Expanded Staff Committee
An expanded staff committee or functioning team can be organized to provide oversight of those individuals, known as “staff expanders”, that do not traditionally fall under the categories of hospital personnel or allied health professionals that are privileged through the medical staff structure. The goals of this committee or team are to:
· Define the which positions fall under the role of “staff expanders” that do not require privileging
· Define the role of each specific category of staff expanders including:
o Scope of practice by level of licensure
o Scope of practice allowed by the organization
§ If the organization has not so defined the position, the committee/team will be responsible for crafting a definition
o Type and depth of supervision required
o Documentation allowed, required
· Ensure competency evaluations are in place by which to assess the performance and ability of the staff expanders to assure these accurately reflect the staff expander’s approved scope of practice
· Provide an organized and structured oversight of staff expanders
1. The principle of the expanded staff committee is to provide oversight of staff expanders
2. The function of the expanded staff committee is to:
o Identify staff expander categories
o Determine requirements for practice
o Develop competency evaluations
o Assign individuals/departments to conduct evaluations
o Assure evaluations are conducted timely and appropriately
3. The structure of the expanded staff is self defined by the organization, however, it is suggested that members consist of at least three individuals that function as one of the following:
o Fulfill a supervisory capacity within the organization
o Manager, direct or supervise at least one of the units where expanded staff commonly provide services
o Are familiar with the competency evaluation process
o Function in the same capacity as the expanded staff member
o Provide supervision of expanded staff (i.e. a physician or other licensed independent practitioner)
o Conduct competency evaluations
4. Expectations from the committee meetings are to identify the role of staff expanders, to determine their scope of practice, to outline competency evaluations for these individuals and to assure competency is evaluated on a prescribed basis
5. The committee will need to determine:
o Membership
o Leadership
o Content (outlined above)
o Reporting structure (clear authority)
o Reporting frequency (establish time frames)
o Meeting frequency (establish time frames)
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Consulting tel 888/749-3054 fax 781/639-0085 | Seminars tel 800/801-6661 fax 800/738-1553