Expression of Interest (EOI) form

Skills Funding Agency (SFA) Flexible Fund for Unemployed Individuals

Reed in Partnership is the Prime Contract holder for the SFA Flexible Fund contract in Merseyside. The contract runs until the 31st July 2015 although the SFA may extend it on a yearly basis until 31st July 2017. We are currently looking for established training providers who can add to and compliment existing Reed and Supply Chain capacity by delivering accredited and non-accredited training that is closely linked to the emerging needs of employers and unemployed individuals in Merseyside. Organisations must be registered on the SFA’s Register of Training Providers and have the infrastructure and experience to quickly respond to the needs of this contract.

About the Flexible Fund

The Flexible Fund provides an opportunity to deliver provision which addresses the barriers and responds to the needs of unemployed individuals (aged 19+) whilst aligning provision to employers current and emerging skills needs.

The purpose of the Flexible Fund is to respond to emerging needs, such as new inward investment with employment opportunities. Providers will be required to train locally unemployed individuals to meet the specific requirements of these new employment opportunities. This could involve working with specific client groups, or certain localities and sector needs in response to

emerging employment opportunities such as local inward investment. For example, a large employer builds a new store and requires skilled individuals, successful applicants will deliver activity to up-skill to enable unemployed individuals to gain employment in the new store. We are looking for organisations that have existing links with employers and that can deliver both accredited and non accredited training tailored to job vacancies.

As a contract part-funded by the European Social Fund, particular groups have been identified as priority, these are:

·  Females

·  Those with disabilities

·  Those aged over 50

·  Ethnic minorities

·  Those with basic skills needs

For this opportunity, Reed in Partnership are seeking Expressions of Interest from organisations able to deliver accredited and non-accredited training that will help unemployed individuals progress into work.

Completed EOI forms should be returned to by midday Monday the 15th December. We apologise for the tight turnaround. If you have any questions about this opportunity, please call Karen Ballentyne on 0151 242 6400.

When completing this document, please ensure that:

·  All sections of the form are complete

·  Word limits are not exceeded

·  All answers are detailed with specific examples

·  All information regarding performance is accurate and clear

For further information about how we work with our delivery partners at Reed in Partnership, please visit our website at

Contact details
Please provide contact details for your organisation
Name of organisation
Name of organisation contact
Phone number for organisation contact
Email address for organisation contact
Section 1: Key Questions
Answering “no” to the following questions will render this EOI form void
1.1 Are you listed on the SFA’s Register of Training Organisations? / Yes No
1.2 Do you have experience of delivering similar contracts with start to job outcome rate of 40% / Yes No
1.3 Do you hold, or are you working towards, Matrix Accreditation / Yes No
Section 2: Performance and previous experience
Please indicate below previous experience of delivering similar support/provision
Contract name and Commissioner / Delivery dates / Contract value and volume of learners / References
Section 3: Delivery Areas
Please indicate below, which of these boroughs you would be looking to deliver in:
Region / Sub-Region / Existing permanent premises
Merseyside / ·  Knowsley
·  Liverpool
·  Sefton
·  St Helens
·  Wirral / Yes Address:
Yes Address:
Yes Address:
Yes Address:
Yes Address:
If you do not have permanent premises in Merseyside please detail alternative arrangements and timescales below (max 100 words)
Section 4: Delivery Model
Please indicate what accredited and/or non-accredited training you propose to deliver that would be relevant to employers and unemployed individuals in Merseyside. Please ensure that your answer provides information on the following:
·  Skills/employment sector (s)
·  An overview of your end to end delivery process
·  Details of how you may engage with unemployed people
·  Details of how you may engage with employers and existing employer links
·  Length of course(s) and completion rates
Please ensure your answer does not exceed 400 words
Section 5: Performance
Please provide details of performance on similar contracts. Please ensure that your answer provides information on the following:
·  Performance against contractual targets
·  Evidence of year on year improvement of performance against contractual targets
·  Conversion and achievement rates
·  How you intend to meet the contract target of 40% start to job outcome
Please ensure your answer does not exceed 300 words
Section 6: Quality & Compliance
How do you ensure the quality of your training delivery and that the delivery is contract compliant. Please ensure that your answer provides information on the following:
·  Quality standards and accreditations held by your organisation
·  CPD and quality processes
·  Ofsted grade (if applicable)
·  SFA audit results/feedback
Please ensure your answer does not exceed 300 words
Section 7a: Mobilisation
Should your organisation be awarded a contract please advise of timescales between contract award and delivery. Detail any additional resources as necessary
Section 7b: Capacity
Please advise how many learners your organisation would hope to deliver to on this contract per month (Jan – June 2015)
Please ensure each answer does not exceed 200 words


Reed in Partnership: SFA Flexible Fund for Unemployed Individuals EOI form – commercial in confidence