Course Syllabus
Business 101
Introduction to Business
Fall 2015
3 credits
Instructor / Tiffany M. WilliamsPhone
Business Course Webpage / (775) 934-8241
Office Hours / N/A
Classroom / Online Course Section 1001
Textbook / BUSN 8(Kelly/William ISBN-10: 1285187822/
ISBN-13: 978-1-285-77530-2 (This is the book only) &
One Minute Manager (Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson) You should be able to see if the book store has some of these OR Amazon should. (This is an inexpensive paperback book).
Course Description:
This course is a one-semester survey covering business organizations, operation, and management, designed to orient the student to the field of business.
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to give the students an introduction to business in order to prepare the students to be informed consumers, readers of business literature, as well as to prepare the students to hold careers in the business world.
Student Learning Outcomes / MeasurementStudents will demonstrate a basic knowledge of introductory business concepts. / Quizzes, exams, discussion questions, puzzles/word searches
Students will identify and apply basic knowledge of business principles to analyze real world cases. / Quizzes, exams, discussion questions, power points
Students will describe the environment in which business operates and discuss how business meets the challenges present to it. / Quizzes, exams, discussions
Students will analyze the material to compare/contrast what they currently use or see in the business world or how the material can be used for their current or future jobs and decides how that information links with The One Minute Manager. Students will decide on a business they would like to own. They will apply the information they are learning throughout the chapters and create a simplified business plan as a bigger piece of their final. / Final Project (This will be broken into two pieces) Midterm will consist of a 25 point question/answer paper on the One Minute Manager and the first portion of the simplified Business plan will be due with a point value of 75 points. The final will consist of a final summary of the One Minute Manager paper worth 50 points and a 150 point value for completing the business plan. Total between the two will be 300 points.
First, welcome to Introduction to Business (Bus 101). Second, this is not a self-paced class. There are due dates for all discussions, assignments, quizzes, tests, and final project. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO USE THE HOME PAGE AND CLICK ON THE TOOL BAR TO THE LEFT THAT SAYS “MODULES” AS THIS IS WHERE I LINK EVERYTHING. If you don’t use the module tab, YOU MAY MISS INSTRUCTOR NOTES OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.
Assignments, quizzes, tests, and reports must be submitted before or on the posted closing dates. You will not be able to submit late assignments in this course. A LATE ASSIGNMENT IS A MISSED ASSIGNMENT. All assignments, quizzes, tests and reports must be submitted through WebCampus assignment drop boxes. Please, DO NOT E-MAIL YOUR ASSIGNMENTS TO ME; I CANNOT ATTACH THEM FOR YOU, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT.I will try to open the submission dates early so you will have ample time to submit your work; however, I cannot extend the closing dates. Check the front page of Web Campus for Announcements as that is how I will let you know if there are changes or something needs to be updated. Quizzes, exams or assignments are not to be opened after the due date unless there are extenuating circumstances. This is extremely time consuming and an online class has many students involved so unless there is communication off-line regarding computer glitches or some other emergency, you must take responsibility in respect to the age you are: adults.
If you have not taken a course using WebCampus, here are some tips that will help you:
1. Successful students use the following browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. You will need JavaScript in order to open the crossword puzzles.
2. Successful students submit their work well before the closing date. Plan ahead! Don’t wait until 10:00 PM of the day work is due to submit your assignments or take quizzes/unit tests.
3. If you are submitting a response to an essay question, save your work frequently. I highly recommend students take all major exams using a computer that has a wireless connections or a computer in the Library, High Tech Center, or at one of GBC’s branch or satellite campuses.
4. Skipping assignments, quizzes, or tests will lower your grade and make it difficult for you to complete the course. Check assignment dates early in the week and ensure that you meet the schedule. Don’t skip the midterm (easy points) or the final as this can have a debilitating effect on your grade.
To learn the most from this course you should follow these learning steps for each chapter:
1. Read the Chapter Learning Goals.
2. View the PowerPoint slides for a chapter overview. (Some students print out the slides and use them as a note taker when they read the chapter.)
3. Listen/watch the additional chapter resource material (when provided).
4. Read the assigned chapter in your text. Take notes on the topics for future study and review.
5. Participate and do the discussion questions completely (highly important to displaying your overall knowledge of the chapter).
6. Complete the crossword puzzles and submit the number completed to the instructor so your grade can be posted.
7. If you have questions, please refer to the top of the syllabus for communication channels requested.
8. Complete the quiz for the chapter before the closing date. The quizzes consist of 10 Multiple Choice questions randomly drawn from a very large question database. Each time you take the quiz you will encounter a different set of ten multiple choice questions. If you score less than 10 on the quiz, re-read the chapter and your notes. You may take the quizzes an unlimited number of times. Your highest score will be retained in your grade book. (A word to the wise, this question database is also used to create the unit tests so the more times you take the quizzes the better prepared you will be for the unit test.)
9. Complete all major exams before the close date.
10. Submit all written assignments before the close date. Carefully follow all of the assignment instructions shown in the WebCampus assignments section.
11. Complete final assignment.
Method of Instruction:
Emphasis is placed upon discussion questions and student responses. Online courses require your discipline to read, complete assignments upon deadlines, and ask questions when needed!
Final grades:
The instructor reserves the right to use the plus/minus grading system for computing final grades:
A / 100-90B / 89-80
C / 79-70
D / 69-60
1. Chapter Quizzes (10 points each) / 140 points
2. Unit Exams(100 points each) / 433 points
3. Crossword Puzzles (15 points each) / 240 points
4. Discussion Questions (20 points each) / 340 points
5. Final Project (Broken into 2 parts; 25/50 midterm points for the first part (One Minute Manager) and 75/150 points for the final (Business Plan). These pieces are interconnected so to do well you will need to do the midterm and the final. / 300 points
Total: / 1453 points
There are NO extra credit assignments in this course. There are NO make-up assignments in this course.
Week1 / Chapter 1:Business Now: Change is the Only Constant / Due Dates are Posted on WebCampusWeek2 / Chapter 2: Economics: The Framework for Business
Week 3 / Chapter 3: The World Market Place: Business without Borders
Week 4 / Chapter 4: Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
Week 5 / Chapter 5:Business Communication: Creating and Delivering Messages that Matter
Week 6 / Chapter 6: Business Formation: Choosing the Form that Fits
Week 7 / Chapter 7: Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship: Economic Rocket Fuel
Week 8 / Chapter 8: Accounting: Decision Making by the Numbers
Chapter 9: Finance: Acquiring and Using Funds to Maximize Value
Week 9 / Chapter 10: Securities Markets: Trading Financial Resources
Chapter 11: Marketing: Building Profitable Customer Connections
Week 10 / Chapter 12: Product and Promotion: Creating and Communicating Value
Week 11 / Chapter 13: Distribution and Pricing: Right Product, Right Person, Right Place, Right Price
Week 12 / Chapter 14: Management, Motivation, and Leadership: Bringing Business to Life
Week 13 / Chapter 15: Human Resource Management: Building a Top-Quality Workforce
Week 14 / Chapter 16: Managing Information and Technology: Finding New Ways to Learn and Link
Week 15 / Chapter 17: Operations Management: Putting It All Together
W = Withdrawal up to the 13th week with Instructor consent. Please note that current rules for GBC are that you need to withdraw from a class (within the college guidelines) if you do not plan on attending. If you do not withdraw and follow the proper GBC guidelines the instructor is required to record an F for your grade.
Writing Assignments: See WebCampus assignment instructions and requirements.
Good Business Periodicals and Magazines:
Wall Street Journal Advertising Age
Sales and Marketing Management Business Week
Policy of Academic Integrity:
GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: Students are expected be honest. That means that students are expected to do their own work. In work that utilizes sources written by others, those sources must be given credit for exact words and ideas. Students who plagiarize (copy the work of others and pass it off as their own.) are violating the standards of intellectual honesty and are subject to punishments ranging from failing the assignment to dismissal from the institution. Students who assist other students to cheat or plagiarize are subject to the same disciplinary measures. See the GBC General Catalog 2005 – 2007.
Any student needing assistance beyond the classroom should consult with the instructor for an appropriate time.
The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, assignments, grading procedures, and other related policies as circumstances may dictate.
Course Adaptations: If you need any course adaptations based on physical or emotional concerns, or if you need any special assistance in case of building evacuations/emergencies, please let me now at your earliest convenience.