May 7 Board Meeting AAGP
Meeting called to order at 12:25 by President Phyl Renninger on May 7, 2005.
In attendance: Joani Sarkiss, Cynthia Oda, Mary Hale Meyer, Susan Linn, Pauline Annarino, Phyl Renninger, Michael Wells, Chuck Howard, Bernard Turner, and Karen Stinson.
Also in attendance was the Executive Director, Gail Vertz.
Unable to attend: Deanna Nurnberg
Approval of minutes dated January 29th sent electronically. Susan Linn name was misspelled. Motion for approval Chuck Howard, second Mary Hale Meyer.
Passed unanimously. Filed for record with 2 corrections.
Acceptance into record any votes made electronically since January.
Susan made a motion that AAGP offer a fee-based Proposal Review and Critique service at the conference provided by volunteers (who are screened by the Professional Growth and Development (PG&D) Committee, and who are recognized at the awards ceremony during the conference). Members will pay a fee of $25 and non-members will pay a fee of $75. A portion of the proceeds will be used to establish a scholarship fund for future conferences. Michael seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurers report: Bernard Turner moved to accept revised budget (with 4 changed items as discussed in May 6th meeting). Michael seconded. Roll call vote. Passed Unanimously with all board members in attendance voting yes.
Bernard made motion to allow working draft of finance committee report. Michael second. No discussion. President reminded that all manuals need to be electronically sent to the marketing committee to insure consistent format, logo and revised dates and an electronic copy sent to Executive Director Vertz for national office files. Motion passed unanimously. Request made to have the financial report attached with the minutes so that there is a permanent easily accessible record of the financial information. .
CHAPTER UPDATES. Joani Sarkiss updated the number of chapters for the record. There are 9 chapters and there are 4 to 5 more in process. Currently there are 20 state reps. Joani requested that each board member send her names of persons who would be good state representatives and or chapter leaders.
MEMBERSHIP UPDATES: Gail Vertz notified board that there are 814 current members and member number 1206.
CONFERENCE POLICIES: Gail Vertz presented the Conference policies. Paulinemade a motion to accept the conference policies as submitted at May meeting be approved as part of the working document. Michael second.
Joani Sarkiss made the motion to strike Section C from the policies and procedures manual regarding the local fundraising from a local nonprofit during the conference. Susan Linn seconded. Discussion followed.
Roll call vote to strike the paragraph Section C from the Conference Policies. Joani Yes; Chuck Yes; Pauline No; Bernard No; Susan Yes; Mary Hale No; Michael Yes; Cynthia Yes; Karen Yes. Motion carried to strike Section C from the Conference Policies 6 to 3.
Susan Linn made a motion to amend the Conference Procedures to read: AAGP is committed to serving the greater public good. The local conference committee is encouraged to create a mechanism to benefit the local non-profit community. This mechanism will be approved by the conference committee and the AAGP board of directors. Chuck seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Susan felt that her amendment would address Joani’s concerns to have the association not be philanthropists
Chuck agreed with the idea of leaving suggestions more general so that it would go to the local level being on the record to approve it.
Joani expressed concern with using only the term nonprofit because others are also part of our organization including schools.
Pauline supported the new language noting that it allowed latitude.
Roll call vote: Passed unanimously.
ASSURANCES: Pauline made amotion that the board approve the Board Assurances discussed at the May 2005 board meeting be adopted and executed by all seated board members effective May 7, 2005. Second, Mary Hale. Discussion.
Roll call vote, passed unanimously. President Renninger reminded members to put assurances on letterhead Make sure that is on letterhead, date and sign the document and return in a timely manner.
BYLAWS: Chuck Howard presented Bylaws to the Board of Directors be approved and moved to AAGP for approval. Second Michael.
Discussion. Standing rules should be kept separate from committee policies. If we are going to have to add additional committees then we need to have standing committee policy needs to be included. Chuck recommended that ED Vertz look at articles of incorporation and insure that immediate past president is not included in there. Bylaw changes were approved to go forward to the membership unanimously.
CODE OF ETHICSCynthia. Move that the board of directors accept the drafted codeof ethics working draft with the following modifications. First page 6th bullet if appropriate according of the funding guidelines, last sentence of the first paragraph mevers foundation is stimulated by the rich diversity within the grant profession. the standards of professional practice Number t instead of exploit put down abuse, number 5 they know is misleading instead is that is misleading and number 11 and 12 if applicable, and then add on to add on to number 18 compensation should not be written into grant unless allowed by the funders. Chuck second. Eight board members approved. Cynthia abstained.
STATE REPRESENTATIVE MANUAL CHAPTER POLICY AND PROCEDURES Joani Sarkiss move that the State Representative Manual Chapter Policy and Procedures manual be accepted as a working draft. Second by Mary Hale. Discussion Pauline. Do we need to add financials? Passed unanimously.
PARTNER WITH NATIONAL GRANTS PARTNERSHIP: Susan Motion: The Professional Growth and Development Committee recommends that AAGP become an official partner of NGP. Further, we recommend that AAGP designate a liaison who is an active member of AAGP and an active member of NGP to facilitate communication between the groups. Second by Pauline.
Discussion: Joani requested clarification of liaison. Currently Susan is liaison unless someone else is needed to be there because of finances. Motion passed unanimously.
CONFERENCE THEME: Motion: Susan Linn recommends the theme of the 2006 conference be:
American Association of Grant Professionals:
In Tuning
With the times in the Music City
Second- Cynthia
Role call vote. Cynthia yes; Michael yes; Mary Hale yes; Susan yes; Bernard no; Pauline yes; Chuck abstain; Joani No; Karen yes.
Bernard has concern that it needs to follow the procedure and that we work collaboratively with the local group. He suggested that we make a recommendation to the local conference committee for them to approve or send something else back to the board.
Cynthia agreed that the local conference committee does not have to approve it. If the local conference committee has a different recommendation it would come back to the board as an e-vote so that it could be given to Board members for advertisement etc.
AUDIO CONFERENCE: Susan from Professional Growth and Development Committee made a motion that AAGP implement an audio-conference series in partnership with Charity Channel. Further, as described in the attachment.
Karen second. Discussion ensued. Passed unanimously.
CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS (CEU’s) Pauline made a motion that the board approve the concept of AAGP exploring the feasibility of developing a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) program and direct someone to explore a possible partnership with an academic institutions(s) and or various other venues. Cynthia second. Unanimously approved.
GPCI: Pauline made a motion that the board direct the credentialing committee in concert with GPCI move forward as expeditionary as possible to develop and implement the credentialing program, seeking all appropriate funding sources. Second Michael. Passed unanimously.
PRIVACY STATEMENT: ED Vertz presented the privacy/confidentiality statement to include on the website. AAGP is strongly committed to use the privacy of the website. Neither do we provide information to outside companies.
Motion by Cynthia to accept the confidentiality policy on the website. Second by Michael. Clarification from Phyl Motion passed unanimously.
REFUNDS: Membership fees are not refundable. Contact the executive director. Motion by Pauline, second by Michael. Discussion. Passed unanimously.
President’s Award: President Renninger starter the President’s Award in 2004 at the awards ceremony to recognize someone who helped AAGP go forward, above and beyond expectations. Steve Nil from the Charity Channel was the first recipient of the honor. There is no criteria except that the nomination can not be a current board member (can be a past board member). Nominations are to be forwarded prior to August 1st, confidentially to Phyl so that it is a surprise for the ceremony.
Every board member will have a role at the conference. A list of all conference awards and who will present the awards will be prepared to create more organization and make sure that everyone is involved. Board members can indicate their preference or Phyl will assign. The partial list of awards to be presented include: state representatives and chapter representatives receive a pin or certificate; conference host receives a small token from the board; conference host acknowledges conference committee members; outgoing board members receive a plaque; acknowledge five-year members; newest member at the conference; landmark member number (1500); and as a finale the President’s Award.
Two main responsibilities are membership meeting and awards ceremony
Travel time either Tuesday morning or Monday evening
Board meeting Tuesday early afternoon October 25th
Registration and greet members Tuesday night October 25th
Reception the night of October 25th
Conference Dates are 26, 27th 28th day of week Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Membership meeting is at Thursday lunch,
Strategic planning occurs during first available time slot- (Susan is finding slot)
Meeting stops at 11:45 on Friday.
Board meeting is Friday afternoon.
Travel Friday Night or Saturday morning
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned by President Renninger at 2:00 pm.