IDeA Center Publications[*]


Drury, C., Koontz, A., Feathers, D., Kankipati, P., Paquet, V. and Lin, J-F. (2009). Controllability of manual

and powered wheelchairs for spinal cord injury users. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, September 22-26, 2008.

D’Souza, C., Feathers, D., Paquet, V. and Steinfeld, E. (In progress). Functional reach abilities of wheeled

mobility device users during weighted object transfer task: A comparison with ADA-ABA guidelines for accessibility. To be submitted to the Assistive Technology.

D’Souza, C., Feathers, D., and Paquet, V. (2007). Developing and modeling three-dimensional digital models of individuals and their wheeled mobility device. Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium. 2007-DHM-53. SAE International.

D’souza, C., Paquet, V., and Feathers, D. (In progress). Structural and functional hand anthropometry of

wheeled mobility device users. To be submitted to the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.

D’Souza, C., Steinfeld, E. and Paquet, V. (2009). Functional reach abilities of wheeled mobility device

users: toward inclusive design. Proceedings of the 2009 International conference on Inclusive Design, INCLUDE 2009, ISBN 978-1-905000-80-7, Royal College of Art, London, UK, April 2009.

D’Souza, C., Steinfeld, E. and Paquet, V. (to appear). Functional reach for wheeled mobility device users:

A comparison with ADA-ABA guidelines for accessibility. To appear in the Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference 2009, New Orleans, June 2009.

Duta, T., Hsu, J., Li, Y., and Fernie, G. (2008). Ambulatory monitoring of plantar pressure for detecting

difficulty of walking on ice. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Canada.

Feathers, D. (forthcoming) Mitigating anthropometric measurement variation: Applied tolerances for

static anthropometric landmark digitizations in three-dimensional space. For: The 17th World Congress on Ergonomics: An International Ergonomics Association Triennial Congress.

Feathers, D. (2005). Digital human modeling and measurement considerations for wheeled mobility device users. In: SAE 2004 Transactions, Journal of Aerospace, Vol. 113-1. SAE International.

Feathers, D. (2004). Digital human modeling and measurement considerations for wheeled mobility device users. In: Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium. 2004-01-2135. SAE International.

Feathers, D. and Paquet, V. (2006). Three-dimensional variability of static anthropometric dimensions: Considering anatomy, behavior and process. In: Proceedings of theHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting (pp. 1380-1383).

Feathers, D., Paquet, V. (2006). Three-dimensional variability of static anthropometric dimensions:

considering anatomy, behavior and process, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting.

Feathers, D., Paquet, V., and Drury C. (2004). Measurement consistency and three-dimensional

electromechanical anthropometry, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33(3): 181-190.

Feathers, D., Paquet, V. and Drury, C. (2002). Effects of automation of measurement error and

consistency in anthropometry. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting (pp. 1215-1219).

Feathers, D., Paquet, V., and Polzin, J. (2002). Reliability of structural anthropometric measurements with traditional and semi-automated approaches. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting.

Feathers, D., Polzin, J., Paquet, V., Lenker, J. and Steinfeld, E. (2001). Comparison of traditional and electromechanical approaches for structural anthropometric data collection. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting (pp. 1036-1039).

Feathers, D. and Steinfeld, E. (2008). Subjective ratings of accessibility using full-scale bathroom

environments. In: Proceedings of theHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting. (pp. 723-727).

Jui-Feng, L. Drury, C. and Paquet, V (2006). A quantitative methodology for assessment of wheelchair controllability. In ? (Ed.), Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California: HFES.

Lenker, J. and Paquet, V. (2001) Alternative approaches to sampling for anthropometric studies of

persons with disability, Proceedings of Anthropometrics of Disability: An International Workshop, (11-1)-(11-7).

Nieto, M., Paquet, V. (In progress). Kinematics study of bathroom design among manual wheelchair

users. To be submitted to the Journal of Assistive Technology.

Paquet, V. (2009). Moving from accommodation to universal design. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual

Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, September 22-26, 2008.

Paquet, V. (2006). Effective use of observations for job analysis for ergonomics practice. In ? (Ed.),

Proceedings of the 15th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association.

Paquet, V. and Feathers, D. (2004). An anthropometric study of manual and powered wheelchair users.

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33(3), 191 - 204.

Paquet, V. and Feathers, D. (2004). Anthropometry. In: W. Bainbridge (Ed.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of

Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 26-31). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group.

Paquet, V., Feathers, D. and Lenker, J. (2001). Three-dimensional measurements, semi-standardized

postures and clothing: structural anthropometric methods for persons with disabilities. In: Proceedings of Anthropometrics of Disability: An International Workshop, (8-1)-(8-9).

Paquet, V. and Steinfeld (2004). Space Requirements for Wheeled Mobility: An International Workshop.

Final Project Report to the U.S. Access Board, March, 2004.

Steinfeld, E. (2004). Modeling spatial interaction in anthropometric research. International Journal of

Industrial Ergonomics, 33(3), pp. 265-278.

Steinfeld, E. and Feathers, D. (2006). Space requirements for aging wheeled mobility users. In:

International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence.

Steinfeld, E., Lenker, J., Paquet, V. (2002). Anthropometrics of Disability: An International Workshop.

Final Project Report to the U.S. Access Board, February, 2002.

Steinfeld, E., Maisel, J. and Feathers, D. (2006). Anthropometry and standards for wheeled mobility: An

international comparison. Buffalo, NY: IDEA Center.

Steinfeld, E., Maisel, J.and Feathers, D. (2006). Wheeled mobility space requirements and maneuvering:

An International Comparison of Standards and Research. In: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Conference.

Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V. and Feathers, D. (2004). Space requirements for wheeled mobility devices. In:

Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting.

Steinfeld, E., Paquet, V. and Lenker, J. (2002) New development in the anthropometry of wheelchair

users. Proceedings of the Universal Design 2002 Conference, Yokahoma, Japan.


Bieri, Rohde, Danford, Steinfeld, Snyder, and Triolo (2004). Development of a new assessment of effort

and assistance in standing pivot transfers with functional electrical stimulation.Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Volume 23, 226-231.

Bieri, Triolo, Danford, & Steinfeld (2000). A Functional Performance Measure for Effort and Assistance

Required for Sit-to-Stand and Standing Pivot Transfer Maneuvers. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Spring 2000, Volume 23, 3. *

Bieri, Triolo, Danford & Steinfeld (2000). A Measure of Functional Performance for Sit-to-Stand and

Standing Pivot Transfer Maneuvers. Proceedings of the 2nd National VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service. Washington, DC: VA Rehabilitation Research & Development Service, 185. *

Danford, G.S.,and Steinfeld, E. (1999). Measuring the Influences of Physical Environments on the

Behaviors of People with Impairments. In E. Steinfeld & S. Danford (Eds.) Measuring Enabling Environments. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 111-137.

Steinfeld, E., and Danford, G.S. (2000). Measuring Handicapping Environments. In G. Gresham (Ed.)

Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement: The State of the Art in the Year 2000 (Special issue), Journal of Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement, Volume 4:4, 5-8.

Steinfeld, E. , and Danford, G.S. (Eds.) (1999). Measuring Enabling Environments. New York: Kluwer

Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Steinfeld, E. , and Danford, G.S. (2000) Measuring handicapping environments. In G. Gresham (Ed.)

Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement: The State of the Art in the Year 2000 (Special issue), Journal of Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement, 4:4, 5-8.

Steinfeld, E. , and Danford, G.S. (1999). Theory as a Basis for Research on Handicapping Environments.

In E. Steinfeld, E. , and Danford, G.S. (Eds.) Measuring Enabling Environments. In E. Steinfeld & S. Danford (Eds.) Measuring Enabling Environments. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 11-33.


Danford, G.S. (2004). Assessing the benefits of universal design in fast food restaurants.Proceedings

of the International Conference on Design for the 21st Century, Forum 3: 1-5.

Danford, G. S. (2001).The claimed benefits of universal design: A case study demonstration. 2001

International Poster Session: Selected Projects. Washington, DC: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 6.

Danford, G.S.and Maurer, J. (2005). Empirical tests of the claimed benefits of universal design.

Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual International Conference of the Environment Design Research Association. Edmond, OK: Environmental Design Research Association, 123-128.

Danford, G. S. and Maurer, J. (2004). Perceptions and performance as indicators of universal design’s

claimed benefits. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1106-1109.

Danford, G.S., Grimble, M. and Maisel, J. (in press). Benchmarking the effectiveness of universal design.

Leadership in Architectural Research Between Academia and the Profession. San Antonio, TX: Architectural Research Centers Consortium.

Danford, G.S., Grimble, M. and Maisel, J. (in press). Case studies and evidence-based practice:

Benchmarking the effectiveness of universal design. State of the Science: Emerging Research and Developments in Universal Design. Oak Park, Illinois: Bentham Science Ltd.


Steinfeld, E. (2006). The fair housing act. In G.L. Albrecht (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Disability (pp. ??).

Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.

Steinfeld, E. and Salmen, J. (2005). Accessibility codes and standards. In G.L. Albrecht (Ed.), Encyclopedia

of Disability (pp. 13-16). Thousand Oaks CA: Sage.


Li, Y., Hill, S.W., Row, B., McIlroy, W.E., Mihailidis, A. and Fernie, G.R. (2007). Walk in the cold: Body temperature and heart rate during North American winter. Journal of Biomechanics 40(S2) XXI ISB Congress, Podium Sessions, Tuesday 3 July 2007.

Li, Y., Snoek, J., Mihailidis, A. and Fernie, G. (2007).Temperature and pedestrians walking speed. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Canada.


Tauke, B. (2007). Studying difference: A university general education course on universal design. Abacus:

Journal of Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies, n/a, 1-6.

Tauke, B. (2007). Universal design identity program. In ?? (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International

Conference for Universal Design (pp. ??). Kyoto, Japan: International Association of Universal Design.

Tauke, B. (2006). Universal design leadership initiative: Universal design identity project final report.

Washington, D.C: National Endowment for the Arts.

Tauke, B. (2005). Parallel processing: Teaching assistants in the beginning design studio. In unknown

(Ed.), 21st National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (pp. 1). San Antonio, TX: unknown.


Chau, A., Dionne, T., Lenker, J., Paquet, V. and Nasarwanji, M. (2008). Disability simulation as a tool for

product usability testing. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Human Factors Inter-University Student Conference. Buffalo, NY.

Danford, G. S. (2003). Universal design: Evaluation of a model building by persons with vision, hearing

and mobility impairments. In Amy Horowitz & Cynthia Stuen (Eds.), Special Issue on Aging and the Senses, Generations. Volume XXVII, No.1 (Spring), 91-94.

ElKony, H.and Danford, G. S. (2004). The performance prediction model: In quest of an inclusive

approach for evaluating person-environment transactions.Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual International Conference of the Environment Design Research Association. Edmond, OK: Environmental Design Research Association, Inc., 33-40.

Lenker, J., Feathers, D., Nasarwanji, M. and Paquet, V. (2008). Perspectives of elders on product usability in the home. Proceedings of the International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence. St. Petersburg, FL.

Lenker, J., Paquet, V., Feathers, J. and Nasarwanji, M. (2008). Usability of consumer products used in the home for adult wheelchair users. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Las Vegas, Nevada

Nasarwanji, M., Feathers, D., Lenker, J. and Paquet, V. (2008). A multi-method approach to the usability

evaluation of assistive technology devices. In: International Conference on Aging, Disability and IndependenceConference.

Nasarwanji, M., Paquet, V., Feathers, D. and Lenker, J. (2008) Usability study of a powered lift for

wheelchair users. In: Proceedings of theHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting. (pp. 719-722).

Paquet, V., Nasarwanji, M., Lenker, J. and Feathers, D. (2008). Incorporation of universal design into

mainstream consumer product design processes. In: International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence.

Paquet, V., Lenker, J., Feathers, J., and Nasarwanji, M. (2008). Incorporating the principles of universal

design into assessment of product usability. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. Las Vegas, Nevada.


Steinfeld, E. (2006). Emergency evacuation of people with disabilities. Journal of Security Education, 2,



Danford, G.S. (2001). Entering and exiting. In G. Danford & B. Tauke (Eds.) Universal Design New York.

New York: Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, 37-42.

Danford, G.S. (2001). Using universal design guidelines. In G. Danford & B. Tauke (Eds.) Universal

Design New York. New York: Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, 15-18.

Danford, G.S. and Steinfeld, E. (2006). Universal design and the business case. White Paper

Commissioned by Destiny USA. Buffalo, NY: Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access.

Danford, G.S. and Steinfeld, E. (2006). Universal design and the building case. Buffalo, NY: Center for

Inclusive Design and Environmental Access.

Danford, G.S.and Tauke, B. (Eds.). (2001).Universal design New York. New York: Mayor’s Office for

People with Disabilities, The City of New York.

Danford, G.S.and Tauke, B. (2001). Principles of universal design. In G. Danford & B. Tauke (Eds.)

Universal Design New York. New York: Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, 19-24.

Steinfeld, E. (2008). Universal design – practice and method. In A. Helal, et al. (Eds.) Technology for

Aging, Disability and Independence. Hoboken: Wiley and Sons.

Steinfeld, E. (2008). The concept of universal design. uiGarden, Unk, Unk.

Steinfeld, E. (2006, Spring). Universal design: Investing in aging. Newsletter of the network on

environments, services and technologies for maximizing independence, 13, 1,8.

Tauke, B. (2008). Universal design: The time is now. uiGarden, unk, unk.

Tauke, B. (2008). Universal design - A declaration of independence. In E. Feddersen, Ludtke (Ed.),

Housing for the Elderly - A Design Manual (pp. 1-5). unk: Birkhauser Press.


Strong ,G., Jutai, J., Plotkin, A. and Bevers, P. (2008). Competitive enablement: A consumer-oriented

approach to device selection in device-assisted vision rehabilitation. In WC. Mann (Ed.), Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (pp. 175-195). Florida: University of Florida.

Hooper, P.L., Jutai, J.W., Strong, J.G. and Russell-Minda, E. (2008). Age-related macular degeneration and low vision rehabilitation: a systematic review. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 43, 180-187.


Maisel, J. (2007). Visitability: A major no-step towards accessible housing. Planning Commissioner's

Journal, 66.

Maisel, J. (2006). Inclusive housing and neighborhood design: A look at visitability. Progressive Planning

Magazine, 167, 35-37.

Maisel, J. (2006). Toward inclusive housing and neighborhood design: A look at visitability. Community

Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, 31, 26-34.

Maisel, J., Smith, E., and Steinfeld, E. (2008). Increasing home access: Designing for Visitability.

Washington, DC: AARP Public Policy Report.

Maisel, J. and Steinfeld, E. (2006). Visitability. In G.L. Albrecht (Ed.), Visitability (pp. ??). Thousand Oaks

CA: Sage.

Upcoming Publications:

  • Three articles for Universal Design Handbook v. 2
  • State of the Science: Emerging Research and Developments in Universal Design, (Bentham Sciences, Ltd)
  • Steinfeld, E. and J. White, Inclusive Housing: A Pattern Book, (WW Norton & Co.)
  • A textbook on universal design (in process, contract with Wiley, 2010)
  • Housing for an Aging Society (in process, contract with Architectural Press, 2009)
  • Two peer-reviewed conference papers have been accepted on the Claimed Benefits of Universal Design and the effectiveness of simulation research. One will be published in the conference proceedings. The conferences are the Architectural Research Center Consortium’s April 2009 conference in San Antonio, Texas and the American Psychological Association’s August 2009 conference in Toronto, Canada.
  • Submitted results on street crossing behavior of pedestrians under different weather and road surface conditions as a peer-viewed paper to the Journal of Safety Research.
  • A peer-viewed paper entitled “Blood pressure and thermal responses to repeated whole body cold exposure: Effect of winter clothing” was recently submitted to the European Journal of Applied Physiology.
  • Paquet, V. (ed.) Special issue of Assistive Technology on anthropometry of wheeled mobility users.
  • Koontz, Feathers, Kankipati, Cooper, Steinfeld. (in preparation) Individual and wheelchair factors that influence the space requirements of wheelchair and scooter users.
  • D’Souza, C., Feathers, D., Paquet, V. (in preparation) Anthropometry and digital human modeling for wheeled mobility device users.

This document was last modified on November 18, 2009.

[*]List includes publications produced using a variety of funds, including those received through our RERC-UD grant, funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). List is periodically updated.