Puffin Class

Here’s to an exciting and successful new school year.

Welcome to Year 4!

“Rolling down the river”

To start our year we will be composing free verse poems about rivers and penning non-chronological reports using our new found knowledge of rivers. We will be exploring imaginary worlds in English and challenging ourselves to write engaging narratives using exciting and interesting vocabulary choices!
During our geography lessons, we will be identifying rivers in Britain and locating them on maps of the UK. We will conduct a fascinating case study on The River Thames as well as looking at how rivers are formed and the impact they have on the landscape around us.

We will also be learning about the water cycle and how this affects rivers.

Lab coats at the ready – its chemistry time!

During Science lessons we will be focusing on different states of matter and the different processes involved. This is displayed perfectly in the water cycle through; evaporation, condensation and precipitation and therefore links beautifully to our topic.


In addition to this, we will be looking at impressionism in art; focusing particularly on art inspired by water by Monet. We will be looking at the features of the movement and trying to create our own pieces of art using this style and inspiration.

Have you ever heard of Monet?

In Maths we will be exploring place value. We are moving on to numbers up to 1000 and beyond!

As it is our first half term back, we will also be refamiliarising ourselves with the formal written methods that the children learnt last year for all four operations; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. I am looking forward to achieving our learning outcomes and applying our skills to solve practical and visual problems.

As always, RE will be covered weekly with a focus on Harvest time. We will be reflecting upon the idea of belonging to each other. As well as considering what we are thankful for and how we, as a nation, are very fortunate.

It’s going to be a jam-packed first half-term in Year 4, I hope you’re ready!
Miss Parry