First Facts
News from Room 9 December 5, 2014
Vol. 1.3
We have been learning how to answer word problems. We began with straight forward addition and subtraction stories before trying problems that can be solved using either addition or subtraction.
The strategies we’ve practiced include:
Counting on
Counting all
Using a fact we know
Counting back
Crossing out
Spelling homework seems to be going better. Let me know if you have any questions. Each week the lists can be found on our classroom website.
The Reading assignment is to read for 10 minutes each night with a goal of 40 minutes for the week. Please record, or help your child record this information in their reading logs.
In Math we are taking a much-needed break from operations and algebraic thinking and venturing into the world of geometry. Thank you for cutting out all those shapes! They will come in handy for the activities planned for this unit of study. There is no homework packet for this unit.
Absentee Notes
It’s that time of year when we all get sick. Don’t forget to send in an excuse when your child returns to school. If no excuse is received within a given number of days, the absentee is marked as unexcused. There are blue absentee slips located in the BEE binder. Please let me know if you need more.
Scholastic Book Orders
I need to submit the order by Monday (end of day) to guarantee delivery before our break. If you would like to order books as a gift to your child, please send me a note or email and I will bag and bind the books for secret delivery. If ordering online, you can order from any of the catalogs available on the Scholastic site. Go to to shop. Our class code is GV26N.
New Folders
We are in need of new folders for our writing. I was overly optimistic about how long one folder would last. On Monday, I’m sending home the original folders with all of the stories from our first unit of writing. If you recently sent in a new folder or had extra folders from the beginning of the year, you are set.
Storybook Forest
The ornaments are made, the tree is being assembled, and the gift basket is coming together. Thank you to all who were able to donate. I hope everyone has this marked on their calendars for Wednesday evening! It’s a fun and festive event. Remember, admission is free, but you are welcome to bring a food item for the local Food Bank if you are able.
Gingerbread Extravaganza
Please return the “who’s helping” slip as soon as possible. Supplies do not need to be sent in until the 15th, though you can send them in earlier if you wish.
/ Wednesday, December 10Monday December 15
Thursday, December 18
Friday, December 19
December 22 – January 4 / Storybook Forest 6:00 – 7:30
Gingerbread items are due
Gingerbread Extravaganza 1:30 – 2:30
Very Grinchy Holiday Party (1 hr. early dismissal)
Happy Holidays!
Don’t Be a “Grinch” Day!
As a fun way to celebrate the season, first grade will be having a Grinch Day on Friday, December 19th. The students will be traveling from room to room engaging in a variety of Grinchy activities.
In the live action version of the movie, the “Whos” wear very silly clothing, silly hats, and crazy hair-dos which we thought would be fun to do. Your child is welcome to make a crazy Who hat which s/he can wear to school for Grinch Day! You can use anything silly to decorate the hat such as teacups, bells, rick-rack, candy, big bows, etc. and attach the decorations to any kind of hat. Please have fun with this project!
In addition, your child is welcome to wear the craziest concoction of clothing imaginable. The Whos wore some very outrageous outfits!
I’ve posted photos from the past few years on our class website at
Miss Dobrzanski