PLSI 410
Battle of Algiers- Discussion Questions
1. What steps does the FLN take to prepare the Algerian community for war?
2. What strategies does the FLN use to wage its campaign? How do these change over time? Who is involved in the fight?
3. How do the French authorities and the French settler community respond to the FLN’s attacks?
4. What role do “ordinary people” play in the fight between the FLN and the French?
5. Were there alternatives to the strategies both sides used? If so, what were they? What would Fanon say about this?
6. How do you think this type of a liberation struggle might affect the nature of politics after Algerian independence? What political processes or sentiments might be “carried forward” into the new state?
Franz Fanon- Study and Discussion Questions
- How does Fanon define decolonization? What does it entail?
- Throughout this piece, how does Fanon view violence (relative to the struggle for liberation)? Why or why not is it necessary? What does it accomplish? (see both the early pages of this piece and the latter ones).
- How is the colonial world organized, according to Fanon? How does this compare to what we see in “The Battle of Algiers”?
- What effect does colonization have on the individual and on the community, according to Fanon? What effect does decolonization have on the community?
- How does Fanon view different groups of people within the Algerian community? What role do the Fellahin (peasants) and the urban intellectuals play, for instance? How does this compare to what we seen in the Battle of Algiers? Who are the “colonialist bourgeoisie” and how does Fanon view their suggestions for non-violent strategies?
- Following on this, how does Fanon view non-violence and compromise? Why or why won’t it work?
- How does Fanon conceive of the settler-native relationship? What implications does this have for the nature of the liberation struggle?
- How does the process of liberation work? How do peoples become ready for a new battle against colonialism, according to Fanon? What causes peoples to finally rebel (i.e. see page 70).
- Same as number 6 of “Battle of Algiers”. How do you think violent liberation struggle will affect post-colonial politics?