ENGINE 2/06/2009 9:12:49 AM

Much time was spend on this machine due to this internal coolant leak, p2 turbo was replaced some head gaskets and done pot pressure tests and what not, only to have serviced the machine and realise there is still oil in the coolant and visa versa.

Oil cooler was replaced on hrs 34180 date:14/06/09


Customer / HWE_MINING_YANDI / Serial No / 2BW00569
Unit No / DT4044 / Model / 789C
Make / Caterpillar / Oil Type / CASTROL RX SUPER
Oil Grade / 15W-40 / Compartment / ENGINE
Job No / Meter / 33788
Lab No / 391461001 / Sample Date / 18/05/2009
Eval / X / Location
Lab No / Eval / Date Sampled / Date Received / Meter Read / Fluid Hours / Fluid Added / Fluid Changed
391461001 / X / 18/05/2009 / 26/05/2009 / 33788 / 178 / 0.00 / N
391391542 / X / 15/05/2009 / 19/05/2009 / 33747 / 137 / 0.00 / N
391340313 / X / 6/05/2009 / 14/05/2009 / 33610 / 217 / 0.00 / Y
391210329 / X / 22/04/2009 / 1/05/2009 / 33393 / 229 / 0.00 / Y
Lab No / Eval / PQI / Fe / Cu / Cr / Pb / Sn / Ni / Al / Si / Na / K / Mo / B / Ba / Mg / Ca / Zn / P / Ag / Mn / V / Ti / Cd
391461001 / X / 1 / 3 / 28 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 5 / 440 / 2 / 36 / 53 / 0 / 230 / 2045 / 1210 / 1100 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
391391542 / X / 0 / 3 / 9 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 5 / 136 / 0 / 12 / 18 / 0 / 243 / 2254 / 1312 / 1199 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
391340313 / X / 0 / 12 / 80 / 0 / 4 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 16 / 1349 / 10 / 127 / 128 / 0 / 250 / 2156 / 1277 / 1185 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
391210329 / X / 0 / 24 / 2 / 0 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 14 / 1209 / 10 / 94 / 103 / 0 / 245 / 2113 / 1244 / 1130 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Lab No / Eval / W / H2O / F / PFc / V40 / TBN / TAN / ST / OXI / NIT / SUL
391461001 / X / N / 0.0 / N / - / 101.8 / 12 / 4 / 10 / 2
391391542 / X / N / 0.0 / N / - / 106.3 / 4 / 4 / 1 / 2
391340313 / X / N / 0.0 / P / 4.4 / 88.7 / 12.9 / 51 / 9 / 38 / 19
391210329 / X / N / 0.0 / P / 5.6 / 82.2 / 11.5 / 94 / 14 / 38 / 13
Lab No / Eval / Comment
391461001 / X / For the reported oil hours,The sodium, molybdenum and potassium may indicate a coolant leak. Pressurise the cooling and/or aftercooler system to check for leaks. Investigate the cause. Monitor coolant usage. Check for the source of the water entry and resample after any adjustments or repairs.** For enquiries regarding this evaluation, please contact David Tan. Phone (08) 9377 9703 ** Sample Note : Resample
391391542 / X / The sodium may indicate washdown/external water or coolant entry.Check the seals, breathers, induction systemand fill point for water entry points.Pressurise the cooling and/or aftercooler system to check for leaks and resample after any adjustments or repairs.For enquiries regarding this evaluation, please contact Jim Durning Ph 08 9377 9757. Sample Note : Oil changed out at 33610hrs. Correct oil hours 137hrs. Resample
391340313 / X / The oil viscosity (V40) is lower than the specification for the reported oil. 4.4% fuel dilution was detected. Investigate the cause. Sodium, boron, potassium and molybdenum are increasing, indicating coolant entry.Monitor coolant usage. Pressurise cooling and/or aftercooler system if coolant being used.Copper and lead are increasing. Monitor. Resample after repairs or adjustments. ** For enquiries regarding this evaluation, please contact Katrina Holmes Ph 08 9377 9563. Sample Note :
391210329 / X / Urgent!Urgent! The sodium is suddenly very high indicating either coolant in this oil or environmental contamination if the machine is being washed down with bore water or if bore water is being used as dust suppression on roads. Check for the source and take remedial action.The oil viscosity is below the acceptable reference for the reported oil and 5.6% fuel dilution was detected. Check for the source.The fine iron is increasing.Monitor.All the other completed test results for this sample are acceptable. ** For enquiries regarding this evaluation, please contact DOUG LODER Phone (08) 9377 9750 ** Sample Note :