RQ CH 24 Part 2 pp 543 -557
1 546 Chart
-Title w/dates?
- To which region do textile mills move in big #’s beginning in 1900?
- To where do many Textile mills move to after the 1950’s?
2 546 Bbox
What did he want?
Main idea of his quote?
3 547 Map
Caption – by becoming #1 in the world in industrial production….in what areas especially was their enormous change & consequences?
4 548 photo & Examining the Evidence 549
These photo’s were taken by whom?
These photo’s were used in a campaign to fight what?
When and what law changes this?
He is called the “father” of what?
5 548 Painting
What innovation in manufacturing is shown in the painting?
6 550 Illustration
What do these illustrations come to symbolize? (2)
What new standard does it inspire?
7 553 Photo
Who is the main subject?
Copy his quote from the caption?
Which Union does he head?
8 557 Varying Viewpoints
3rd paragraph- Why do many historians believe that class based protest was never as powerful as it was in Europe?
Reading Questions (based on my notes)
9 By 1900 had the South recovered economically from the Civil War, based on what evidence?
10 What slogan described the hopes of some for this region?
11 Who came up with this slogan and what did want to change about the region?
12 Who controlled the tobacco – machine made cig’s industry?
13 What example from the Railroad industry is biased against the South?
14 What industry comes to the South and certainly revolutionizes many areas?
15 What are the three (3) reasons the companies move?
16 Script–
17 What are two nicknames given to many of the people that work in this new industry?
18 How do they feel about this work?
19 What fraction of Salary do these workers make compared to the former workers?
20 Who is the photographer that begins to illustrate a major problem in many industries, and what is the problem?
The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America – Change
21 Name two benefits of the new industrial era for people?
22 Whose dream for the economic basis of America wins…?
23 How had time changed?
24 What group is impacted more than any other by this industrial era?
25 What two (2) inventions were critical to the impact?
26 What image describes the “new” stereotype?
27 For what purpose do most of these people work?
28 Why is the comparison of pay significant?
29 What three philosophies come from Europe to influence the workers?
30 Plutocracy-
31 What Statistic describes the “income Gap?”
32 How does the % of workers who are self employed change during this period?
A Dramatic Shift
33 What did not exist yet that would have helped many of these new wage earners survive the two depressions of the late 19th century?
34 Where does the USA look to grow economically due to the saturation of our national market?
In Unions there Is Strength
35 What is the worker during this industrial period being asked to work like?
36 What quality of American Identity is being stifled by industrialization?
37 what type of worker was especially hard hit by mechanization?
38 For which group did the Labor Market benefit during this period?
39 Jay Gould’s quote is powerful…it leads many historians to believe that the wealthy industrialists were “robber barons” more than “captains of industry”…what is his quote?
40 What do individual workers do to combat the relentless industrial robber barons?
42 Was this action of workers legal everywhere? Where is it legal beginning in 1840?
43 For what, generally do these organizations fight for? (3)
44 Does the middle class initially support these organizations?
Labor Limps Along & Makers of America
45 What event makes labor more scarce and thus provides a boost to the organizations?
46 Name the 1st large national union?
47 Who does it include?
48 Who does it exclude?
49 Why does it fail?
50 Name the 2nd large national union?
51 who is its leader?
52 what is unique about the membership process at first?
53 who does it include?
54 who does it exclude?
55 What is its main goal?
56 What event leads to its downfall?
57 How many members at its height?
58 What is the 3rd large national union?
59 Who does it include?
60 Who does it exclude?
61 Who is its leader?
62 What two (2) things does it want, generally?
63 Closed Shop-
64 What were their two chief weapons?
65 How many people at this point were members?
66 Could an individual worker join this organization?
Labor in General in the 19th Century
67 What other 2 unions are created toward the end of the 19th century and were certainly more “radical?”
68 How many strikes occur in the USA between 1881 – 1900, and what % are won/lost?
69 What % of workers total were members of unions by 1900?
70 What new holiday is made an official national holiday by Congress in 1894, symbolizing the changing view of the middle class towards unions or organized labor?