Management Board Meeting

Minutes of Meeting 3rdMay 2018at West Bromwich Albion Football Club


Paul Lewis, East Mids,Dave C Parker, South WestPhil Mayer, Ravi Sharma West Mids, Louise Shepherd, National League, Richard ‘Stan’ Stanford North East, Mark Miles FSOA Chair, PeterHoughton FSOA Finance and John Newsham FSOA Business Dev, North West


Sharon Cicco South East

Minutes of Last Meeting- These were agreed

Matters Arising-None

MM informed the meeting that Dave Shepherd had tendered his resignation with immediate effect for personal reasons and that MM had reluctantly accepted after some discussion with DS. The members expressed their thanks to Dave for his work over a number of years for with the FSOA.

Finance- PH outlined the current financial position of the Association as at Q1, income £52,796 and expenditure £40, 03, conference expenses were all paid. The overall position was a very healthy £107407, consisting of Barclay’s trading £1897 and reserve £74,488, Nat West trading £4154, Reserve £26868 which included £15k ring fenced for spend back. PH had been tasked with researching Directors Insurance and presented a number of options to the Board, it was agreed to take out cover for £2m for a fee of £254. RSS suggested Business Cards for Board members all agreed and PH would follow up.

Office Set Up- A vacancy now exists due to the resignation of DS, PH would be able to provide cover on one day per week in the interim. It was agreed that JN would have a change of title from Business Development to CEO

Directors Signatories- It was agreed that MM, LS, PH and JN would be the signatories

Rules of Engagement- What is the purpose of the management board, should there be terms of reference, what is the mission statement? Should there be a meeting with chairs of other sporting associations i.e. Rugby Union/League and Cricket, what can we learn from them and them from us? Members agreed it would be good to make the offer to meet with the other associations as there are a number of issues which we all have common ground i.e. training and retention. Members would give consideration to these items and would report back at the next board meeting.

GDPR- DS had done a great deal of work on this and as far as can be ascertained the FSOA is compliant, although the website may need to be on a dedicated server.

Green Guide Response- Consultation had been extended until 31/5/18

Portfolios Board Members- MM outlined the reasoning for each member to have a responsibility for a specific area of work, i.e. training, conference etc., and members agreed this would be a good idea as a way to take the organisation forward. MM to circulate areas that should have a portfolio holder and for members to indicate their preferred area of responsibility at the next meeting.

Wider Association- it was not felt at this time that this matter was a high priority of the Board, it may be that a survey would need to be undertaken with the membership to gauge their views on this matter.

Sponsorships- Dalimeier-they will renew later in the year (November) all current activities

Showsec-four years left on current contract, they are content with present arrangements

The monthly newsletter will be sponsored commencing in June by ‘Wagtails’ in the sum of £2500. Good news stories/articles from members would be helpful.

Conference- Feedback had again indicated that members were satisfied with the arrangements etc for the March conference. October would be back at the Crowne Plaza, Startford upon Avon with a sponsored boat trip along the River Avon. It was agreed that only the main speaker Frank Bruno would be the entertainment at the annual dinner along with Andy Ashworth as compare.

M-Word- JN had received that morning proposals from M-Word around a marketing strategy and would be circulated to members for a decision at the next board meeting

Website-JN reported that he was speaking to a website site design company ‘Red Drum’ about the potential to upgrade the website and all that goes with that i.e. app etc. Members noted this and agreed it was time that the site was reviewed and subject to reasonable cost upgraded.

Regional Meetings etc-members were reminded to set dates for the regional meetings preferably for the year, three meetings dates to take account of already set conference dates. Members to ascertain at the next regional meetings what prevents members attending both regional and conference to see if there is anything more that can be done from the centre to encourage attendance. It was felt important that any invite to speak at a regional meeting by a supplier should include in the first instance preferred partners already associated with the FSOA, should regions be approached by a non partner that wished to present to a regional meeting that they be directed to the office before any arrangements are made.

Date and Location of next meeting –Thursday 14th June 2018 West Bromwich Albion FC