After the 6:00 p.m. Mass
- Opening -Ryan Hogan called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Fr. Brian said opening prayer. Ryan gave update on Sam Dennis’ decision to step down from the council in order to focus on more time with his family. Ryan shared Sam’s well wishes to the council and thankfulness for all the hard work the council had done.
- Roll call-Present: Lynn Barfield, Susan Kramer, Rusty Weatherington, Bob Bauer, Sr. Nuala, Fr. Oscar, Brian Gerber, Lee Crosby, Tony Drake, Rob McGhin, Don Martin, Sr. Justine, Sr. Therese, Jeremy Baker.
- Approval of September Meeting Minutes: Later in the meeting Sr. Nuala wanted further clarification on the November 12 day of reflection and what it entailed. Steve Findlay motioned to approve minutes and Tony Drake seconded.
- Committee Reports – Note: Committee Reports already submitted and read before the meeting will be open for questions if needed. Any reports not submitted in advance may be given at tonight’s meeting.
- Buildings & Maintenance (Tony Drake)-oral report this month
- Tony gave update on the school roof and said it was almost done. Minor repairs were being made. He shared the classrooms were next and should be able to do it at minimum cost. He said the goal was to be done by the summer. Brian Gerber said he would talk to John Davis about materials in the classroom. lights. Estimates on lights in the basement and an outdoor electrical Tony also shared the lights at the St. Francis center were done. Someone donated LED outlet were being made.
- CCW (Colleen Matthews)
- Communications, Evangelization & RCIA (Paul Worth)
- Finance (Ken Hotcaveg)-oral report
- Offeratory collections are up by over $16,000 as compared to September 30 of last year.
- The net income deficit as of September 30 was $54,939. Of that amount approximately $50,000 is attributable to the payment for the roofing project.
- At this point last year our net invome deficit was right at $17,000.
- From an expense standpoint, payroll expenses are about $19,000 over where we were last year. However, this includes one additional bi-weekly, pay period which occurred this quarter which didn’t occur until October of last year.
- Overall, while net income is at a deficit, it appears St. John is in a better financial shape than this point last year.
- Ken then took questions which Fr. Brian wanted to discuss the Bishop’s Annual Appeal and ways to increase participation. Ryan suggested sending another letter to the parish about it. Brian Gerber suggested focusing on the percentage of the parish participating. He suggested that would encourage the parish to participate in some way.
- High School Youth Ministry (Penny & Daniel Storey)
- Hispanic Pastoral Assistance (Cesar Reyes)
- Long Range Planning (Bob Bauer)
- Meals Committee ( Rob and Crystal McGhin)
- Newman Center (Bethanie Bass)
- Parish Life (Tony Barfield, Donna Nolan)
- Pro-Life (Rusty Weatherington)
- Religious Education (Susan Kramer)
- St. Francis Center (Sr. NualaMulleady)
- San Jose (Gilberto Garay)
- School (John Davis)
- Stewardship (Lee Crosby)-oral report this month
- Lee shared the Stewardship campaign was coming to a close by the next meeting. Boards and panels are going to go up at the end of masses with ministries for parish members to sign-up to join. Lay witness speakers will be at each mass (including the 2:00 Spanish mass).
- Year of Mercy-Morning of Reflection Saturday, November 12th-Sr. Ann Dougherty OSF- a Franciscan Sister from Tampa to come speak on Mercy and Forgiveness. Light breakfast and program 9-12
- Sr. Nuala gave the update: The theme for the program will be “Heart of Compassion is the heart of Mercy.” It will be in the bulletin and the council was encouraged to help get the word out about it. The council determined members will need to be at mass on October 29 & 30 and November 4 & 5 to encourage people to sign up. It was determined Parish Life will coordinate food/coffee. There was also discussion of inviting other parishes.
- Passover Dinner-Fr. Brian-Arnie Goodman-March 29, 2017
- Fr. Brian shared that Deacon Arnie Goodman is a former Jewish person from the Columbus diocese. He is coming on March 29to lead a sater dinner. Fr. Brian said it was a great teaching experience as well as social event. Deacon Arnie will be speaking at the masses on November 5 & 6.
- Stations of the Cross-Fr. Brian-Will do with school children, parents, and anyone else interested at school dismissal on Friday afternoons during Lent.
- During dismissal times on Friday, during Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be in the church for the school and Parish.
- Newman Center-Enhancing the Ministry-
- Ryan gave update about Bishop Hartmeyer wants to have Drew involved in Outreach to Catholic students on campus. There are meetings at VSU of faith groups from every many denominations, Ryan said that he would go with Drew to the next one.
- Church Décor-Fr. Brian-Committee: Rusty Weatherington, Rob McGhin, Bethanie Bass, Lynette Kenworthy, Terri Filtz, Doug Farwell (for acoustic input).Fr. Brian would like the committee to come up with a goal and then set stages for accomplishing.
- The members of the committee have been identified. Rusty asked for parameters on what is needed. Fr. Brian suggested the committee to meet and identify what is needed first. Steve suggested the committee look over the whole church and not just behind the altar. Bob advised the committee to look over the 5 year plan that the Long Term Planning committee put together.
- Photo Directory-Is it time? Consensus from committee?
- Ryan brought up the question of was it time for another. The consensus from the council was yes. There was lots of discussion on ways it was done in the past. A suggestion was made to talk to other churches on who they use. The council agreed to try to take pictures around April/May and have the directory come out no later than August. Ryan said he will check around on other options that churches use and report back
- Boy Scout Charter-Steve-We will renew on a trial basis with the stipulation that issues are addressed and fixed. (supervision and respect of property)
- Steve spoke with the boy scout leaders about the boys being supervised and make sure the church property is being respected. Steve also shared the church has the charter but the Knights of Columbus pay for it. Bob asked if we ever had a Girl Scout and Lynn responded that we have a “little flowers” that is based on the Saints. It was also discussed that leadership for a girl scouttroup would be needed in order to move forward on this.
- New Business
- School/Church Security-Steve-Camera's, fencing, preschool playground, backside of middle school building, school and church offices.
- Steve discussed with the school about the cameras being used. He said the cameras are in need of uprades because there are dead spots where the cameras are not getting areas needed. He also suggested adding a gate behind the Pre-K playground and a fence around school property. He said the camera upgrades was a high priority and the gate is not needed immediately and we should consider putting cones up to block individuals from parking near the Pre-K playground. He also said the fence around the school property is secondary to the other two needs. Steve was going to get estimates and bring back to the November Parish Council meeting.
- Fr. Firmin workshop feedback
- Ryan said it was great to give our group a direction to follow. Sr. Nuala liked the openness of the guidelines. Rob asked what the process would be if a Parish member had a concern. Ryan said that part of the reason we had so many council members from diverse areas of the parish was to have people on the council that our parish might be more comfortable speaking with about a concern. The council member would then bring the concern to Ryan and Ryan would bring to the rest of the council for discussion/resolution.
- International Dinner feedback
- Rob thought it was great. He thought it was great to have school parents there who were not Catholic. There was a suggestion to have dance performances. Ryan suggested perhaps involving VSU’s International Programs in the next one.
- Reverse Draw – February 18
- Celine Gladwin asked if she could come give update on the Reverse Draw. She attributed the success of last year’s event to the Parish and their support. Specifically:
- Council of Catholic Women (and spouses) for working guest registration.
- Finance Committee for handling the money for the casino.
- Newman Center for filling in and helping out with multiple areas of support.
Celine asked for help with Silent & Live Auction Items.
Ryan asked for those individual areas to see if they can offer their support once again and an update was to be given at the November meeting. Ryan also asked Celine to let him know that if other areas needed the Parish’s assistance to let him know and he would communicate the need with the Parish Council.
- Adult Classes-Ryan-There has been interest expressed in classes for adults being offered during the Religious Ed time for students
- Due to time Ryan postponed this topic for the November meeting.
- Upcoming Calendar Dates: For parish and school
October 15, 2016------Marriage and family workshop-Laurie Wallace
October 22, 23, 2016------Time and Talent Ministry Fair-speakers at Masses
October 29, 2016------St. John School Road Race?Halloween Carnival
November 12, 2016------Morning of Reflection-Sr.Ann Dougherty
November 27, 2016------Vespers
November 29, 2016------Fr. Brian's 30th Jubilee-Mass and Reception
January 7, 2017------Epiphany Celebration-after the 5:00pm Mass
January 28, 2017------Chili Cookoff
February 2, 2017------Presentation of the Lord Candlemas
February 5,6,7, 2017------Parish Mission-Jon Leonetti
February 11, 2017------Celebration of Marriage Dinner
February 18, 2017------St. John School Reverse Draw
February 26, 2017------Black History Celebration: Presentation/Dinner
March 3, 2017------Lenten Fish Fry
March 29, 2017------Passover Dinner-Deacon Arnie Goodman
- Council Comments
- Jeremy Baker shared the recent Theology on Tap went very well. Deacon Drew lead a great discussion and about 18-20 people came.
- It was shared that Daniel Storey wants to give a personal report at the November meeting.
- Priests Comments-Fr. Brian LaBurt
- Fr. Brian said everyone is working very hard and notably the Stewardship & Finance committees. He also recognized the Right to Life committee and Building & Maintenance for their recent contributions. He shared his positive outlook for the recently formed décor area. He also thanked St. Francis Center, Fr. Oscar, and the office staff for all of their contributions to St. John. Lastly, Fr. Brian wanted to acknowledge Gartland Award winners Lynette Kentworthy& Tony Barfield.
- Closing Prayer
- Fr. Brian lead the closing prayer and the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
Submitted by Ryan Hogan