broadway, McDowellElementary School Teacher, to Central Office
Attendance Technology Facilitating Teacher, effective January 16, 2008
Ernestina Heller-Kutz, R. Howell Elementary School ELL Teacher, to Spring Hill High
School Spanish Teacher, effective January 28, 2008
Kathy Parks, CentralHigh School Math Teacher, to CentralHigh School Science Teacher,
effective January 3, 2008
Sandra Davis, CentralHigh School Interim Sp. Ed. Clerk, to CentralHigh School Full-time
Sp. Ed. Clerk, effective January 3, 2008
Kaye Foster, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, to Transportation Sp. Ed. Attendant,
effective January 9, 2008
Tommy Schuyler, Systemwide Network Systems Administrator, to Systemwide Manager
of Instructional Technology, effective January 16, 2008
Kathy Parkerson, SpringHillElementary School Pre-K Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, to
Spring Hill Elementary School LPN/Pre-K Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effectiveJanuary 17, 2008
Tina Cummins, WhitthorneMiddle School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, to
Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective January 18, 2008
Mary Stovall, E.A.CoxMiddle School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, to
Whitthorne Middle School Cafeteria Full-time Food Service Associate, effective
January 24, 2008
Jeri Foutch, Central Office Executive Secretary, to Central Office Assistant Purchasing
Agent, effective February 1, 2008
Laverne Williams, E.A.CoxMiddle School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate, to
Countywide Cafeteria Substitute Food Service Associate, effective February 1, 2008
Linda Armstrong, Central High School Interim Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, to Central
High School Full-time Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective January 31, 2008
Leaves of absences:
Kimberly Staggs, Woodard Elementary School Resource Teacher, medical leave from
February 5, 2008 to March 19, 2008, using 5 sick days, remaining days without pay
Elizabeth Gurchiek, Highland Park Elementary School Teacher, extension of medical leave
from January 7, 2008 to February 5, 2008, using 21 sick days
Mark Dillon, Central High School Teacher, extension of medical leave from January 2,
2008 to January 15, 2008, leave without pay
Delores Blankenship, Mt. Pleasant High School Teacher, personal leave from February 5,
2008 to February 6, 2008, 2 days without pay