U.S. Department of Education

Program Integrity and Improvement Negotiated Rulemaking Committee

Meeting Summary

March 26-28, 2014

Agenda and Review of Issues

The Committee reviewed and approved the draft agenda, approved the draft meeting summary from its prior session, and discussed in detail the six substantive topics and related draft regulatory language addressed in the issues papers distributed by the Department. During the session, representatives of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offered an overview of and answered questions on recent Bureau activities related to student financial services. These included Rohit Chopra, Patrick Campbell, Eric Goldberg, Martha Fulford, Gary Stein, and Kristine Andreassen.

Public Comment

Opportunities were provided each day for members of the public in attendance to provide comments. Several comments from the public were received at the end of each day.

Future Meetings

The next Committee session will be held on April 23-25, 2014 at the U.S. Department of Education in the 8th Floor Conference Center located at 1990 K St. NW in Washington, D.C. Sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m. each day. The Committee also agreed to add a fourth Committee session to be held on May 19-20, 2014, at the same place and times.

Next Steps

Two subgroups will meet by telephone prior to the next Committee meeting. These are the Distance Education Subcommittee headed by Russ Poulin and the PLUS Loan Subcommittee headed by David Swinton. Each group will allow interested Committee members to explore possible advice and draft regulatory text for the full Committee and the Department to consider.

Members Present

Non-federal Members:

Whitney Barkley

Deborah Bushway

Carolyn Fast

George French

Michael Gradisher

Melissa Gregory

Brad Hardison

Elizabeth Hicks

Marshall Hill

Chuck Knepfle

Gloria Kobus

Paul Kundert

Tom Levandowski

Christine Lindstrom

Maxwell John Love

Paula Luff

Suzanne Martindale

Valerie Mendelsohn

Leah Matthews

Casey McGuane

J. Goodlett McDaniel

Toby Merrill

Bill Norwood

Joan Piscitello

Russ Poulin

David Sheridan

Elizabeth Sibolski

David Swinton

Dan Toughey

Joe Weglarz

Jenny Wojewoda

U.S. Department of Education:

Pamela Moran