CLACEC Design Competition
Cardboard Boat Regatta
Using only cardboard, duct tape, and a box cutter, build a cardboard boat that will hold one or two people and race your boat the length of the Clarkston Campus gym pool!
How it works:
Before the race
a) Form a team of 4-5 members (all must be current Perimeter College students) and register that team through ( if you have any questions).If you want to participate but don't have a team, you may register solo and a team will be formed first come first serve. All participants also need to sign and submit a safety waiver before race day, a link is provided on Eventbrite.These must be brought to roomCH-3266 or sent to the email above.
b) Find time to meet with your team to conduct preliminary research, brainstorm designs, and plan a boat design for race day.Actual construction will take place on-site: no pre-constructed boat components will be allowed at the event.The Rules & Regulations and a Supplies List and are attached to this document.
Race Day
a) Construction begins promptly at the event start timeoutside of the Clarkston Campus gym (weather permitting – we’ll go inside if need be). Your team will be provided with cardboard, two rolls of duct tape, and one box cutter. Check-in for the event will begin twenty minutes before the event start time.
b) Your team will have 2hours to construct a cardboard boat for entry into the regatta.
c) The boat designs will be judged in a design competition before the races. The best engineering design as determined by the judges wins this competition!
The Regatta
b) 1 or 2 team members can enter the boat for racing at a time.Each team will complete one full lap of the pool (down and back to the starting point)
c) There will be multiple race heats timed with a stopwatch. Racers may use cardboard to create paddles; all team members in the boat at the beginning of the race must remain in the boat for the duration of the race (see the Rules & Regulations for full criteria). The fastest boat to successfully cross the pool and returnwins to race!
*There is a $2.00 suggested donation for the cost of providing a lifeguard.
Rules & Regulations
1. All boat passengers and team members must register and turn in a pool safety waiver before race day. Only current GSU students may participate in the race.
The Boat
2. The entire hull, superstructure, and seating of all boats must be made entirely of cardboard. Only the provided cardboard and duct tape are allowed.
3. The only adhesive that can be used is duct tape.
4. Only seams and joints may be taped, not the whole boat. In other words, the hull may not be wrapped entirely in duct tape or anything else. Your boat may be disqualified for not strictly adhering to this rule.
5. Your boat must be free of sharp edges, pointy objects or anything else that could cause injuries.
6. The boat's passenger area may not be permanently enclosed above the occupants' shoulders. Each person must be visible while the boat is in the water and must have an immediate way to escape from the boat.
7. Cardboard paddles are permitted.
The Race
8. No more than two people can pilot a boat, although building the boats is a larger team activity. Floatation devices will be available for your use, if desired.
9. To qualify as a finisher in any heat, the captain and first mate must be IN the boat, not towing it in their teeth, between their legs, or otherwise.
10. Occupants may propel the boat using their hands orcardboard paddles, but may not push off or pull along any edges of the pool.
11. If your boat capsizes, it is NOT disqualified. Get back in the boat and keep paddling. You will only be disqualified for pushing or propelling your boat while not fully onboard or for being unable to complete the entire race.
12. The fastest boat(s) from each heat will be selected by the judges to race a second time.
13. The boatin compliance with all rules and regulations and with the fastest time at the end of the second racewins the regatta.
14. If you don't want to take your boat home, you MUST put it in the disposal location identified at the event. DO NOT leave it on the pool deck.
Supplies List
Assorted cardboard boxes, of various sizes and strengths.
2 rolls of duct tape.1 box cutter.