Video Guide


  1. Describe Russia?
  1. How is/was Russia different from rest of Europe?
  1. What time period is considered the birth of Russia? By what Dynastic family?
  1. Who are the many people that inhabit Russia then and now?
  1. What geographically connected Russia and was essential to expansion?
  1. What was the greatest of the cities?
  1. Identify Vladimir
  1. According to Vladimir, what was the key to unification?
  2. How did Constantinople influence Vladimir?
  1. How did the Mongols affect the land of the rus?
  1. Identify the Golden Horde?
  1. What was the significance of the city of Moscow?
  1. How did the city win the favor of the Mongols?
  1. When and who cut the money ties to the Mongols?
  1. Who took the first unofficial title of TSAR?
  1. When and to whom did Constantinople fall to the Ottoman Turks?
  1. Where did the double eagle symbol come from?
  1. What does the word CZAR mean?
  1. Identify the Kremlin?
  1. How did Ivan III change life in Russia?
  1. Explain the prophecies regarding Ivan III son?
  1. Identify Ivan the Terrible?
  1. Who were the boyars?
  1. What happened during Ivan’s boyhood?
  1. How did Ivan handle the threat of the boyars?


  1. Explain the coronation ceremony of Ivan IV in 1547
  1. How did Ivan IV centralize and control Russia?
  1. Discuss the powers of Ivan IV?
  1. Define autocracy –
  1. How did Ivan IV build an Empire?
  1. How did Ivan IV commemorate his victories?
  1. When and Why did fate change for Ivan?
  1. How did this change Ivan IV?
  1. Why did the Czar turn on his advisors?
  1. Why did Ivan IV leave the country?
  1. What was the result of him leaving?
  1. What conditions did Ivan IV return under?
  1. Define oprichniks –
  1. Why did Ivan IV massacre entire families?
  1. How long did Ivan wage war on his own country?
  1. What happened when the Tartars invaded?
  1. How did Ivan react?
  1. Discuss Ivan’s pattern of marriage?
  1. Who would succeed the throne after Ivan?
  1. What was the fate of Ivan IV son?
  1. Describe the Time of Troubles?
  1. How did people survive?
  1. How many different men claimed the title of Czar?
  1. What groups tried to conquer Russia?
  1. When and Who is considered the founder of the Romanov dynasty?
  1. How were the nobles rewarded (broad base of support)?
  1. Define serfdom –
  1. What reforms did the Alexis Romanov make?
  1. What territories did Russia seek to control?
  1. Who would succeed Alexis?
  1. How did Sophia treat Peter and his family?
  1. Why did Sophia refrain from killing Peter?
  1. Why was Sophia never crowned Tsar?
  1. Describe Peter I (Great):
  1. What happened to Sophia?
  1. What happened to Ivan V?
  1. What did Peter hope for Russia?
  1. What was the main problem for Peter and Russia?
  1. Where did Peter hope to gain a “warm water port”?
  1. Was he successful? What action did he take as a result?
  1. What did this say about the characteristics of Peter’s personality?
  1. How did Peter shatter tradition?
  1. Why did Peter disguise his title?
  1. What happened 16 months after Peter had left Russia?
  1. What changes did Peter hope to make?
  1. How did Peter change people’s appearance?
  1. Identify the Streltzi:
  1. What was the “window to the west”?
  1. Identify the Great Northern War:
  1. How did Peter react to the defeat?
  1. What is the term of service for the Russian army?
  1. Why did Peter want to create a NEW city?
  1. What was the cost of the building of St. Petersburg?
  1. What innovations did Peter incorporate into Russian culture?
  1. What new title did Peter take? Why?



Video Guide


  1. Who succeeded Peter I?
  1. Who did Elizabeth name as her successor?
  1. Identify Peter III:
  1. Who did Elizabeth choose as a wife for Peter III?
  1. Describe the relationship between Catherine and Peter:
  1. What was the biggest threat to Catherine’s power?
  1. How did Catherine assimilate into Russian culture?
  1. How did Peter III threaten his wife Catherine?
  1. Who did Russia engage in warfare?
  1. Identify Gregory Orlov?
  1. What were the first actions of Peter III as Czar of Russia?
  1. What was the fate of Peter III?
  1. Why is this truly Machiavellian?
  1. Describe the accomplishments of Catherine II?
  1. What was the date and era in which Catherine seized the throne?
  1. What was the dangerous paradox?
  1. What happened in 1773?
  1. What were the goals of Pugachev?
  1. How did Catherine respond to his rebellion?
  1. How did effect Catherine’s rule?
  1. Survival in Russia depended upon?
  1. Why was expansion beneficial? To whom?
  1. Identify Potemkin:
  2. What happened in 1784?
  1. What was the population of Russia during Catherine’s reign?
  1. What caused Catherine to doubt Enlightenment ideals?
  1. Why was Catherine’s son Paul so dangerous?
  1. Identify Alexander I:
  1. How long did Catherine rule?
  1. How did Catherine die?
  1. Compare/Contrast Napoleon I and Alexander I:
  1. What was the decree created by Paul I?
  1. What was the fate of Paul?
  1. What was the constant military strategy of Russia?
  1. Describe the Battle of Borodino?
  1. How many miles were the French from home?
  1. What happened to the city of Moscow?
  1. How long was the country of France engaged in revolution and war?
  1. What revolutionary ideas influenced the Russian soldiers?
  1. Identify Nicholas I:
  1. Describe the Decembrist Revolt of 1825:
  1. Describe politics in Russia:
  1. Identify Alexander Pushkin:
  1. Identify the ideology that spread across Western Europe in 1848:
  1. What role did Russia play in the revolutions of 1848:
  1. What was the significance of the Crimean War for Russia?
  1. Who succeeded Nicholas I:
  2. What reforms were created by Alexander II?
  1. Which reform was considered his crowning achievement?
  1. What year did Alexander emancipate the serfs?
  1. What were the flaws of the emancipation?
  1. Identify the Peoples Will:
  1. What was the fate of Alexander II?
  1. How did this affect the role of the Czar?
  1. Who succeeded Alexander II?
  1. Who’s brother was executed in an attempted assassination of Czar Alexander III?
  1. Identify Lenin:
  1. Who succeeded Alexander III?
  2. Identify Nicholas II:
  1. Describe Nicholas II wife:
  1. Identify the results of the Russo-Japanese War 1905?
  1. Who was the heir to the throne?
  1. What was considered the curse of the Romanov family?
  1. Describe Bloody Sunday:
  1. How many people died?
  1. What was the significance of Bloody Sunday?
  1. Identify the October Manifesto:
  1. Describe the beliefs of Nicholas II:
  1. Identify Rasputin:
  1. How did the people of Russia view Rasputin?
  1. How long did the Romanov’s hold power?
  1. What happened in 1914?
  1. How many Russians fought and died in WWI?
  1. What was Lenin’s slogan?
  1. What was the fate of Rasputin?
  1. What happened in February 1917?
  1. How long were revolutionaries plotting for this day?
  1. What was the demand of the Duma?
  1. How did Nicholas II react?
  1. What happened in October 1917?
  1. What was the fate of the Romanov family?
  1. How were the Communist rulers or Russia ironically similar to the past Czars?