Use of Prison NOMIS Functional MailboxesThis instruction applies to : / Reference :
Prisons / PSI 50/2011
Issue Date / Effective Date
Implementation Date / Expiry Date
19 September 2011 / 26 September 2011 / 25 September 2014
Issued on the authority of / NOMS Agency Board
For action by / Governing Governors, Functional Mailbox administrators
For information / All staff working with access to Prison NOMIS
Contact / Dean Osborn – - 07968 553 753
Mark Hadlum – 07545 732 679
Associated documents / This PSI should be read in conjunction with PSO 9050 & PSO 9010
Replaces the following documents which are hereby cancelled-
Audit/monitoring :
Self audit, Governors, Functional Mailbox administrators
Introduces amendments to the following documents: None.
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1.Executive Summary
1.1This Instruction notifies Governors of the release of Functional Mailboxes (FMBs) into their establishments from September 2011. The mailbox is for The Prison NOMIS application. Its primary purpose will be to offer a single point of contact for all Prison NOMIS communications received into establishments from both HQ or other establishments. This will ensure that communications / requests for information are dealt with by the correct member(s) of staff and to the timelines requested on Prison NOMIS issues. The FMB can also be used to pick up internal Prison NOMIS enquiries from staff within their own establishment.
1.2Governors are asked to remind all staff that This Instruction should be read in conjunction with Prison Service Order 9050 on Functional Mailboxes and PSO 9010 onIT security.
Desired outcomes
1.3The instructions contained within this PSI will assist Governors in delivering the efficient use of Prison NOMIS within the establishment.
1.4Functional mailboxes (FMB) were created primarily to facilitate the exchange of information by secure e-mail (SeM). They will allow a number of users to have access to incoming mail for a particular business e-mail address. These mailboxes can be accessed at any time by delegates. By having multiple delegates, e-mails will not be sitting in an ‘inbox’ waiting for someone to return from absence to read them. Incoming e-mail can be checked regularly during the day to ensure they are being managed.
1.5Naming Conventions-Within the Global Address List:-
The FMB for each establishment or group has been named in a consistent manner using the naming convention. This is to assist users in the identification of the correct FMB that they require and these can be found under the Global Address List (GAL)on Microsoft Outlook following thenaming conventionof Mailbox name, establishment name as shown below:
Prison NOMIS [establishment name]
For example:
Prison-NOMIS, Wormwood Scrubs
Email Address for outside agencies:
If you need to provide the address to outside agencies the mailboxes follow a standard naming convention of . For example:
Prison-NOMISWormwoodscrubs @hmps.gsi.gov.uk
1.6The development of FMB will assist in the delivery of improvements to Prison NOMIS.
1.7The Functional Mailboxes will have the following benefits:
- Provide a low cost easily deployed communication solution, which is sustainable and can be managed by sites themselves.
- Provide an accurate list of site contacts.
- Could be utilised by LSAs, Report Writers, NOMIS Leads and other interested parties.
- Sites would be able to contact each other without having to know individuals at each site.
- Availability 24 hours a day, the information would be available for the first person on duty.
- Could be used remotely via blackberry’s
- Negate the dependency on NOMS Communications to put notices on the intranet.
Mandatory Actions
1.8Governors must remind staff of the responsible use of these mailboxes as directed in PSO 9050.
1.9Governors and Administrators must ensure that the procedures introduced by this Instruction and PSO 9050 are implemented with immediate effect particularly the local strategy for the management of the functional mailboxes.
1.10Functional mailbox administrators (FMAs) must ensure that all staff provided with delegated rights to the mailbox follow the guidelines provided inthe Functional mailbox guidelines for users
1.11Functional mailbox administrators (FMAs) must especially ensure that all staff provided with delegated rights to the mailbox follow Section 2.4 ‘How do I send emails from the mailbox?’
1.12This local strategy must be subject to regular review to determine whether it meets the needs of the business and visitors.
1.13Staff must use the mailbox for Prison NOMIS related issues only; the mailbox must not be used to pass on personal emails or correspondence.
1.14If establishments have existing Prison NOMIS FMBs these should be closed down in order to avoid confusion in the future.
1.15The monitoring of compliance will be undertaken locally as part of the self-audit process. Governors must make periodic checks to ensure that the mailbox is being used correctly and users must ensure that messages are deleted when no longer required.
2.Operational Instructions
2.1Each FMB will have a Central Functional Mailbox Administrator and Deputy Central Functional Mailbox Administrator. Both of these administrator roles require access to the FMB and this access will be maintained i.e., added/amended or deleted centrally by the Prison-NOMIS Application Support Team ONLY .The FMB should be managed locally by the selected delegates within the agreed local strategy,
2.2Initial resource time will be required for the newly appointed delegates to consult with staff and develop a local strategy. User guidance can be found at the Quantum Intranet site. There will be a need for the Local Delegates to allocate time for monitoring and review. The review frequency will be determined by the local management strategy. A step-by- step guide to the setting up of a management strategy can be found in the document ‘Guidance For Administrators’ which can be located at the Quantum website in the Functional Mailbox section.
2.3There are no limitations on the number of other users who can be given access permissions, although the need for delegates to have access should be reviewed on a regular basis. The Administrators shall maintain a delegate list; the delegates will retain the responsibility for the management of this mailbox at a local level.
2.4Consideration will need to be given to the distribution/location of terminals to ensure that those that need access to the Mailbox are able to have access. The frequency of access should be determined when the local strategy is being developed.
3.1Further information on the use of Functional Mailboxes can be found on the Quantum Website at the Functional Mailboxes section.
3.2For further information about this PSI contact:
Dean Osborn 07968 553 753 or
Mark Hadlum 07545 732 679
Martin Bellamy
Director of NOMS Change and ICT
PSI 50/2011UnclassifiedIssue date 19/09/2011