Triamterene enhances the blood pressure lowering effect of hydrochlorothiazide

inpatients with hypertension

Wanzhu Tu, Brian S. Decker, Zangdong He, Blake L. Erdel, George J. Eckert, Richard N. Hellman, Michael D. Murray, J Howard Pratt


This document contains supplemental material for the propensity score analysis reported in main body of the paper. The material is organized by drug class/combination.

Analytical methods

For each drug class, we used a logistic regression model to estimate the probabilities of individual patients receiving triamterene. The estimated probabilities were referred to as the propensity scores. We stratified the study sample using the estimated propensity scores, into four subclasses (also known as quartiles). Within each subclass, we comparedmean values of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) between patients prescribed and not prescribed triamterene, using two-sample t tests. The mean differences represented the estimated BP effects of triamterene for each subclass. The subclass-specific treatment effects were then combined into an overall treatment effect estimate, as described by Rosenbaum and Rubin (1984).1The overall treatment effect estimates for systolic and diastolic BP were reported in Tables 2 and 3 in the manuscript.

This supplement contains additional intermediate analytical results, including the overall propensity score distributions, the within-subclass estimates of treatment effects, as well as the patient characteristics within each subclass. The overall propensity score distributions, presented as histograms, allow readers to examine the extent of overlap in the estimated propensity of receiving triamterene between the two treatment groups. The within-subclass distributions of the propensity scores were presented as box plots. The subclass-specific treatment effect estimates on systolic and diastolic BP were presented in a tabular form. Finally, we presented summaries of demographic and clinical characteristics of study patients for each subclass separately so that readers could examine the within-subclass balance of patient characteristics.

1. Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)

Figure 1.1 Propensity score distributions in patients prescribed and not prescribed triamterene

Figure 1.2 Within-subclass distributions of the estimated propensity scores

Table 1.1 Within-subclass estimates of treatment effects

Drug Class / Blood Pressure / Quartile / -Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / +Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / BP Mean Difference(SE) / P-Value
HCTZ / Systolic / 1 / 137.82±0.65 / 137.17±2.15 / -0.65±2.04 / 0.7510
HCTZ / Systolic / 2 / 135.25±0.66 / 131.24±1.34 / -4.01±1.58 / 0.0112
HCTZ / Systolic / 3 / 135.74±0.66 / 131.26±1.15 / -4.48±1.36 / 0.0011
HCTZ / Systolic / 4 / 133.59±0.66 / 129.56±0.87 / -4.03±1.12 / 0.0003
HCTZ / Diastolic / 1 / 82.58±0.47 / 83.5±1.35 / 0.92±1.44 / 0.5206
HCTZ / Diastolic / 2 / 81.01±0.45 / 81.18±1.04 / 0.17±1.09 / 0.8767
HCTZ / Diastolic / 3 / 82.28±0.45 / 80.38±0.78 / -1.9±0.92 / 0.0398
HCTZ / Diastolic / 4 / 78.7±0.49 / 77.36±0.58 / -1.34±0.81 / 0.0963

Table 1.2 Patient characteristics 1st quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 1st Quartile / -Triamterene, N=529 / +Triamterene, N=62 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 39.7±11.7 / 42.9±12.9 / 0.0001
Female / 107(20.2%) / 11(17.7%) / 0.6433
Black race / 233(44%) / 28(45.2%) / 0.8670
Diabetes / 12(2.3%) / 0(0%) / 0.2309
Chronic kidney disease / 1(0.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.7319
Coronary artery disease / 11(2.1%) / 2(3.2%) / 0.5604
Myocardial infarction / 5(0.9%) / 0(0%) / 0.4420
Congestive heart failure / 11(2.1%) / 2(3.2%) / 0.5604
Hyperlipidemia / 64(12.1%) / 10(16.1%) / 0.3643
Atrial fibrillation / 2(0.4%) / 0(0%) / 0.6277
Stroke / 8(1.5%) / 0(0%) / 0.3296
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 31(5.9%) / 4(6.5%) / 0.8519
Depression / 78(14.7%) / 4(6.5%) / 0.0739
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.7±5.1 / 3±3.7 / 0.0933

Table 1.3 Patient characteristics 2nd quartile(p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 2nd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=489 / +Triamterene, N=102 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 43±13 / 42±12.9 / 0.0001
Female / 295(60.3%) / 68(66.7%) / 0.2315
Black race / 263(53.8%) / 60(58.8%) / 0.3523
Diabetes / 31(6.3%) / 6(5.9%) / 0.8624
Chronic kidney disease / 4(0.8%) / 0(0%) / 0.3594
Coronary artery disease / 9(1.8%) / 4(3.9%) / 0.1924
Myocardial infarction / 4(0.8%) / 2(2%) / 0.2950
Congestive heart failure / 5(1%) / 1(1%) / 0.9692
Hyperlipidemia / 67(13.7%) / 13(12.7%) / 0.7973
Atrial fibrillation / 1(0.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.6476
Stroke / 4(0.8%) / 0(0%) / 0.3594
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 25(5.1%) / 8(7.8%) / 0.2746
Depression / 71(14.5%) / 19(18.6%) / 0.2935
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.7±4.8 / 3.4±4.3 / 0.0933

Table 1.4 Patient characteristics 3rd quartile(p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 3rd Quartile / - Triamterene, N=454 / +Triamterene, N=137 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 44.6±12.1 / 45.2±10.8 / 0.0001
Female / 422(93%) / 129(94.2%) / 0.6215
Black race / 313(68.9%) / 91(66.4%) / 0.5784
Diabetes / 21(4.6%) / 6(4.4%) / 0.9038
Chronic kidney disease / 2(0.4%) / 0(0%) / 0.4365
Coronary artery disease / 7(1.5%) / 2(1.5%) / 0.9452
Myocardial infarction / 1(0.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.5825
Congestive heart failure / 3(0.7%) / 0(0%) / 0.3401
Hyperlipidemia / 78(17.2%) / 17(12.4%) / 0.1826
Atrial fibrillation / 2(0.4%) / 0(0%) / 0.4365
Stroke / 3(0.7%) / 1(0.7%) / 0.9311
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 37(8.1%) / 8(5.8%) / 0.3715
Depression / 91(20%) / 31(22.6%) / 0.5126
Years since first hypertension treatment / 2.2±3 / 2.5±3.9 / 0.0933

Table 1.5 Patient characteristics 4th quartile(p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 4th Quartile / -Triamterene, N=395 / +Triamterene, N=197 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 52.3±11.8 / 52.1±12.2 / 0.0001
Female / 387(98%) / 193(98%) / 0.9967
Black race / 301(76.2%) / 153(77.7%) / 0.6917
Diabetes / 80(20.3%) / 49(24.9%) / 0.1995
Chronic kidney disease / 8(2%) / 8(4.1%) / 0.1501
Coronary artery disease / 10(2.5%) / 2(1%) / 0.2173
Myocardial infarction / 1(0.3%) / 0(0%) / 0.4797
Congestive heart failure / 1(0.3%) / 1(0.5%) / 0.6151
Hyperlipidemia / 115(29.1%) / 69(35%) / 0.1431
Atrial fibrillation / 2(0.5%) / 3(1.5%) / 0.2028
Stroke / 6(1.5%) / 6(3%) / 0.2142
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 33(8.4%) / 17(8.6%) / 0.9097
Depression / 77(19.5%) / 39(19.8%) / 0.9302
Years since first hypertension treatment / 1.8±2.8 / 2.1±2.8 / 0.0933

2. Hydrochlorothiazide + Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor

Figure 2.1 Propensity score distributions in patients prescribed and not prescribed triamterene

Figure 2.2 Within-subclass distributions of the estimated propensity scores

Table 2.1Within-subclass estimates of treatment effects

Drug Class / Blood Pressure / Quartile / -Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / +Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / BP Mean Difference(SE) / P-Value
HCTZ+ACE / Systolic / 1 / 138.56±0.66 / 132.96±2.53 / -5.6±2.6 / 0.0316
HCTZ+ACE / Systolic / 2 / 137.74±0.68 / 133.58±1.77 / -4.15±2.2 / 0.0592
HCTZ+ACE / Systolic / 3 / 134.71±0.68 / 133.25±1.86 / -1.46±1.94 / 0.4513
HCTZ+ACE / Systolic / 4 / 132.94±0.64 / 132.36±1.18 / -0.58±1.42 / 0.6848
HCTZ+ACE / Diastolic / 1 / 80.95±0.47 / 80.14±1.87 / -0.81±1.88 / 0.6669
HCTZ+ACE / Diastolic / 2 / 81.11±0.48 / 79.21±1.34 / -1.9±1.55 / 0.2215
HCTZ+ACE / Diastolic / 3 / 78.56±0.51 / 78.36±1.39 / -0.2±1.45 / 0.8918
HCTZ+ACE / Diastolic / 4 / 77.31±0.45 / 79.08±0.79 / 1.77±0.99 / 0.0746

Table 2.2Patient characteristics 1st quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 1st Quartile / - Triamterene, N=497 / + Triamterene, N=34 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 45.6±13 / 46.8±10 / 0.1483
Female / 131(26.4%) / 7(20.6%) / 0.4580
Black race / 107(21.5%) / 7(20.6%) / 0.8971
Diabetes / 208(41.9%) / 12(35.3%) / 0.4527
Chronic kidney disease / 5(1%) / 0(0%) / 0.5568
Coronary artery disease / 35(7%) / 2(5.9%) / 0.7972
Myocardial infarction / 6(1.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.5194
Congestive heart failure / 8(1.6%) / 0(0%) / 0.4560
Hyperlipidemia / 124(24.9%) / 16(47.1%) / 0.0046
Atrial fibrillation / 31(6.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.1334
Stroke / 27(5.4%) / 2(5.9%) / 0.9111
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 69(13.9%) / 5(14.7%) / 0.8934
Depression / 129(26%) / 13(38.2%) / 0.1176
Years since first hypertension treatment / 4.2±5.1 / 3.7±6.3 / 0.2495

Table 2.3Patient characteristics 2ndquartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 2nd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=481 / +Triamterene, N=50 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 47.6±11.9 / 48.4±13 / 0.1483
Female / 252(52.4%) / 25(50%) / 0.7474
Black race / 240(49.9%) / 27(54%) / 0.5807
Diabetes / 157(32.6%) / 17(34%) / 0.8454
Chronic kidney disease / 3(0.6%) / 0(0%) / 0.5755
Coronary artery disease / 16(3.3%) / 3(6%) / 0.3327
Myocardial infarction / 4(0.8%) / 0(0%) / 0.5175
Congestive heart failure / 6(1.2%) / 0(0%) / 0.4271
Hyperlipidemia / 138(28.7%) / 13(26%) / 0.6882
Atrial fibrillation / 0(0%) / 0(0%)
Stroke / 11(2.3%) / 2(4%) / 0.4557
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 36(7.5%) / 2(4%) / 0.3630
Depression / 107(22.2%) / 11(22%) / 0.9683
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3±3.8 / 3.1±4.3 / 0.2495

Table 2.4Patient characteristics 3rd quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 3rd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=465 / +Triamterene, N=66 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 48.9±12.9 / 49.3±11.7 / 0.1483
Female / 381(81.9%) / 57(86.4%) / 0.3758
Black race / 278(59.8%) / 37(56.1%) / 0.5644
Diabetes / 154(33.1%) / 25(37.9%) / 0.4439
Chronic kidney disease / 8(1.7%) / 3(4.5%) / 0.1316
Coronary artery disease / 16(3.4%) / 0(0%) / 0.1260
Myocardial infarction / 4(0.9%) / 0(0%) / 0.4494
Congestive heart failure / 5(1.1%) / 1(1.5%) / 0.7517
Hyperlipidemia / 193(41.5%) / 23(34.8%) / 0.3029
Atrial fibrillation / 0(0%) / 0(0%)
Stroke / 7(1.5%) / 0(0%) / 0.3157
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 41(8.8%) / 6(9.1%) / 0.9416
Depression / 107(23%) / 9(13.6%) / 0.0846
Years since first hypertension treatment / 2.9±3.5 / 3.5±3.5 / 0.2495

Table 2.5Patient characteristics 4th quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 4th Quartile / -Triamterene, N=427 / +Triamterene, N=105 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 52±12.2 / 51.4±12.8 / 0.1483
Female / 393(92%) / 98(93.3%) / 0.6556
Black race / 336(78.7%) / 84(80%) / 0.7678
Diabetes / 125(29.3%) / 29(27.6%) / 0.7376
Chronic kidney disease / 41(9.6%) / 12(11.4%) / 0.5755
Coronary artery disease / 14(3.3%) / 5(4.8%) / 0.4631
Myocardial infarction / 2(0.5%) / 2(1.9%) / 0.1269
Congestive heart failure / 22(5.2%) / 7(6.7%) / 0.5403
Hyperlipidemia / 228(53.4%) / 56(53.3%) / 0.9908
Atrial fibrillation / 0(0%) / 0(0%)
Stroke / 8(1.9%) / 1(1%) / 0.5120
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 26(6.1%) / 8(7.6%) / 0.5658
Depression / 60(14.1%) / 17(16.2%) / 0.5768
Years since first hypertension treatment / 2.1±3 / 1.9±2.6 / 0.2495

3. HCTZ + ACE Inhibitor + Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB)

Figure 3.1 Propensity score distributions in patients prescribed and not prescribed triamterene

Figure 3.2 Within-subclass distributions of the estimated propensity scores

Table 3.1 Within-subclass estimates of treatment effects

Drug Class / Blood Pressure / Quartile / -Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / +Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / BP Mean Difference(SE) / P-Value
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Systolic / 1 / 143.78±0.96 / 139.27±2.75 / -4.51±3.06 / 0.1415
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Systolic / 2 / 143.01±0.97 / 144.24±2.3 / 1.23±2.91 / 0.6725
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Systolic / 3 / 141.56±0.78 / 138.49±1.53 / -3.07±1.81 / 0.0904
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Systolic / 4 / 140.11±0.84 / 136.12±1.28 / -3.99±1.55 / 0.0103
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Diastolic / 1 / 82.67±0.71 / 80.07±1.73 / -2.6±2.25 / 0.2481
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Diastolic / 2 / 82.61±0.64 / 86.58±2.08 / 3.97±1.97 / 0.0443
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Diastolic / 3 / 81.09±0.59 / 79.7±1.05 / -1.39±1.35 / 0.3023
HCTZ+ACE+CCB / Diastolic / 4 / 81.21±0.59 / 79.47±0.82 / -1.74±1.07 / 0.1045

Table 3.2Patient characteristics 1st quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 1st Quartile / -Triamterene, N=319 / +Triamterene, N=34 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 50.5±12.4 / 49.2±10.8 / 0.9876
Female / 81(25.4%) / 9(26.5%) / 0.8909
Black race / 160(50.2%) / 18(52.9%) / 0.7576
Diabetes / 179(56.1%) / 15(44.1%) / 0.1814
Chronic kidney disease / 15(4.7%) / 0(0%) / 0.1963
Coronary artery disease / 21(6.6%) / 3(8.8%) / 0.6218
Myocardial infarction / 5(1.6%) / 1(2.9%) / 0.5558
Congestive heart failure / 27(8.5%) / 1(2.9%) / 0.2573
Hyperlipidemia / 112(35.1%) / 9(26.5%) / 0.3130
Atrial fibrillation / 11(3.4%) / 1(2.9%) / 0.8767
Stroke / 26(8.2%) / 3(8.8%) / 0.8919
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 56(17.6%) / 5(14.7%) / 0.6762
Depression / 59(18.5%) / 10(29.4%) / 0.1270
Years since first hypertension treatment / 4.2±5.6 / 4.1±4.7 / 0.2995

Table 3.3Patient characteristics 2nd quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 2nd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=316 / +Triamterene, N=38 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 50.3±13.2 / 50.6±10.6 / 0.9876
Female / 162(51.3%) / 19(50%) / 0.8827
Black race / 209(66.1%) / 22(57.9%) / 0.3133
Diabetes / 121(38.3%) / 13(34.2%) / 0.6241
Chronic kidney disease / 8(2.5%) / 2(5.3%) / 0.3370
Coronary artery disease / 12(3.8%) / 1(2.6%) / 0.7181
Myocardial infarction / 2(0.6%) / 0(0%) / 0.6229
Congestive heart failure / 3(0.9%) / 0(0%) / 0.5464
Hyperlipidemia / 117(37%) / 9(23.7%) / 0.1046
Atrial fibrillation / 7(2.2%) / 1(2.6%) / 0.8704
Stroke / 9(2.8%) / 0(0%) / 0.2920
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 38(12%) / 6(15.8%) / 0.5064
Depression / 58(18.4%) / 5(13.2%) / 0.4288
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.6±4.4 / 3.7±3.8 / 0.2995

Table 3.4Patient characteristics 3rd quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 3rd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=289 / +Triamterene, N=65 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 50.5±12.4 / 50.2±11.8 / 0.9876
Female / 247(85.5%) / 58(89.2%) / 0.4273
Black race / 198(68.5%) / 51(78.5%) / 0.1126
Diabetes / 101(34.9%) / 30(46.2%) / 0.0909
Chronic kidney disease / 17(5.9%) / 5(7.7%) / 0.5850
Coronary artery disease / 17(5.9%) / 3(4.6%) / 0.6893
Myocardial infarction / 4(1.4%) / 0(0%) / 0.3401
Congestive heart failure / 2(0.7%) / 2(3.1%) / 0.1002
Hyperlipidemia / 129(44.6%) / 37(56.9%) / 0.0729
Atrial fibrillation / 6(2.1%) / 1(1.5%) / 0.7785
Stroke / 1(0.3%) / 0(0%) / 0.6348
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 38(13.1%) / 4(6.2%) / 0.1151
Depression / 70(24.2%) / 8(12.3%) / 0.0363
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.3±3.7 / 3.8±4.2 / 0.2995

Table 3.5Patient characteristics 4th quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 4th Quartile / -Triamterene, N=251 / +Triamterene, N=102 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 49.5±13.2 / 50.3±11.4 / 0.9876
Female / 243(96.8%) / 98(96.1%) / 0.7300
Black race / 214(85.3%) / 82(80.4%) / 0.2600
Diabetes / 38(15.1%) / 13(12.7%) / 0.5619
Chronic kidney disease / 18(7.2%) / 9(8.8%) / 0.5965
Coronary artery disease / 15(6%) / 7(6.9%) / 0.7548
Myocardial infarction / 5(2%) / 3(2.9%) / 0.5870
Congestive heart failure / 0(0%) / 0(0%)
Hyperlipidemia / 128(51%) / 55(53.9%) / 0.6180
Atrial fibrillation / 2(0.8%) / 1(1%) / 0.8648
Stroke / 2(0.8%) / 1(1%) / 0.8648
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 14(5.6%) / 10(9.8%) / 0.1528
Depression / 59(23.5%) / 33(32.4%) / 0.0861
Years since first hypertension treatment / 2.8±3.5 / 2.4±2.9 / 0.2995

4. HCTZ + ACE Inhibitor + CCB + Beta Blocker (BB)

Figure 4.1Propensity score distributions in patients prescribed and not prescribed triamterene

Figure 4.2Within-subclass distributions of the estimated propensity scores

Table 4.1Within-subclass estimates of treatment effects

Drug Class / Blood Pressure / Quartile / -Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / +Triamterene BP Mean(SE) / BP Mean Difference(SE) / P-Value
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Systolic / 1 / 140.91±0.9 / 136.43±1.99 / -4.48±2.81 / 0.1119
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Systolic / 2 / 144.1±0.83 / 143.1±2.45 / -1±2.3 / 0.6648
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Systolic / 3 / 144.38±0.91 / 143.01±1.69 / -1.37±2 / 0.4928
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Systolic / 4 / 143.43±0.93 / 137.76±1.11 / -5.66±1.63 / 0.0006
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Diastolic / 1 / 79.13±0.62 / 77.45±1.67 / -1.68±1.95 / 0.3886
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Diastolic / 2 / 80.96±0.64 / 80.54±1.83 / -0.42±1.76 / 0.8123
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Diastolic / 3 / 82.1±0.66 / 80.86±1.03 / -1.24±1.41 / 0.3801
HCTZ+ACE+BB+CCB / Diastolic / 4 / 81.9±0.63 / 80.68±0.98 / -1.23±1.18 / 0.2987

Table 4.2Patient characteristics 1st quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 1st Quartile / -Triamterene, N=338 / +Triamterene, N=37 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 54.9±11.6 / 56.7±10.5 / 0.2505
Female / 109(32.2%) / 14(37.8%) / 0.4918
Black race / 90(26.6%) / 8(21.6%) / 0.5106
Diabetes / 141(41.7%) / 15(40.5%) / 0.8905
Chronic kidney disease / 20(5.9%) / 3(8.1%) / 0.5980
Coronary artery disease / 189(55.9%) / 21(56.8%) / 0.9222
Myocardial infarction / 54(16%) / 7(18.9%) / 0.6452
Congestive heart failure / 33(9.8%) / 5(13.5%) / 0.4730
Hyperlipidemia / 209(61.8%) / 20(54.1%) / 0.3568
Atrial fibrillation / 22(6.5%) / 1(2.7%) / 0.3596
Stroke / 27(8%) / 3(8.1%) / 0.9796
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 56(16.6%) / 9(24.3%) / 0.2367
Depression / 64(18.9%) / 4(10.8%) / 0.2234
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.7±4.5 / 2.8±4.1 / 0.6504

Table 4.3Patient characteristics 2nd quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 2nd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=323 / +Triamterene, N=51 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 54.3±12.7 / 50.8±12.9 / 0.2505
Female / 164(50.8%) / 27(52.9%) / 0.7736
Black race / 193(59.8%) / 35(68.6%) / 0.2273
Diabetes / 131(40.6%) / 25(49%) / 0.2547
Chronic kidney disease / 24(7.4%) / 3(5.9%) / 0.6914
Coronary artery disease / 75(23.2%) / 12(23.5%) / 0.9612
Myocardial infarction / 28(8.7%) / 5(9.8%) / 0.7905
Congestive heart failure / 37(11.5%) / 4(7.8%) / 0.4429
Hyperlipidemia / 163(50.5%) / 29(56.9%) / 0.3956
Atrial fibrillation / 20(6.2%) / 2(3.9%) / 0.5219
Stroke / 35(10.8%) / 6(11.8%) / 0.8436
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 49(15.2%) / 5(9.8%) / 0.3109
Depression / 58(18%) / 10(19.6%) / 0.7763
Years since first hypertension treatment / 4.2±4.9 / 4.7±6.7 / 0.6504

Table 4.4Patient characteristics 3rd quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 3rd Quartile / -Triamterene, N=299 / +Triamterene, N=76 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 53.5±13.3 / 54.3±13.9 / 0.2505
Female / 237(79.3%) / 56(73.7%) / 0.2933
Black race / 220(73.6%) / 58(76.3%) / 0.6266
Diabetes / 138(46.2%) / 27(35.5%) / 0.0956
Chronic kidney disease / 29(9.7%) / 10(13.2%) / 0.3777
Coronary artery disease / 27(9%) / 7(9.2%) / 0.9610
Myocardial infarction / 11(3.7%) / 2(2.6%) / 0.6558
Congestive heart failure / 16(5.4%) / 4(5.3%) / 0.9757
Hyperlipidemia / 157(52.5%) / 36(47.4%) / 0.4234
Atrial fibrillation / 12(4%) / 4(5.3%) / 0.6302
Stroke / 20(6.7%) / 4(5.3%) / 0.6502
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 33(11%) / 5(6.6%) / 0.2502
Depression / 84(28.1%) / 20(26.3%) / 0.7572
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.1±4 / 3.2±3.9 / 0.6504

Table 4.5Patient characteristics 4th quartile (p values not adjusted for multiplicity)

Patient Characteristics, 4th Quartile / -Triamterene, N=269 / +Triamterene, N=106 / P Values
Age at first recorded hypertension diagnosis / 49.9±13.4 / 50.1±12.6 / 0.2505
Female / 258(95.9%) / 102(96.2%) / 0.8883
Black race / 252(93.7%) / 96(90.6%) / 0.2935
Diabetes / 96(35.7%) / 42(39.6%) / 0.4768
Chronic kidney disease / 43(16%) / 15(14.2%) / 0.6583
Coronary artery disease / 12(4.5%) / 3(2.8%) / 0.4680
Myocardial infarction / 6(2.2%) / 1(0.9%) / 0.4070
Congestive heart failure / 25(9.3%) / 11(10.4%) / 0.7484
Hyperlipidemia / 76(28.3%) / 34(32.1%) / 0.4641
Atrial fibrillation / 19(7.1%) / 9(8.5%) / 0.6358
Stroke / 13(4.8%) / 6(5.7%) / 0.7421
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 31(11.5%) / 16(15.1%) / 0.3471
Depression / 70(26%) / 33(31.1%) / 0.3182
Years since first hypertension treatment / 3.1±3.9 / 3.2±3.8 / 0.6504


1.Rosenbaum PR, Rubin DB. Reducing bias in observational studies using subclassification on the propensity score. J Am Stat Assoc. 1984;79(387):516-524.