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TEST INFO: Thursday, 7:40pm, Jadae 619





Twelve-step program summary 10

The Twelve Steps 10

DR. Phil’s 10 Life Laws 11



PARENTING--The Essentials of a Healthy Home 19

Gerunds—Y/N, Info, Know how to translate/answer/make questions from these gerund sentences 30

Present Perfect Continuous Y/N & INFO Know how to translate/answer/make questions from these Present Perfect Continuous sentences 34


You will need to read/know ideas from these topics:

1.  Friendship--seeing, really seeing

2.  12 laws & Life Laws from Dr. Phil

3.  How to change bad habits

4.  Happiness principles part 1
Know the content of the videos on Denmark and Singapore at and be able to answer questions about them as well as use some of the ideas in answers to questions.

5.  Know the parenting principles and how to apply them to other situations.

6.  grammar structures of gerunds and present perfect continuous

7.  Know how to correct grammar mistakes from homework and speeches.

Sample questions I might ask in writing sections or in the interview section:

·  What are 7 of the 10 life laws? Explain how to apply them to your life.

·  What are 5 of the most important ways to be happy according to science and religion?

·  What are 3 ways to be thankful that improve our happiness according to scientists? What is single most effective way to turbocharge your joy according to professor Emmons?

·  Why is religion helpful to happiness?

·  What is one reason that Singapore was not as happy as Denmark according to Blue Zones?

·  Why is Italy so low on the happiness scale?

·  Write down the 5 most important principles of parenting that we have learned about and explain how you will implement them. Write down 2 that we did not discuss in class and why you think they are important.

You can find the mistake corrections and all the handouts from the term online tonight (the mistake corrections are already online) at: click “Dongeui files-info” directory and download files that start with “Advanced Conversation”.

Best of luck to you, but those who are diligent in studying are almost always luckier ;),


XX=a word has been deleted to correct the sentence.

Underlines: words have been changed in some way (tense, singular/plural, order, etc.) to correct the sentence.

Blue parts are the new parts. More questions will come from the speeches mistakes in the first box here…but some will a few/some will come from the second box (from written homework).

1.  I visit many sites last week.
2.  Everyone worry about how to be good parent.
3.  Some kids are going for advices on the street.
4.  I want to know how to be a good parents.
5.  Being a parent is before baby is born.
6.  I grew up hearing like this.
7.  My parents often telling not to do something, but study hard.
8.  I didn’t understand till I graduate from high school.
9.  Childrens have some problem.
10.  It’s important thing to take after child after get a job.
11.  It could be get along with bad friends.
12.  If hard situation happen unexpectedly, you should be ready.
13.  My friends was so sociable.
14.  You’re think is wrong.
15.  My heart is set on being intention.
16.  Don’t against the natural laws.
17.  People want talk about man’s mind.
18.  I feel down when result can’t approach expectations.
19.  It doesn’t work with all the willingness to change bad habits.
20.  Relationship between me and my father have arranged in wrong way.
21.  Whenever there are something I haven’t done, there should be negative consequence.
22.  When they don’t approach my expectations I take it deeply.
23.  Just like youguys I also couldn't stand but wanted to apply my habits which needs to have some changes based on Bissell's class.
24.  Recently like few years ago his health was getting better to normal state, we both began trying to make up our relationship.
25.  Whenever we have small problem, we are really hard at changing something.
26.  There is not much problems.
27.  All of friend study English.
28.  It was magic things in my life.
29.  Watching movie is very good to me.
30.  I used to read a lot of book.
31.  We can be happy by bad habit.
32.  There is 6 steps.
33.  I try to acknowledges bad habit.
34.  She know about a lot of thing.
35.  I want to shares my idea.
36.  I drink a lot of alcohols for funs.
37.  I get used to fail in my works.
38.  Have vision to help them get overing theirs problem.
39.  Some problem I solve, but some I didn’t.
40.  There was one section where I could get some answer
41.  I often have so high expectations.
42.  We’re not so good friends as before.
43.  He giving me a piece of my mind.
44.  I’m so forgotful.
45.  He didn’t drinking alcohol anymore.
46.  I raised my hand for a few times and saw around me.
47.  When you saw documentary on TVs, you can find some law of nature.
48.  Both of us success to quit smoking.
49.  I was just wonder that I made something wrong.
50.  I tried to talking too much.
51.  I didn’t try change my mind.
52.  I need to take attention.
53.  How can I reading a book?
54.  I started to write every task I’m gonna do.
55.  He regrets about that.
56.  I believed her first.
57.  Moreover, I always do couple of things same time
58.  I really regret about my behavior
59.  I couldn't do like that because he was sick with heart problem at that time. /


1.  I visited many sites last week.
2.  Everyone worries about how to be good parents.
3.  Some kids are getting advice from friends on the street.
4.  I want to know how to be a good parent.
5.  Being a good parent is something you must plan before the baby is born.
6.  I grew up hearing XX this.
7.  My parents often tell me not to do something, but study hard.
8.  I didn’t understand this until I graduated from high school.
9.  Children have some problems.
10.  It’s important thing to take care of children after you get a job.
11.  It could help you get along with bad friends.
12.  If a difficult situation happens unexpectedly, you should be ready.
13.  My friends were so sociable.
14.  You’re thinking is wrong.
15.  My heart is set on achieving my intention.
16.  Don’t (live contrary to//fight against) XX natural laws.
17.  People want to talk about men’s feelings.
18.  I feel down when the results don’t match my expectations.
19.  Even though we have the will to change our bad habits, it doesn’t work.
20.  The relationship between me and my father has developed in a wrong way.
21.  Whenever there is something I don’t do as I wish to, there should be a negative consequence.
22.  When they don’t meet my expectations I take it pretty hard.
23.  Just like you guys I also couldn't stand the homework, but wanted to apply the ideas learned from professor Bissell's class to my habits which need to have some changes.
24.  Recently, like a few years ago, his health was getting back to normal, we both began trying to patch up our relationship.
25.  Whenever we have small problems, we have major difficulties at changing our characters.
26.  There are not many problems.
27.  All of my friends were studying English.
28.  It was a magic thing in my life.
29.  Watching movies is very good for me.
30.  I used to read a lot of books.
31.  We can gain happiness by identifying and giving up bad habits.
32.  There are 6 steps.
33.  I try to acknowledge my bad habits.
34.  She knows about a lot of things.
35.  I want to share my idea(s).
36.  I drink a lot of alcohol for fun.
37.  I have gotten used to failing in my work.
38.  Have a vision to help them get over their problems.
39.  Some problems I have solved, but some I didn’t.
40.  There was one section where I was able to find some answers.
41.  I often have such high expectations.
42.  We’re not as good friends as before.
43.  He gave me a piece of his mind.
44.  I’m so forgetful.
45.  He didn’t drink alcohol anymore.
46.  I raised my hand XX a few times and looked around me.
47.  When you see documentaries on TV, you can recognize some laws of nature.
48.  Both of us succeeded in quitting smoking.
49.  I was just wondering if I have done something wrong.
50.  I tried to talk too much.
51.  I didn’t try to change my mind.
52.  I need to pay attention.
53.  How can I read any books?
54.  I started to write down every task I was going to do.
55.  He regrets XX that.
56.  I trusted her at first.
57.  Moreover, I always do a couple of things at the same time.
58.  I really regret XX my behavior.
59.  I couldn't do XX that because he was sick with heart problems at that time.
1)  What would you do if you find out that your closest person (like your best friend, younger brother/sister) gone bad?
2)  What your actions would be like if he or she is in a completely wrong way?
3)  what if his/her bad points are already entrenched, and no talk helps anymore.
4)  what if he/she doesn't want tospeak and doesn't want to listen to anyone.
5)  what would you do in that case?
, - Need name for this student
1. What makes you keep your bad attitude?
2. What memories affect on you when you face some kind of cases related to them?
3. Are you sure to make a statement on your weak point in a job interview?
4. How much do you consider other people's personal problems as yours?
5.Do youhave some cases like when you change your behavior other people around you care about them?
These are last week's
1. Do you have some experience having a failure by making a change?
2. Do you think you're afraid of making a change?
3. Have you ever regretted having made a change by making too quick change?
4. When do you feel like you should make a change?
5. After making a change what do you think that something is going follow next?
1. Why did she cry?
We were supposed to go out for some sight seeing but the last night I lied to her and hung out with my freinds
and I got up late for the plan this morning.
2. What is one enjoyable thing that you have been doing these days?
I bought a new cellphone for my mother and I feel like I'm paying back from what she has given to me.
3. How have you planning for your future this year?
My first plan this year is getting a joboffering whichI'mworking onat thismoment.
4.What bad habits have you been trying togive up?
It's been so long thatI started togive upbeing lazy.
5.Whic star from your country has been rising in popularity outside your country?
Choi KyungJooin PGAis now getting a popularity in US who isNo.5 ranked player.
6. Which sports team have you been surpporting?
My favorite soccer team is Manchester United in English Primier League where current No.1 player C.Ronaldo
and No.1 in Korea Park Ji Sung are in.
7. Whatpart time jobs have you been doing?
I worked for golf centernear my homewhereIwould practicing golf while I worked.
8. How has your philosophy been chaging?
After finishing my military service I happened to change my philosophy that though money and power are important
happiness is not followed.
9.What unsolved crime have the police been investigating?
They are working on unsolved sexual crimes which accurred in the late 80.
10. Which church or temple has your family been following?
My mother goes to temple near my hometown where my grandma use to go.
Assignment # 1.
1. Among the Dr. pil's Life laws, which one is the most impressive for you ?? / why ??
Those things give you motivation ( stimulus ) ??
2. Are there any life laws which you already applied to your life ??
3. Have you ever shut your responsibility on other's shoulder ?? ( blamed your fault to others) //
-1) When you work as a team, If the team makes a mistake. How would you handle it?
would you blame to team members ? or take the faults all alone ?
4. Have you ever been criticized from others ?? ( because of your weakness ) /
-1) What is your weakness that you really want to change ? Then have you ever tried to fix it ?? / what's that result ?
5. What is your own individual filter when you make a decision ?
-1) What are your 3 strategy to improve your life ?
6. How would you handle certain people who have hurt you ?? /
-1) Have you ever broken other's feeling ??/
-2) Have you ever forgiven other's fault ?? /