Revised and Adopted March 2007

Revised, Updated and Adopted April 19, 2012

For many of you, living in a “planned community” is a new experience. For this experience to be enjoyable, it is important that all Homeowners and Residents become familiar with the CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) and the Rules & Regulations which govern and provide protection for all Residents and the property rights associated with home ownership at The Villages of Green Springs.

In addition to the CC&R’s, the following Rules & Regulations have been established for The Villages of Green Springs. NOTE: These Rules & Regulations may supersede those published on the CLUBHOUSE-POOL PADDLE. POSTED Rules & Regulations in conflict with the below Rules & Regulations prevail.


In addition to Article 6.12 of the CC&R’s regarding temporary structures.... trailers, basements, tents, shacks, garages, sheds, barns or other outbuildings shall not be placed or used on any residential lot at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently.


1. No dog, cat or other pet shall be permitted to roam the property unattended, and all dogs, cats or other pets shall be kept on a leash and directly supervised while outside a Lot.

2. No animal may be tethered to any stationary object outside the home or left unattended.

3. No animal is permitted in or on any recreational facility, including the clubhouse.

4. Owners are responsible for any damage, injury or disturbance their pet may cause or inflict.

5. Owners shall not permit their animals to bark, howl, or make other loud noises that disturb a neighbors’ rest or peaceful enjoyment of their home or the common elements.

6. Owners are responsible for the immediate removal of waste of their animals from the common and limited common areas.

7. An Owner or resident may be required to remove any pet that is deemed a nuisance by the Association Board of Directorsor for violation of any rule regarding animals.


1. Any alteration or addition to the exterior of any home or yard must have prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee(ACC). Detailed plans showing designs, materials, colors, size, shape, and location are to be submitted for approval to the VillageACC committee who will then submit the requested review to the Master ACC.

2. Planting of seasonal flowers in planter areas around a home is permitted without prior approval provided owner cares for those plantings and planters.

3. Prior to the plantings of trees, location and variety must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

4. NO fences or boundary hedges shall be installed without approval. (Generally, fences and boundary hedges will not be allowed due to landscape maintenance requirements).


Vehicles shall not be allowed to remain overnight on any street or Common Area, except for a 24 hour loading/unloading period of time for recreational vehicles, boats, trailers, off-road motorcycles, mobile homes or campers, and the occasional guest. Vehicles shall not be stored on any driveway, street or common area. A vehicle shall be considered stored if it is parked continuously for more than five (5) days. No vehicle which is either inoperable, in an extreme state of disrepair or not currently licensed shall not remain parked on any driveway, street or common area at any time.


1. Homeowners may delegate their eligibility to use the common area facilities to Renters who shall abide by all established Rules & Regulations.

2. Homeowners are the responsible for any common area property damaged by their Renters or their Renters Guests. Costs of repairs or fines shall be assessed against the Homeowner and any recourse against the Renter shall be the responsibility of the affected Homeowner.

3. Property Owners who lease their property must obtain from the Renter a written agreement wherein the Renter agrees to abide by all the Rules & Regulations of the Green Springs Homeowners Association and submit a copy of such agreement to the Board of Directors.


1. Owners/Residents may invite Guests to use common area facilities with them.

2. Adult Owners/Residents must accompany those 16 years or younger, or provide Adult supervision, while in common area facilities.

3. Owners/Residents are responsible to inform Guests of facility Rules & Regulations prior to use.


1. Green SpringsClubhouse-Pool Paddle with attached key must be in your possession and visible with your Village Lot Number showing in plain view while inside the Clubhouse facility.

2. Smoking & persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs are NOT permitted.

3. Each homeowner is provided a Clubhouse-Pool Paddle with a fob attached upon residency for a $25 deposit. If your Clubhouse-Pool Paddle and/or fob is lost OR confiscated for violation of the Rules & Regulations, there will be a $100.00 replacement fee charged. This will be due on receipt of any new Clubhouse-Pool Paddle and/or fob. The replacement of a second lost Clubhouse-Pool Paddle and/or fob will be $200.00.

4. Secure all doors so that they are properly locked after each use.

5. Use of the Clubhouse is open to all members of all ages. However, those 16 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times when in the clubhouse and when using the facilities therein.

6. Pool Table, Exercise Room/Exercise Equipment is permitted by those 16 years or younger only if accompanied by an adult and only if the those 16 years or younger are physically capable to undertake such activities.

7. Homeowners may Reserve the multi-purpose room/kitchen area of the Clubhouse. Please obtain a Clubhouse Facility Use Agreement.

8. The Clubhouse may NOT be reserved on Holidays or Holiday weekends. No exceptions.

9. The pool may not be used in conjunction with a reservation of the clubhouse facilities, due to insurance liability.

10. No clubhouse equipment, ie. tables, chairs, furnishings, etc. are to be removed from the clubhouse.









NOTE: There is NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY AT ANY TIME. The pool is for the use of Owners and their family members and guests. The pool was designed to facilitate exercise as well as relaxation. It is not designed to be used by a great number of people at the same time, nor for activities such as diving, jumping, games, splashing, etc. Please be courteous and considerate of others.

1. Smoking and the use of alcohol and drugs is not permitted.

2. Owners with Guests or non-resident family members must provide adult supervision during pool/spa use.

3. Those 16 years or younger must be attended to by an Adult 18 years of age or older. The Adult must directly supervise and be in the pool area at all times. Being in an adjacent room does not meet the requirement of supervision.

4. The pool is shallow to accommodate exercise and water aerobics. No running, jumping, or diving is permitted.

5. No food or drink is permitted at any time except water in a plastic container. Barbeque area near outdoor pool may be used to serve food.

6. Persons in diapers are NOT permitted in pool unless the proper “Aqua Swimmer” diapers are used.

7. No objects such as footballs, basketballs, tennis balls, etc., are allowed. Only normal pool inflatable and nurf type water toys are permitted.

8. No oils, soaps or lotions should be used in either the pool or hot tub. Such things contaminate the water and clog the filter system.

9. Shower before entering the Pool or hot tub, and after using toilet facilities. We have provided a shower close by for this purpose.

10. Persons under the age of 6 are NOT allowed in or near the hot tub. NO EXCEPTIONS! Young persons are subject to damaging health conditions when exposed to hot water. Use hot tub at your own risk!

11. Individuals using the hot tub should take care not to over-expose themselves to the high heat of the hot tub by staying too long in the water. Serious health problems may result from extended exposure.

12. Glass containers and sharp objects not permitted in the pool or patio area.

13. Persons suffering from colds, fever, coughs, sore or inflamed eyes, any skin disease, communicable disease, open sores or bandages may NOT use the spa and/or pool.

14. NO spitting, soiling, or contaminating of the water/decks/rest rooms. NO Boisterous/rough play. NO running, diving or excessive splashing! No music devices or loud voices. Be courteous.

15. Dry off prior to entering restrooms or other areas of clubhouse.

16. When EXITING:

a) Remove all personal belongings;

b) Clean up and remove all your trash;

c) Turn off all lights and Hot Tub jets;

d) Securely close and lock doors behind you.

17. HOMEOWNERS ARE HELD RESPONSIBLE for actions of their families, residents, tenants and guests.


1. Hours are 7 AM to 10 PM.

2. Persons under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an Adult.

3. No skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, etc. are permitted.

4. Tennis shoes must be worn.


Violations of any of these Rules & Regulation, or provision of the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions of The Villages of Green Spring are subject to fines and/or loss of privileges.

Mailed 6-4-12