Graduate College Update

(April 12, 2017)

¨  CELEBRATION!!! Please join the Graduate College as we celebrate a “Returning to Biology” party for Tom Tomasi. The party will be held on Tuesday, May 9 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm in the PSU Ballroom East.

¨  Important Faculty related funding deadlines. Guidelines and applications can be found at

Ø  International Travel Funds. Applications are due in the Graduate College on April 15 (will be accepted on Monday, April 17). Other application deadlines for the year are July 15 and October 15 and January 15. No applications considered between deadlines.

Ø  Faculty Research Grants: Fall applications are due October 1.

¨  Graduation Deadlines

Ø  Applications for Graduation - - students can still apply to graduate but their name will not be printed in the Commencement program.

Ø  April 24 - - Deadline for submission of a Thesis to the Graduate College.

Ø  April 24 - - Deadline for submission of Seminar Report Form to Grad College (for programs requiring form).

Ø  May 11 - - Deadline for submission of Comprehensive Exam Result Form to the Graduate College.

Ø  May 19, 2017 - - Commencement (10:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 5:00 p.m.).

10:00 AM Ceremony: COB

1:30 PM Ceremony: COAL, COE, CHPA

5:00 PM Ceremony: CHHS, CNAS and Darr College of Agriculture

¨  Graduate Program Director’s Meeting III. The next GPD meeting is Tuesday, April 25 from 12:00 – 1:30 in PSU 313. The topic is Program Tuition & Fees Template (Part I) & Graduate Admissions’ Best Practices (Part II).

¨  Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum. The date for the 2017 IDF is Saturday, April 29, 2017. Judges are still needed, and we need your help to include off- campus judges. Please invite colleagues in the community with some experience in graduate education to volunteer and prepare to be amazed. Everyone can volunteer using this form: Any questions about the IDF can be directed to Tom Tomasi ( ). Pictures from the 2016 Forum at

¨  Graduate Student Senate. The next meeting is Tuesday April 25th at 6:00 in (tentatively) Carrington 312. See the GSS webpage for more information: