CRCPHP P/F Study Grant Program 2013-2014

2013-2014 CRCPHP Pilot and Feasibility (P/F) Study
Grant Program Announcement

LOI Due Date July 23, 2013

MEZCOPH’s Canyon Ranch Center for Prevention and Health Promotion (CRCPHP) will fund one to three P/F studies during the 2013-2014 academic year. Studies must be related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity. The funds will serve to stimulate research and support collaboration that will strengthen the overall mission and specific goals of the CRCPHP (see below).

Research Focus: The P/F studies may focus on any area of research related to nutrition, physical activity, or obesity and are designed to 1) provide initial project support; 2) allow exploration of possible new directions for established investigators; 3) stimulate investigators from other areas of endeavor to use their expertise for nutrition/obesity research, and 4) support collaboration among academic, community, and public health stakeholders in the pursuit of addressing health disparities.

Additionally, studies that demonstrate the following characteristics are preferred:

·  Alignment with CRCPHP mission and goals, specifically: a focus on Tucson and/or greater Tucson communities; a focus on addressing health disparities that prevent individuals from attaining optimal health.

·  Collaboration with community partners and/or public health stakeholders, whether in terms of planning, implementation, and/or interpretation/dissemination of results.

·  A translational research process, which is defined by the National Institutes of Health as follows (emphasis added):

Translational research includes two areas of translation. One is the process of applying discoveries generated during research in the laboratory, and in preclinical studies, to the development of trials and studies in humans. The second area of translation concerns research aimed at enhancing the adoption of best practices in the community. (

Eligibility: Applicants to the P/F Study Grant Program must be a Member of the CRCPHP. A membership application can be submitted along with a Letter of Intent to Apply. Eligible applicants to the P/F Study Grant Program will also meet the following criteria:

·  Rank:

o  Center Member Faculty (research assistant professor, assistant professor, tenured, tenure eligible, or NTE tracks) or Academic Professionals whose primary appointment is within MEZCOPH, OR

o  Center Member Faculty (research assistant professor, assistant professor, tenure or tenure eligible) or Academic Professionals whose primary appointment is in another UA college or department, AND who identifies a MEZCOPH-affiliated Co-Investigator.

·  Priority is for new investigators (less than associate rank). These PIs must identify a senior faculty member who will agree to provide guidance throughout the conduct of the proposed study.

Funding Level and Period: Studies will be funded up to $30,000 for a 12-month grant period. The actual amount of funding available per grantee will be based the number of competitive applications and will range from $15,000 to $30,000.

Deliverables: Acceptance of funding will indicate agreement to present study findings at a professional/research conference, and to submit of a grant for extramural funding. Progress reports will be due at Month 6, and a final report will be due within 30 days of the end of the 12-month grant period.

Procedure: Application reviews will be completed using a 2-step process. Please send all application materials electronically to Jennifer Peters ().

Step One: Letter of Intent & Supporting Documents. Due date: July 23, 2013.
Submit a Letter of Intent (1-page) and the following supporting documents:

·  The completed Application Checklist (attached)

·  PI bio-sketch

·  Abstract of intent (≤500 words) with the following components:

o  Background and/or rationale for the study.

o  Specific aims (hypothesis and/or objectives).

o  Significance of the proposed research and its relevance to public health.

o  Unique features and innovation of the study.

o  Approach/methodology (action steps) to be used.

o  Potential impact of the study.

·  CRCPHP Membership application materials (if not already a member)

The CRCPHP Director and the Health Promotion Sciences Division Director will review the Letter of Intent and supporting documents and select the most relevant and competitive for development of a full application.

Step Two: Full Application. Due date: September 3, 2013.
By July 26, 2013, invitations to submit a full application will be sent. The full application will be limited to six-pages (based on NIH R03/R21 format) plus supporting materials. If invited to apply, complete instructions, actual funding level available, and scoring criteria will be provided. Applications will be peer reviewed by a cross-division committee that includes representatives from faculty, AP, and community advisors.

Questions: Please direct questions to Cyndi Thomson () or Jennifer Peters ().

See also: P/F Study Application Checklist

CRCPHP Mission

Membership information at

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