Lochardil Primary School


Term 3 Timetabled Lessons

Monday –Individual Spelling Lists home to be practised for Friday & Science with Miss Butler

Tuesday – PE in the Muga (when swimming block is over), & Science with Miss Butler

Wednesday – PE in the Hall & 6 week block of Feis Rois tutors of Scottish Language & Song

Thursday – PE with Mrs Thomson, Spelling homework to be completed by Thursdays

Friday – Swimming for P5 until end of January, Maths homework to be completed by Fridays

For PE activities pupils should have a change of T-shirt, suitable shorts or leggings and preferably non marking gym shoes for indoor lessons and suitable footwear for outdoor lessons. Football tops are not allowed.

Clothing, gym shoes and personal items should be clearly labelled.

We encourage healthy snacks for break times and drinking water in the classroom.


Reading – reading for pleasure is encouraged as often as possible and will greatly benefit pupils. From last term you will be aware that all P4/5 pupils have a reading passport in school from the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we are reinforcing the benefits of developing good reading habits. Pupils will record personalised challenges each month.

Maths – Maths homework is issued most weeks and will either be a mixed exercise for revision of skills or a focussed maths topic to reinforce the current work in class. It will be at the appropriate level for each maths group. Pupils should be able to complete the tasks independently and work should be well within their ability. Occasionally challenges are set for those pupils who can cope with such tasks but no pupil should spend more than 15 minutes on maths homework.

Spelling – Pupils personally select their spelling words from the pattern of the week which is brainstormed on Mondays, common errors made throughout the week, common word lists or challenge words depending on their ability. This list is finalised and checked on Mondays and recorded in homework diaries. Pupils should write out the list twice in their homework jotters using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method and then select a task to complete by Thursdays.

Project – From time to time project work is set to enhance the pupils’ learning experience. It may be research enquiry work or preparation of a presentation. This term our topic is ‘The Jacobites’ and pupils will be expected to do some research on Bonnie Prince Charlie and compile a Fact File about him by the February break. We plan to visit Culloden and possible Fort George near the end of this unit of study and we would appreciate some parent helpers to accompany us. We will keep you informed when the visit is finalised.

At Lochardil we place importance on developing global citizens through Learning for Sustainability. We are currently using Rights Respecting Schools as a focus for driving forward our work and every month we have a Right of the Month. For Term 3 they include –

Ø  January – Articles 32 & 36: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Ø  February – Article 30: Reduced Inequality

Ø  March – Article 29 : Climate Action

Below are the key learning experiences that the class will be working on through a variety of activities designed to encourage them to learn new knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. I have shared the mathematics topics and also our main project to provide you with a general overview of what is happening during Term 3. By the end of this term I would expect most children to have achieved the targets listed below, and for all children to have achieved and attained as best they can.

Numeracy and Mathematics
By the end of Term3, most children will be able to:
·  estimate and measure lengths using centimetres and metres & calculate perimeters and areas
·  identify, read, write and order fractions
·  understand equivalent fractions
·  work with decimal fractions r Group
·  use the terms acute, obtuse and straight to describe angles
·  use coordinates to locate and plot a point on a one quadrant grid
·  identify 4 lines of symmetry on a picture or shape / Interdisciplinary Studies-
By the end of Term 3, most children will be able to:
·  investigate ‘The Jacobites’ to discover how past events or the actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society.
·  discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence.
·  use primary and secondary sources to research ‘The Jacobites’
·  select ideas and relevant information to create and organise different writing, drama and art work
·  build up a project file and display to show their knowledge and understanding of The Jacobite cause

I look forward to meeting up with parents and carers at our Parent / Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd February.

If any parent or carer have a query or concern, please write a note in the pupil’s homework diary or call the school on 01463 230250 to request a call back or appointment.

Mrs Martin-Hodgson – Class Teacher

Term 3 2016-2017