BEE BRIEF #14 – Dec. 1, 2017 (2 pages)
- Don’t miss the Fasny Holiday Fair, Saturday, Dec. 2,from 10AM-5PM. Lots of great gifts for everyone.
- Parking lot closure, Tuesday, Dec. 5: Due to a water leak between the church and the school building, we will have to close the driveway into the parking lot right after morning arrival. You may park in the lot before that time but if you leave during the day, you will not be able to re-enter. Hopefully, we will be able to do dismissal as usual but will keep you informed as we receive further information from the church.
- Photocopies: We continue to receive many photocopies in the main office that are never claimed. Please check carefully where you are sending your copies.
- Visit of prospective Fasny Student (for Sept. 2018) Dec. 8: Ben Zipkin will attend classes all day in 5C.
- English Teachers - interested in a conference this year? Here is a partial list of available workshops that might be of interest:17.18 English Conference Opportunities Please reach out to Isabelle if you are interested.
- New student January 8, 2018:Clarisse Dufourd, 3A, ESL
- Departure Jan. 19, 2018: Matteo Rampollo des Tindaro will be leaving Fasny on Jan. 19.
- Recess supervision: If you are on duty for recess, please try to help resolve conflicts, especially at the box ball area. Also, please refrain from using your cell phones while supervising.
- Dismissal at 4:15: If you are at the 4:15 dismissal, please be kind enough to arrange yourselves so that at least 3 people besides Dennise are outside to help put students into cars. Everyone else should be supervising students and making sure they are listening for their names and ready to go outside.
- Classroom doors: Classrooms should be locked during recesses and lunchtimes.
- Hallway supervision: Please continue to accompany your students to recesses and lunch. It is important to be physically present with them for obvious safety reasons. Students should stay to the right in the hallways.
- FIRE INSPECTION will take place on Weds. Dec. 6. Please make sure that there is nothing on the radiators and that Exit windows are clear.
- Concert grades 2-3: Monday, Dec 4, 7:00PM. All teachers, grades 2-3, must attend. Teachers should meet their students in their Frenchclassrooms at 6:45PM.Ask students to write in their assignment books that they should not arrive for the concert before 6:45.Please remind your students of the dress code.
-Concert grades 4-5: Monday, Dec 11, 7:00PM. All teachers, grades 4-5, must attend. Teachers should meet their students in their classroomsat 6:45PM.Ask students to write in their assignment books that they should not arrive before 6:45. Please remind students of the dress code: PLEASE DO NOT ASSIGN HOMEWORK FOR TUESDAY.
- Staff holiday party: Thursday, Dec. 7.Check your evite and respond if you have not already done so. As in previous years, there will be a grab bag.
- Staff potluck lunch: Weds. Dec. 20.
- Class activities: Dec 6 & 8:weather workshops with Mr. Green.
- Winter vacation will start on Thursday, Dec. 21 at the end of the day. Chorus, clubs and childcare will take place.
- Portal update: Friday, Dec. 15 and Friday, Jan. 16
- Report cards: due date Jan. 19. FAWeb access:
- Licexchange: Monday, Jan. 8, 2018
- Galette des rois: Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018
- FASNY MAKERSPACE: Our FASNY Larchmont Makerspace is open! Many students and teachers have come to explore during recess and lunch. You are always welcome to come in and take a look around! We are also asking if anyone has scrap paper (with no student information), cardboard, yarn or string to donate, please drop it by Isabelle & Charles’ office. If you have any LEGO at home that you would like to donate as well that would be great! Here are some videos about Makerspaces if you would like to learn more:Makerspace Information & Ideas
- The International Hour of Code: As a community we will be celebrating the international Hour of Code the week of December 11 – Mrs. Khan will be conducting special classes with fun coding activities on every grade level. Here is a video about the event for your information: will work with each grade level to make sure there are enough teachers at each session. Here is the schedule for the week. Please make a note of your class sessions.