CASL/Program Review Meeting 4/27/16
Attendees: Andy McCutcheon, Audrey Green, Rebecca Eikey, Lee White, Diane Solomon, Necia Gelker, Jerry Buckley, Barry Gribbons, Micah Young, Erin Delaney, Daylene Meuschke, Denee Pescarmona, Tom Vessella, Rhonda Hyatt
Minutes from last meeting were accepted.
Discussion on minutes regarding Curricunet access for adjunct faculty
SLO Recording in MyCanyons -
Daylene was asked to pull grade screen data and send out to department chairs, 3 fields - she aggregated , questions came back - sections how many, should I follow up with faculty - SLO Coordinators should they be responsible for the follow up, lecture/lab SLO questions;
Question for committee - do we want to share section specific information - would it be helpful for department chairs/coordinators to follow up; Daylene followed up with Paul to ask how were they trained
Section level information - avoided producing section level information due to faculty concerns, once IR does they can't hide it
It is possible to have who did and who didn't but not the specific section #
Daylene can aggregate number of section reporting and then who didn't report
Chair could then use this information and then reach out to those who didn't report
We want number of sections reporting and specific sections
Departments who have opted in to MyCanyons want this information
SLO assessment not just needing it for accreditation requirement but used for meaningful for dialogue with faculty about how to improve their courses, etc.
Should we reach out to departments to help them with this (Cindy and Rebecca)?
Produce list of reporting - number of sections reporting and then section that didn't report which would be separated
Program Review - connecting the staffing requests to program review, question is can we better integrate the staffing request to program review Rebecca had a few samples of how to do this, she pulled from classified, faculty, support services, how many full time faculty, how many adjunct faculty, classified, how many college assistants, short term employees, volunteers, entire academic year including winter and summer and if they move into non- credit how many sections of those - this helps departments to plan how many employees they need - could the forms be an attachment in program review (the ones that Rebecca brought to the meeting or a different iteration); Barry said that the classified is easy to embed - they would need to add objective to the form as to why they need that classified positions, academic staffing - all the data sent to academic staffing committee PR table could be modified to include that data - timing could be an issue because ASC meets before Program Review - sometimes people ask for additional staff and it's not connected to an objective - needs to be an objective tied to PR; ex. Workload level is not a valid objective - just because is not a rational for needing staff
Academic Staffing Committee are usually in November; expanded number of course offerings - may grow before you are able to accommodate the staffing
FTES FT staffing FT overload what would the ratio become, high percentage taught by adjuncts it articulates the need more transparently
Discussion around ASC and not filling out the data twice when - why do we need to fill that out to ASC since Daylene already provides the data
Tables are useful when - committee ASC needs to create a snapshot - Jerry thinks there may be some latitude in changing this. Andy suggested that having that data helps faculty to make their case; possible clerical assistance may solve this issue within each department - may not need to do the clerical work if we had clerical support to do the data - if we do integrate in PR then the point is mute
How to pull it from PR as sometimes there is hiccup in getting to it; need to have workable documents pdf's;
Vendor presentation - how can this conversation help us in picking a vendor – vendor presentation is scheduled for 4/29 – will discuss at our next CASL/Program Review meeting, May 11
Barry mentioned wanting to have full data the full year - argument for Fall/Spring is that it would not benefit everyone, ex. In the past efficiency for summer was way lower ; that data when mixed with fall/spring would make them look less efficient - added a ton of classes in summer and class size was not considered - nowadays the interest in having winter/summer makes sense as it is more efficient - sections, FTES, picking up those students the head count would be helpful, have to be evaluated by the department chair - chairs would like a more comprehensive look could it be delineated by full and intersession; concern - some department summer and winter offerings are taught by part time faculty - does that skew data when you look at it does it skew or misinform;
Staffing request fall/spring but for planning makes sense for the whole entire year of offerings
Tableau - 5 year history Daylene you can view either way look at fall/spring, maybe a standard data table - classified (science ex) is a full year issue - translates into views we create; has the ability where you can slice and dice - Daylene can create multiple views -
Tableau - only department gets access to their own data - with the exception of ASC - is there any concern about others having access to other's data or do we need to lock it down - transparency; having departments see what other departments numbers helps add context; lots of discussion as to why this would be a good practice - Jerry brought up that we have access to other college's data
TO DO - send out email to department chairs about MyCanyons for spring
How do you compare to area programs? DATA MART - Launchboard is there some way we can be more familiar with this information would it be helpful for department chairs to know how to access this to help them in PR - encourage faculty to look at the curriculum of other colleges; do we need training for Launchboard with outcome measures - $50,000 that is coming to instruction; could put out some funding for training/coaches?
Did one data coaching session - would like to get back to that (Daylene) could address Launchboard - Data Mart may be more valuable (Paul suggested) it is full of data and Launchboard is still a bit lagging at this time
Should there be a connection to program review and then we can train faculty how to use it - could be part of the prompt can't have a higher level integration because they are cludgy; a year from this summer rolling into year 1 doing a dedicated workshop on program review, planning, analysis,
Daylene will have open office hours for drop in
Possibly integrate with SLO
Cindy and Daylene will collaborate- will present a workshop for fall professional development
Barry brought handouts about the changes to PR - refer to mock ups
Asked if we wanted to go ahead with having Norris start creating this; talk about this at the next meeting; debriefing and what happens on Friday - Audrey addressed the 1st 3 as decision making process if not integrated correctly into PR for ex. Ie2 has already decided on how to spend those funds - initiative and not the one off's, may be a problem in PACB - initiative connection don't want people coming with their hands out for money as it may not be possible
Things to consider – Should CASL/PR continue to stay combined or split up
Meeting day/times – should they remain the same for the next academic year