Internet References for: ANNUAL EDITIONS: Adolescent Psychology 8e
Internet References for:
ANNUAL EDITIONS: Adolescent Psychology
Eighth Edition
Some websites continually change their structure and content, so the information listed here may not always be available.
General Sources
ADOL: Adolescence Directory Online
This website is intended to be a clearinghouse of links to websites related to adolescent issues. Topics range from mental health issues to conflict and violence.
Advocates for Youth
The Advocates for Youth website has sections specifically forprofessionals, policy makers, youth, and parents. Informationfor professionals covers a diversity of topics, such as “peereducation, youth development, and youth adult partnerships.”
Questions and Answers about Child and AdolescentPsychiatry
The AmericanAcademy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry attempts to answer questions related to feelings and behaviorsthat cause disruption in the lives of children and young adultsand the people around them.
Search Institute
The Search Institute has the mission of providing leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children,youth, and communities. They are the creators of the “FortyDevelopmental Assets.”
UNIT 1: Perspective on Adolescent Development
Adolescent Decision Making: Implications for PreventionPrograms Summary of a Workshop
In the late 1990s, policy makers, service providers, and researchers convened a workshop to examine adolescentdecision making. Together, they explored major research findingsand the resulting implications. This website is a result of thatworkshop.
American Youth Policy Forum
The goal of the American Youth Policy Forum is to provide learning opportunities to policymakers, practitioners, andresearchers on youth issues. The Forum has three overlappingthemes: education, youth development and communityinvolvement, and preparation for careers.
Child Trends
Child Trends is a national research center that studies children and youth at all stages of development. There are number ofrelevant research reports on this website, including: What Worksfor Older Youth During the Transition to Adulthood; Lessonsfrom Experimental Evaluations of Programs and Interventions(2010); Youth Who Are “Disconnected” and Those Who ThenReconnect: Assessing the Influence of Family, Programs, Peersand Communities (2009); and A Developmental Perspective onCollege & Workplace Readiness (2008).
Facts for Families
The AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides concise, up-to-date information on issues that affectteenagers and their families. Fifty-six fact sheets includeteenagers’ issues such as coping with life, sad feelings, inabilityto sleep, or not getting along with family and friends.
The mission of the NationalYouthDevelopmentInformationCenter is to provide “practice-related information about youthdevelopment to national and local youth-serving organizations.”This website provides a variety of resources including informationabout the basics of Positive Youth Development, links to reportsby other organizations, funding information, and other resources.
The Network on Transitions to Adulthood
The purpose of The Network on Transitions to Adulthood is to examine the changing nature of early adulthood and the policies,programs, and institutions that support young people as theymove into adulthood. Researchers associated with the Networkrepresent a large number of disciplines, which adds to thebreadth of the Network’s research. An extremely large number of articles, reports, working papers, and other publications areavailable from this website.
The Opportunity of Adolescence
This paper considers adolescence as the turning point in life, after which the future is redirected and confirmed. Discussion onthe opportunities and problems of this period to the individualand society using quotations from Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, andothers is presented.
Risky Decision Making in Adolescents
Valerie Reyna, well-known in the field of decision making,researches human judgment and decision making at CornellUniversity. This website includes information about her research,such as webcasts of presentations, newspaper articles, reports,and journal articles.
The Urban Institute
The Urban Institute website has a number of useful reports about the transition to adulthood, including: Transition to Adulthood:African American Youth and Youth from Low-Income WorkingFamilies (2009); Vulnerable Youth and the Transition to Adulthood(2009); and Coming of Age: Employment Outcomes for YouthWho Age Out of Foster Care Through Their Middle Twenties(2008).
UNIT 2: Developmental Changes Of Adolescents: Physical, Cognitive, and Social
ADOL: Adolescence Directory On-Line
This website is an electronic guide to information on adolescent issues. Some of the issues concern conflict and violence, peermeditation, mental health problems, and health issues.
At-Risk Children and Youth
North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) offers this list of resources. Critical issues include rethinking learningfor students at risk, linking at-risk students to integrated services,providing effective schooling for students at risk, and usingtechnology to enhance engaged learning.
Biological Changes in Adolescence
This website offers a discussion of puberty, sexuality, biological changes, cross-cultural differences, and nutrition for adolescents.
Center for Adolescent Health: Confronting Teen Stress
This website contains the document Confronting Teen Stress, a guide for parents, teachers, and youth service providers.
Eating Disorders Coalition
The mission of the Eating Disorders Coalition is to advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority.This website includes such information as legislative updates andavenues for getting involved.
Educational Forum on Adolescent Health: Youth Bullying
This website is a comprehensive resource providing definitions,prevalence, conditions surrounding bullying, characteristics ofbullies and victims, the effects of bullying on the victim, andprevention and intervention strategies.
Finding Balance
The Finding Balance website is unique for a number of reasons: first, because the information presented here is predominatelythrough video clips, and second, because it focuses on EDNOS(Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified). It is founded by theauthor of Life Inside the Thin Cage.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
The NEDA works to increase public understanding of eating disorders, prevent eating disorders, and provide treatmentreferrals. There is information on this website for a variety ofpeople, from friends and family, to coaches and educators. Besure to check out the Fifty Ways to Lose the “3Ds”: Dieting, Drivefor Thinness, and Body Dissatisfaction.
The RenfrewCenter Foundation
The Renfrew Center Foundation (a treatment program for eating disorders) trains professionals to better treat eating disordersand change public perceptions of healthy eating and body size.It is also involved in conducting research to better understandthe causes of eating disorders and develop improved treatmentmethods.
Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders
Something Fishy has been providing information and support on eating disorders for over 10 years. This website is full ofinformation on eating disorders for sufferers and their loved ones.
Teens Health
This website provides portals for parents, kids, and teens. Information on this website ranges from the mind and bodyto safety and life after high school.
Teens in Distress Series: Adolescent Stress andDepression
Included in this website is a discussion about troubled and high riskyouth in relation to stress.
Women’s Health.Gov: Loving Your Body Inside and Out
Developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this website encourages women to develop ahealthy lifestyle and a positive body image. The information isappropriate for parents as well as school personnel.
UNIT 3: Relationships of Adolescents: Families, Peers, Intimacy, And Sexuality
Advocates for Youth
Advocates for Youth is an organization that works with a large cohort of health care providers, educators, and otherprofessionals to support responsible decisions about sex amongyouth.
American Sexual Behavior
This article, “American Sexual Behavior,” discusses trends, sociodemographics, and risky behavior.
CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse
This complete source on AIDS includes “Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself,” which are public service announcements thattarget youth.
CYFERNET: Cooperative Extension System’s Children,Youth, and Family Information Service
CYFERNET provides hundreds of complete online publications featuring practical, research-based information in six majorareas.
ETR Associates
ETR provides products and services such as a clearinghouse, training, research, and evaluation to health educators, healthdepartments, and school districts, among other organizations.
Family Violence Prevention Fund
This website is the source of a number of innovative projects to end violence. Coaching Boys into Men ( a national campaign to prevent violence by teaching youth mento respect women. Building Partnerships Initiative to End Men’s Violence ( is a national collaborativeto inspire men to take a stand against violence perpetrated bymen and to play an active role in promoting healthy, vibrantrelationships.
Girls Inc.
The Girls Inc. website provides information for both teen girls and adults. Fact sheets on this website include informationon sexuality; sexual health; HIV, STDs, AIDS; and sexualharassment.
Help for Parents of Teenagers
In addition to discussing the book, The Teenager’s Guide to the Real World, and how it can help parents, this website lists otherbook sources and websites for parents and teens.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
The Family Violence Department of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges provides a number of theirpublications online.
National Dropout Prevention Center/Networking
According to their website, the mission of the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network is to increase high school graduationrates through research and evidence-based solutions. The Center has identified 15 strategies that have the most positive impact onthe dropout rate, including school-community collaboration.
Stepfamily Association of America
The problems that surround step-parenting and stepchildren are discussed on this website. Click on Facts and Figures andthen on FAQs to reach many aspects of adolescent adjustmentsbased on the type of family in which they live.
Talking About Health
This website includes information about sexuality, HIV, and AIDS, peer pressure, and other information to help adolescents.
UNIT 4: The Contexts of Adolescents In Society: School, Work, and Diversity
Afterschool Alliance
The Afterschool Alliance is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of after school programs.
Decision Making/Reasoning Skills
Written for the National 4H Council, this fact sheet provides an easy-to-read introduction into adolescent decision making andreasoning skills.
National Institute on Out-Of-School Time
The mission of the National Institute on Out-Of-School Time (NIOST) is to ensure that all youth and families have access tohigh quality programs, activities, and opportunities during nonschoolhours.
Public Education Network
The mission of the Public Education Network is to “build public demand and mobilize resources for quality public education forchildren through a national constituency of local education fundsand individuals.”
Public/Private Ventures
Public/Private Ventures is a nonprofit research organizationcommitted to improving the effectiveness of social policies,programs and community initiatives, especially those that affectyouth and young adults. Their research areas include after-schoolprograms, mentoring, high-risk youth, and education.
What Kids Can Do
A national nonprofit organization, What Kids Can Do documentsthe value of young people working with adults on projects thatcombine learning with public purpose.
UNIT 5: Problem Behaviors and Challenges of Adolescents
NationalCenter on Addiction and Substance Abuse at ColumbiaUniversity
The mission of the NationalCenter on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) is to “inform Americans about the economic andsocial costs of substance abuse.”
Anabolic Steroid Abuse
Created by the federal National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), this website contains information about steroids and steroidabuse, as well as access to the “Game Plan” PSAs, print ads,and downloadable banners featuring athletes from a variety ofsports.
Athlete’s Substance Use
This website provides information on a variety of drugs and their effects on athletes, the psychology of sport, and sport nutrition.
Center for Change
This website includes a number of free resources, mostly in the form of articles written by center staff.
CopeCareDeal: A Mental Health Site for Teens
CopeCareDeal is a program by the Annenberg Foundation Trust. This website includes information for teens about how to cope,how to take care of themselves, and how to deal with problemsand treatment.
Cornell Research Program on Self-injurious Behavior inAdolescents and Young Adults
This website provides links and resources for information in understanding, detecting, treating, and preventing self-injuriousbehavior in adolescents and young adults. It includes access toresearch papers; fact sheets about self-injury (including “Top 15Misconceptions of Self-injury” and “Information for Parents”); andweb-based presentations about therapies that are commonlyused to treat self-injury (including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and Mindfulness-BasedTherapies).
Depression–Children and Adolescents
This website is a gateway to resources provided by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Focus Adolescent Services: Alcohol and Teen Drinking
Focus Adolescent Services is an Internet clearinghouse of information and resources to help and support families withtroubled and at-risk teens.
Higher EducationCenter for Alcohol and Other DrugPrevention
This U.S. Department of Education website has interactive discussion forums as well as a “Just for Students” section.
JusticeInformationCenter (NCJRS): Drug PolicyInformation
National and international websites on drug policy information are provided on this NCJRS site.
Mental Health Risk Factors for Adolescents
This collection of resources is useful for parents, educators, researchers, health practitioners, and teens. It covers abuse,conduct disorders, stress, and support.
This is a very complete list of references on eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and obesity.
NationalCenter for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC):Sexual Violence
This section of the NCIPC website provides an overview of sexual violence, including information about the consequences,risk factors for perpetration, and information on prevention.
NationalCenter for Missing and Exploited Children
This website offers a number of important resources on the topic of sexual exploitation of children, including information aboutchild pornography, sex tourism of children, and online enticementof children for sexual acts.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
This is an excellent general website for information on drug and alcohol facts that relates to adolescence and the issues of peerpressure and youth culture.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center collects and disseminates a wide range of resources on sexual violence,including statistics, research, and training curricula, as well as asearchable database of organizations.
The NationalYouthViolencePreventionResourceCenter is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionand the Federal Working Group on Youth Violence.
Partnership for a Drug-free America
This section of the Partnership’s website focuses exclusively on performance-enhancing substances. Resources here includeaccess to the Partnership’s Public Service Announcements, the“Coaches Corner” blog, and the Parent Talk Kit designed to helpparents communicate with their teenage athletes about healthysport.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) provides crisis information, information about different types of sexual violence,common reactions following sexual violence, and how to assist afriend who has been sexually assaulted.
S.A.F.E. Alternatives is committed to ending self-injurious behavior through their well-known treatment programs.Resources provided on this website include intervention tips forfamily, friends, schools, and others and access to research andnews articles.
Suicide Awareness: Voices of Education
This popular website provides detailed information on suicide along with material from the organization’s many educationsessions.
Self-Harm: Recovery, Advice and Support
Based in the UK, this website provides information about self-injury. Interesting aspects of this site include videosthat feature men who self-injure and such thought-provokingquestions as “Should I tell my parents if it’s my sister orbrother (who self-injures)?” or “What if it’s my parents who are self-harming?”
Self-injurious Behavior Webcast
This video interview with Janis Whitlock (Director of the Cornell Research Program on Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescentsand Young Adults) is well produced and informative. Handoutsare available and the webcast has been approved for ContinuingEducation credit. The hour-long webcast was created as partof the Third Thursday Breakfast Broadcast sponsored by theUniversity of Albany, School of Public Health.
Youth Suicide League
This UNESCO website provides international suicide rates of young adults in selected countries.