Assigned Date: ______Received Date:______
Second copy will be given to student upon return of fully signed document
Notice: Student has three attended school days to return PFSS and Safety Contract documents from date given above fully signed off. If student does not return documents within this timeframe, then student will not be allowed to participate in labs due to safety rules. All assignments will be held with no credit until documents are returned. At which time, all assignments will receive due credit based on student performance. Thank you.
______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
Plan for Success 2014-2015 Ms. Tara Van Scoy
Biology 1-2 Science Department Code: 5711000/5711008-M
Credit: ½ credit per semester passed Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisites: None
Welcome to your science class for the 2014/15 school year! It is our goal to make this an active participation and highly relevant class for you. So that we can all have a positive and successful experience in science below are the basic policies and procedures under which this classroom will be operating during the 2014/15 year.
Course Description
Biology 1-2 is a laboratory science course designed to meet the Arizona and national standards for the inquiry process, history and nature of science, science in personal and social perspectives, and life science. Students of Biology 1-2, will engage in scientific inquiry to uncover concepts related to cellular processes, interdependence of organisms and the environmental system, genetics, and the molecular basis of heredity, and the scientific principles and processes involved in biological evolution. Biology 1-2 should be successfully completed by the end of the sophomore year.
Student Outcomes
At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of biology concepts & principles. Make accurate observations of phenomena & generate models to explain observations. Demonstrate ability to design and carry out experiments, which test generated hypotheses. Demonstrate skill in solving problems using mathematical equations/calculations. Identify the relationship between biology & other areas of study.
Classroom Expectations ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
1. At all times students will be expected to abide by all policies of the Phoenix Union High School District and Trevor G. Browne High School.
2. Due to obvious health and safety concerns, students are not permitted to chew gum, eat or drink in the laboratory. Because the classroom is also the laboratory, no gum, food, or beverage should NOT be consumed in the classroom area, however water in closed bottles may be brought due to the heat.
3. Students are expected to exercise reasonable safety precautions in the laboratory as stated in the safety contract. Any student failing to follow safety rules will be removed from lab for safety of class. They will be allowed to make up lab within 48hours. This is especially true for repeated failure in same lab activity to keep safety goggles on correctly.
4. Students are expected to behave in an appropriate and courteous manner to classmates, any visitors or guests and staff.
5. It is school policy that students are required to have the TGB student planner and Student ID at all times. This planner is used for accountability of student work.
6. Non-academic use of cell phones is a distraction from learning. They should be left in backpacks during class time unless you have teacher permission.
Materials Required: ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
Students should come prepared for each class. Needed is a working pen/pencil, notebook, student planner, calculator, highlighter, and completed assignments. Goggles are provided. The text is Biology is provided in class & at the Bookstore.
Attendance Policies ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
High attendance correlates with high academic success. Students are expected to attend school every possible day. “Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR) Parents must call in with or write a known and legitimate reason to student records within three days (72 hours) of student’s return to school in order to excuse an absence. Students will inform teachers of known future absences and request work for that time, utilizing teacher e-mail and KKIS time. Upon return to class, work will be due in the number of excused days the student has missed plus one, except for extenuating circumstances. Teachers will discuss make-up assignments, grades and attendance issues only during scheduled KKIS times - not during class.
The value and experience of learning and working with classmates and the teacher can never be made up. Thus the Phoenix Union High School District believes that daily participation in classroom instructional activities is essential to earning credit in every course. Students may fail the class for the semester in any course when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school documented interventions have been exhausted.
Being prompt is key to success in life, work and school. Students are expected to arrive to class on time, when the tardy bell rings. “Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR) Any student who is late to class will follow the district and school tardy policy. If there is no school-wide tardy policy, then a student who is tardy will serve a reasonable detention for his/her tardiness during KKIS.
If you are absent, you still owe the work. It is the student’s responsibility to get any assignments missed while absent, including school related absences (brown slips). Excused absences ¹ Excused work.
Any questions regarding missed work will gladly be answered after class or after school. Do not interrupt the class to do so.
All missing lab work, activities or tests must be prearranged and completed during KKIS. Please remember that it is impossible to recreate what is missed during class time exactly. Class discussions and participation are two areas that are missed by your absence and cannot be made up.
Make-Up Late-work Policy ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
1. You will have as many days to produce the missed work as you were out plus one day for full credit.
2. Any missed tests must be made up within 1 week of return. Any missed lab work must be made up within 48 hours of return.
3. Any content work from a unit must be handed in before the test is taken by the class for that unit. It will not be accepted after the
unit test. Most unit tests are 2-3 weeks apart. This is giving more than enough time to hand in work for partial credit.
4. All late work can earn up to 75% of original assignment value based on student performance if handed before the test is taken by
the class for that unit.
Grades ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
The purpose of graded work is to test for mastery of the content by the student. The teacher has tried to lay out a clear plan to help every student succeed and flourish in the class. Thus the policies in this document will adhere to the modifications and accommodations for all IEP and 504 plans. This is an active lab oriented class, your grade in here will be based on your performance in several areas.
Final Semester Grades will be determined as follows:
Semester Work 85%
Final Exam 15%
Final exam grade will be based on District CRT
Semester Work is figured as follows:
Homework and classwork 30 %
Tests & quizzes 30 %
Lab Reports & Projects 30 %
Student Accountability 10 %
Projects consist of but not limited to literacy readings, writing summaries, PBA’s, and content projects.
Student Accountability includes regular student progress reports printed and signed by parent, various school legal sign off documents (PFSS, Safety contract, Discipline Handbook sheets, and assigned academic interventions), planner checks and lab book checks.
There is little to no extra credit in Biology. All students are expected to do the required work.
The grading scale used is:
90 - 100 % =A 80 - 89%=B 70 - 79% =C 60.0- 69% =D Below 60%=F
Grade Reports
Parents will receive progress reports via parent portal (ParentVue) as well as progress reports via US mail every three weeks. In addition, students are required to log into StudentVue every two weeks to check and print their grades. Students are encouraged to keep all of their work in order to track and verify their own grade. ParentVUE / StudentVUE can be found on the PUHSD
web site under the Parent or Student heading.
Academic & Attendance Interventions ______(parent initials) ______(student initials)
An Advisory period has been implemented this year and TGB. It is every Wednesday for one hour to support getting classwork completed. Please use this additional intervention to the best of your ability.
Title 1 Program
Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: Math, Reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, or Assistant Principal for Instruction Ms. Stephanie Streeter for additional information at (602)764-8517.
We also encourage all students who are having any trouble in the class to attend our KKIS hours, whether the issue is understanding the material, getting work completed, low grades or attendance issues. KKIS, which stands for Keep Kids in School, was set up for students to have a time and place to meet with the teacher. We keep a variety of KKIS hours so that students with varied schedules have access to help. Note: KKIS times are subject to change without notice due to emergency and planned meetings. Other times may be available by request. There are many biology teachers at Trevor Browne. All are willing to work with students.
Ms. Van Scoy Room 7112 vanscoy@ KKIS: MTThF 7 – 8 am or as posted and by appointment
For direct contact, e-mail is best. You can call the school at 602-764-8500 and leave a message.
Plan for Success 2014-2015
Biology 1-2 Ms. Van Scoy Code: 5711000/5711008-M
We have read over and understand the Plan for Success for the Biology 1-2 class. The student understands that the teacher facilitates learning, but the responsibility of learning the content is the student’s. Parent and student acknowledge with their signatures that this Plan for Success is a guide in that learning process.
Hemos leído una y entender el plan para el éxito de la clase 1-2 Biología. El estudiante entiende que el profesor facilita el aprendizaje, pero la responsabilidad de aprender el contenido es el estudiante. Padres y estudiantes reconocen con su firma que el Plan para el éxito es una guía en este proceso de aprendizaje.
Student name (legible): ______Period ______
Student signature: ______Date______
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date______
Flinn Safety Contract for Laboratory Work 2014-2015
Biology 1-2 Ms. Van Scoy
I, ______,(printed student’s name) have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in the safety contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part, may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, receiving a failing grade, and/or dismissal from the course.
Student signature: ______Date______
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We feel that you should be informed regarding the school’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment.
With the cooperation of the instructors, parents, and students, a safety instruction program can eliminate, prevent, and correct possible hazards. You should be aware of the safety instructions your son/daughter will receive before engaging in any laboratory work. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read this Student Safety Contract, are aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of your son/daughter in the science laboratory, and will instruct your son/daughter to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.
Estimado Padre o Guardián,
Pensamos que usted debe ser informado del esfuerzo de la escuela de crear y mantener la clase/laboratorio de ciencias segura. Con la cooperación de los instructores, padres, y alumnos, un programa de instrucción seguro puede eliminar, prevenir, y corregir posibles
riesgos. Usted debe conocer las instrucciones de seguridad que su hijo o hija recibirá antes de empezar cualquier actividad en el laboratorio. Por favor, lea la lista de reglas de seguridad en la parte de arriba. No se permitirá a ningún alumno empezar a hacer actividades en el laboratorio a no ser que este contrato haya sido firmado por el alumno y el padre o guardián y este en el archivo del maestro. Su firma en este contrato indica que usted ha leído este Contrato de Seguridad del Alumno, que sabe de las medidas tomadas para asegurar la seguridad de su hijo o hija en el laboratorio de ciencias, y que hablará con su hijo o hija sobre mantener este contrato y seguir las reglas y procesos en el laboratorio.
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date______
Additional Information to help the instructor:
Current Phone numbers: Home ______Work______Cell ______
STUDENT COPY-(Not for handing in)
Plan for Success 2014-2015 Ms. Tara Van Scoy
Biology 1-2 Science Department Code: 5711000/5711008-M
Credit: ½ credit per semester passed Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisites: None
Welcome to your science class for the 2014/15 school year! It is our goal to make this an active participation and highly relevant class for you. So that we can all have a positive and successful experience in science below are the basic policies and procedures under which this classroom will be operating during the 2014/15 year.