the Mad Scientists Lab
Research Assistants needed for the MSU/SSRC Social Relations Lab
Dr. Rebecca Goldberg & Dr. H. Colleen Sinclair
Research Assistants Wanted
In the Social Relations Lab (aka: "Mad Scientists United!"), we investigate a wide array of topics within attitudes, intimate relationships, interpersonal violence, intergroup relations, gender, and policy.
Description of research:
(The lab is co-lead by Dr. Rebecca Goldberg and Dr. Colleen Sinclair.)
One set of studies examines social influences (e.g., of friends and family) on the formation, maintenance, and termination of romantic relationships. Another branch examines the interpersonal aggression (such as bullying, relational aggression, and stalking behavior). And a third set of studies examine social influences on people’s willingness to endorse social justice policies and express (or confront) prejudice. Lastly, we also have examined gender issues, including gender pay gaps and gender-motivated hate crimes.
What you can expect:
We involve students in all aspects of our projects. You will get exposure to multiple types of research studies and an extensive array of hands-on experience. Research assistants will be given readings to learn the background of the above-mentioned research, and will be needed to: recruit and run participants, construct measures, compile materials, administer study materials, transcribe, code data, enter data, manage online surveys, attend weekly lab meetings, and post on social media (e.g., we maintain a Facebook page). Opportunities also exist for students to develop their own mini-projects and to present at conferences (wehave had over 100 student-led NATIONAL conference presentations).
Students should anticipate a 10 hour per week commitment and thus should be sure that their schedule can accommodate 10 hours of lab work between 9-6pm on weekdays. Students can also elect to sign up for the lab for course credit. The course can count toward your theme, psychology electives, and/or general electives and can be taken multiple times for credit.
Preference is given to those who can stay on board for a minimum of two semesters (both Fall and Spring semesters). Students who have had Social Psychology and/or Experimental Psychology are also preferred. Junior or Senior standing is recommended.
If you are interested, please contact us for an application and set up an interview date. You can also check out our website: or our Facebook page:
Social Relations Lab Application
YEAR: / Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior
Plan to Graduate (Give Year & Semester):
Psychology Major: / BA / BS / Theme/Minor?:
Interested in doing honors research project? / YES / NO
Plan to attend grad school? / YES / NO / MAYBE
If yes, what type of grad program?
GPA (Overall): / GPA (Psych):
Favorite Psychology Classes:
Have you taken Social Psychology? / YES / NO / Currently
Have you taken Experimental Psychology? / YES / NO / Currently
Do you have research experience? / YES / NO / Currently
If yes, explain what experience you have:
Are you able to commit to working in the lab a minimum of two semesters? / YES / NO
Are you able to commit to working in the lab a minimum of 10 hours a week (on weekdays)? / YES / NO
Are you able to attend weekly lab meetings on Fridays at 10am? / YES / NO
Are you interested in taking the lab for course credit or volunteering? / COURSE / VOLUNTEER
Why do you want to join the Social Relations Lab?
Please identify which of the characteristics represent your top 5 strengths
A leader / Reliable (and responsible)Considerate of others / Honest (have integrity)
Excellent writer / Excellent presenter/speaker
Good at time management/multi-tasker / Strong attention to detail
Analytical/Critical thinker / Able to think on your feet
Able to admit mistakes / Organized
Independent thinker/self-motivated / Ambitious
Responds well to critical feedback / Creative
From the same list, identify 3 aspects you feel you need to work on:
What skills/experience/attributes do you think you will bring to the lab? (e.g., why should I pick you over other applicants?)
Any specific research interests (note, it is okay to say you are just figuring that out):
Professor you want to work with:GoldbergSinclair