The South Walpole UMC
Ministry Story
Community † education † worship † missions † well-being
COMMUNITY $19,321 (16%)
Through community ministry we care for each other and the community around us. During the Ice Cream Social, Walpole Day, the Boyden School Road Race, and our Church Mice Fair we enjoy each other and make new friends. Sunday Fellowship time offers a tasty array of food and beverages shared with old and new friends.
The Blue Men Group and Pink Ladies step up to the plate with projects to maintain and improve our property.
The Crafty Ladies offers women additional fellowship and support the Mice Fair.
WORSHIP $29,038 (24%)
We gather for worship to celebrate God’s grace at work in the world. Coming as we are, open to God’s Spirit, we celebrate the tradition of the church and apply Biblical texts to issues and circumstances in our day-to-day living. We pray for guidance as we grow in personal holiness and social responsibility, recognizing that love of God is expressed through love ofneighbor and strangers.
Our music ministry, led by Mary Moser, contributes much to our worship experience as she plans weekly services with Pastor Sarah, and coordinates hymns, special instrumental music and choir anthems. Mary leads the adult choir, and works with other ensembles for special occasions.
The worship committee joins with Pastor Sarah and Mary in planning seasons of worship. Liturgists take turns leading worship each week. Services are occasionally enhanced through visuals and recorded music and we have all benefited from our new sound system.
Our building is also home to the Koinonia Assemblies of God congregation led by Pastor Varley Silva. Through their ministry worship is offered to God in Portuguese every Sunday evening and a faithful community of immigrants call this their church home.
MISSIONS $42,267 (34%)
Reaching out to others through missions is of great importance. Volunteer time and personal donations grow our mission outreach far beyond our budget. Each week we sign and mail prayer letters to many people all over the country. We support Breaking Bread taking our turn serving the weekly free meal to the community four times a year. We gather and distribute Christmas gifts, and provide a Thanksgiving Meals of Wheels to demonstrate our care for others during the holidays. And we offer a yearly Blessing of the Animals and gathersupplies for animal shelters. Weekly “Celebration Pennies” are collected in worship to support Red Bird Missionary health clinic – a United Methodist mission in rural Appalachia.
Contributions to World Communion Sunday, United Methodist Committee On Relief and other ministries of the United Methodist Church connect us to mission projects making a difference around the world.
EDUCATION $21,997 (17%)
Our Christian Education ministry offers Sunday morning classes for children. Sunday School teachers are Safe Sanctuary Trained and use a variety of methods for creative learning.
Our adult education program offers a Tuesday evening Bible Study and a Thursday morning Prayer Group. Leadership training and workshops are available through the Untied Methodist church. Pastor Sarah also uses her teaching skills by training new Local Pastors each year at the New England Licensing School.
For nearly 50 years our church has supported the South Walpole Community Preschoolthat nurtures young children and their families from September through June. We are proud that the school can offer affordable quality education through cooperation of the dedicated staff and the church’s ability to offer the space far below commercial market value. For 15 years a group of older children and youth have been using the church hall during eight weeks of Summer Stage.
WELL-BEING $10,667 (9%)
Pastor Sarah Mount Elewononi works with our lay leadership to coordinate both the spiritual and temporal care for our faith community. Pastor Sarah shepherds us through life events including exciting weddings, poignant funerals, holidays and special ministry events throughout the year.
Tending to families in crisis, hospital visits, and new membership classes keep the pastoral role full of variety. The ministry of a faith community includes coordination and empowerment of both staff and volunteers. In a growing community like SWUMC, the pastoral role functions both as leader and servant. Pastor Sarah juggles these roles well, learning and is growing with us.
SWUMC was also the meeting place for two Monday night Alcohol Anonymous meetings. Participants find hope, healing and give testimony to the Grace of God changing their lives.