Gifted/Cambridge Language Arts 8th Grade Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Woolston
"There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living
and the other, how to live." –John Adams
Course Description:
An integration of reading skills, literary terms, writing mechanics, speaking, presenting and listening skills, grammar, study skills, vocabulary, and research skills. The course will engage students to examine, interact with, and appreciate both classic and contemporary works of original literature. This course is designed to meet both national and state standards and objectives.
Curriculum Mapping:
This course will continue to develop grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing skills. Essay writing will be developed and fine-tuned. It will include genres such as persuasive, argumentative, narrative, expository, summary, and research. Characterization and plot development will be further reinforced through the use of classic and contemporary novels. New literacy terms and vocabulary words will be introduced. Several units will be project based. Skills developed through reading, vocabulary, writing development and refinement, literary terms, research, projects and presentations will serve as preparation for competitive high school level courses.
Student Goals:
The student will:
- Use critical thinking and active reading techniques to read, understand, apply, and synthesize complex text for higher-order thinking.
- Study etymology and word origins in order to build vocabulary, and oral/written fluency.
- Continue to develop the use of the English language through study of language conventions, including grammar and spelling.
- Use acquired skills, knowledge, and understanding to communicate individual creativity.
- Read and understand works from a variety of genres and periods.
- Analyze and interpret samples of good writing, identifying and explaining an author’s use of rhetorical strategies and techniques.
- Apply effective strategies and techniques within their own writing.
- Demonstrate understanding and mastery of standard written English as well as stylistic maturity in their writings.
- Produce informative, narrative, analytical, and argumentative compositions that introduce a complex central idea and develop it with appropriate evidence drawn from primary and/or secondary source material, convincing explanations, and clear transitions.
Course Evaluation:
Vocabulary and grammar practices will be due weekly, with vocabulary quizzes given every other week and a grammar test every semester. Creative writing assignments (called Show-Not-Tells) will be due every other Wednesday. Tests and quizzes relating to class literature will be given according to our reading schedule. There will be one book project assigned each nine weeks, to be completed outside of class. Out of class reading and studying will be required in order to succeed in this class, as will in-class participation. As a class, we will be reading several novels throughout the year;you will be expected to keep up with the reading if you are absent. You will also be expected to be reading an independent novel at all times, which is what your book project will be about. You will begin class each day with a journal response that will count as part of your daily participation grade. Pop quizzes will be given on an as-needed basis. Essays, projects, and book reports will also be a big part of your grade. We will be doing numerous projects based on the reading, and to further interdisciplinary study.
*Please note: If assigned work is even one day late, students will receive at most, 50% of the total grade.
Students need to be present. The classroom discussion and instruction are essential for the proper understanding of the subject matter and skills being taught. Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Additionally, missed tests/quizzes are the student’s responsibility. Students have one week from the day they return to class to make-up a missed test or quiz, otherwise, it will be marked as a zero.
Makeup Work:
Students are responsible for getting makeup work when absent. Copy a friend’s planner to find out what you missed, and see or email me if you have any questions. You can also access our daily agenda on my web page while you are at home. Frequently I can email you what we are doing in class. One class day is allowed for every day absent to make up your work. For example, if you are absent on Monday and return to class on Wednesday you will have until Friday to turn in your makeup work before it is counted late. Late work will generally be accepted for half credit.
Field Trips:
If you miss class for a field trip, performance or other school-related activity, the class will continue to work while you are gone. It is your responsibility to get the work in advance from the teacher or website. Assignments are to be completed as if you were in class. When you return to school, all work is due and you should be ready to take any scheduled quiz/test with the rest of the class. If you miss a quiz or test, you must make arrangements in advance to make it up.
Classroom Rules:
- Be in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings.
- All turned in work must be typed or in pen and only on one side of the page. Do not turn any final assignment in to me written in pencil.
- If you need me to print something for you, you must email it to me at least 24 hours before the assignment is due. If you come to me with your flashdrive the day an assignment is due, I will not print it for you.
- Most importantly, be respectful. Any type of reference to a person’s gender, race, ethnicity, physical features or anything deemed to be oppressive behavior is unacceptable and will be dealt with swiftly and severely. Consequences will come from the instructor and the administrator. Murray Middle School has a zero tolerance policy for bullying.
*You need to read and sign this. You will also need to give this to your parent(s)/guardian(s) and have them sign this. It needs to be returned to me no later than Friday, August 14th. This will be your first grade in my class.
I have read and understand all the expectations and requirements for this course.
Student Signature ______
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ______