City of Fruitland

Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday,July 10, 2012


Mayor Walter called the City Council meeting to order.

Roll Call

Present were Council MembersAnderson, Honts, and Lawrence. Hills and Wilson were absent.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Honts asked about the status of the land transfer to Paul Elshoff. Walter replied that the City has received a letter from the County Assessor’s Office stating that a closing must be held. He also reported that Elshoff is currently in California and contacting him has been difficult. A motion to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2012 meeting was made by Honts, 2nd by Lawrence. Motion approved unanimously.

Approve Agenda

A motion to approve the agendawas made by Anderson, 2nd by Honts. Motion approved unanimously.

Financial Report

Honts asked Thompson if thermostat lock boxes had been installed in the Community Center/City Hall, and she replied that they have not ordered yet. Honts then asked what the fee was for returned checks, to which Thompson answered $30. She stated that there have not been many returned checks recently. Walter asked about the amount of outstanding garbage bills. Thompson replied that she thought it was around $5,000, but probably half of that has already been assessed to taxes. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Honts, 2ndby Anderson. Motion approved unanimously.Hills was not in attendance and did not send a report on his review of the bank statements.Anderson will review bank statements for July.

Old Business

Playground Update

Walter reported that a dirt/compost mixture had been spread to the south of the playground. This area has been seeded and sprinklers will be positioned so it will receive water. The City will sell last piece of old equipment on Public Surplus. Thompson presented three pieces of playground equipment suggested by Boland Recreation to replace the teeter totter. A motion to purchase the Power Pedaler was made by Anderson, 2ndby Honts. Motion approved unanimously.Thompson reported that the City received over $1,400 as a memorial for Charles Drake to be used on park improvements.


After reviewing the various options for a new copier, a motion to purchase a new Samsung SCX-6545N from RK Dixon of Davenport for $2,757.00plus $20.00 per month service contract was made by Anderson, 2ndby Honts. Motion approved unanimously. Lawrence suggested that the monthly Council packets be emailed instead of mailing hard copies. Walter agreed, but said that hard copies would be needed for budget work sessions. It was agreed that Thompson will send electronic reports for next month’s meeting.

New Business

Holiday Closings for FY13

A motion to approve Resolution No. 2011-07-12-B (with correction of dates in heading) setting holidays for fiscal year 2013 was made by Anderson, 2ndby Lawrence. A roll call vote was taken. Motion approved unanimously.

Sewer & Water

Walter would like to reevaluate Fruitland’s potential need for a sewer and/or water system. He suggested that Fruitland residents might be better served if the Council used the money set aside for sewer and/or water for other community improvement projects if it appears the City is not likely to need sewer and/or water in the foreseeable future. Besides, the amount the City has saved, ~$600,000, is a small portion of the total cost of installing sewer and/or water. It is quite likely the City would have to bond for this project anyhow. Walter proposed that the City contract for a new study on the likelihood that Fruitland will have to install sewer and/or water and an estimated cost if it appears likely. The last study was done 14 years ago, in 1998. Walter would like to see an analysis of the DNR regulations and how they apply to Fruitland. Honts remembers that the DNR said there was no problem at the time of the last study. Thompson suggested that an RFP be drawn up to solicit bids for the study. Anderson said the Council should start compiling a list of what they want to be included in the study at the next meeting. Honts asked if Bi-State could help. Thompson will find out.

Planning & Zoning Board

Walter fielded a question concerning the proposed cell tower on Halane Farms. The City has not been official approached about it, and therefore has taken no action.


The next Park Boardmeeting is scheduled for July 18 since their normal meeting date is the 4th of July. Thompson presented a spreadsheet outlining the income and expenses of the new playground. Lawrence asked about new rims at the basketball court. Thompson said that four new rims will be ordered.


Lawrence has received complaints about the weeds on Dusenberry’s lot at Lois Lane. Walter will follow up. Lawrence also received calls about the sink hole on Turkey Road. Walter said that Hernandez has already filled it in once. Honts commented that there are areas on Evergreen Lane that need attention. Walter has heard reports of cars racing on Summerset. Lawrence has talked to one of the individuals, but that hasn’t fixed the problem. Walter suggested putting speed bumps there temporarily. Walter reported that logs have been thrown through vehicle windows at 157 Sand Run Road several times this month. Lt. Kevin Sink of the Muscatine Police Department said that police reports should be filed each time an incident occurs so that the Police can target problem areas.


Citizen’s Opportunity

Ron Shepard asked if the roads were going to be repaired this year. Walter said yes, but LL Pelling has not been able to get to us yet.

Pay Bills

A motion to pay the bills was madeby Anderson, 2ndby Honts.Motion approved unanimously.

Closing Comments



Motion byHonts.


DeWayne Walter, MayorKim Thompson, City Clerk

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