Final Examination
CS 239, Spring 2003
Advanced Network Security
Answer all questions. All questions are equally weighted. The test is open book/open notes. Spend at most three hours working on this test.
Since this is a take-home test, please work on a computer and provide me with a printed version of your work, rather than handwritten pages. Don’t forget to put your name on the top of each page. The test is due at 1 PM on Tuesday, June 10, 2003. Please hand it in to Ms. Janice Martin in 4732H.
- Consider a network-wide system that maintains a list of bad network citizens. It keeps track of nodes that have been determined to serve as zombies in denial of service attacks, of the identities of anonymous relay nodes, of nodes known to be infected with particular worms or viruses, and of nodes known to have egregious security holes in their configuration. What might such a system be useful for, in the network security arena? How would you go about designing such a system to ensure that it was suitable to these uses? What dangers are inherent in such a system, and how could they be minimized?
- Some believe that networks are evolving from best-efforts service for all towards differentiated services, in which certain clients gain preferred use of network resources. In many visions of such systems, clients can (for a price) reserve a particular quality of service between network endpoints and have high assurance that their data stream will actually receive that level of service, regardless of what else is going on in the network. What are the security concerns for networks of this kind? How would one overcome such problems?
- Assume that a service is deployed in the Internet that reduces the possibility of IP spoofing to the extent that one has a nearly 100% assurance that packets arriving with a particular IP address in their source fields came from the machine that currently has that IP address assigned to it, or, at least, that the packet came from the stub network that owns the range of IP addresses containing the source address. Would such a service be helpful in handling the following problems, and, if so, how?
- Distributed denial of service attacks
- Securing web servers from hackers
- Fast spreading worms
- What new complexities are added to handling distributed denial of service attacks in a mobile ad hoc wireless network? Of the types of DDoS defenses listed below, which would still be useful in a mobile ad hoc network and which rely on assumptions that are not valid in that environment? For those defenses that are not useful, why not? For those that are useful, do the solutions require any alterations for the mobile ad hoc environment?
- Traceback
- Pushback
- Source end defenses like D-WARD
- Proof-of-work
- Cooperative network wide solutions like DefCOM