July 15,2014
This policy statement was recommended by theAcademicSenate on June 18,2014andapprovedby thePresident on June 19,2014.
1.1CaliforniaState University,LongBeach, recognizesthatthereisapowerdisparity betweenastudentandany individual [hereinafter referredto as “coveredindividual”] who is currently teaching,evaluating, counseling, coaching,advising, and/or supervising that student.
1.2Consensual amorous or sexual relationsbetween a student and anycovered individual cancreatea conflict ofinterest that maylead to complaints of favoritism, lower morale, adverse effects tostudent welfare, damaged learningand working relationships, orclaims of sexual harassment ordiscrimination.
2.1The University will regarda consensual amorous or sexualrelationship between anycoveredindividualand a studentfor whom he orshe has a teaching, evaluative, counseling,coaching,advising,orsupervisory responsibilitiesasunprofessional andunacceptable.
2.2The Universityexpectscovered individuals torefrain fromtakinganyteaching,evaluative, counseling,coaching, advising, or supervisorial roleinvolving an individual with whom he/she is having anamorousorsexualrelationship;
2.3Anycovered individualwho is,has been,or becomesinvolved in an amorous or sexualrelationshipwitha student over whomhe orshe currently has authority, influence, or responsibilitymustpromptly inform his orher immediate supervisorofsuch relationship.Moreover,
2.3.1anycovered individual who is, has been or becomesinvolved in an amorous or sexualrelationshipwitha student mustremove himselfor herself from any participation inanykeyacademic-related decisions, suchas those related tograding,transfer, evaluation,awards,discipline, or academicstatus.
2.3.2anycovered individual who is, has been or becomesinvolved in an amorous or sexualrelationshipwitha student mustremove himselfor herself from any participation inanykeyemployment-related decisions, suchas those related to hiring, evaluation, or discipline.
2.4Thesupervisor informed ofthe amorous relationship shall reassign keyacademic-related oremployment-relateddecisions regarding thestudentwhoisorhasbeeninanamorousor sexualrelationship witha covered individual to adifferentcoveredindividualforwhom no conflict ofinterestexists in making such decisions.
2.5Violators of this policy shall be subject towarning,reprimand or other disciplinary procedures inaccordancewith Universityregulations.
PS 14-051