Title: Scuderia Ferarri Uncovered (Shell Pre-Roll – Rapper)
This video takes you into the very heart of the legendary Scuderia Ferarri garage, where you are able to see two Formula-One Ferrari’s parked inside.
Scuderia Ferarri Uncovered – Rapper Transcript
[Background music plays]
A sharp sound plays which then levels out into a gentle humming.
[Visual transition/change]
Screen zooms quickly into the brightly lit Scuderia Ferarri garage. On the left is a parked red Formula One Ferarri on a shiny white floor.
[Background music plays]
The humming noise grows louder and a high-pitched digital ringing sound plays.
[Visual transition/change]
The camera then pans slowly to the right where it stops at four computer screens, four TV screen, two keyboards and a red stool in the centre of the garage. Yellow blocks fade in on the left of the screen, the blocks change in size until they are eventually filled out by 3 yellow bands that act as a background to the text.
[Text displays]
Even the rapper who sold 21 million albums can’t talk his way in here.
[Background music plays]
As the text appears on the screen letter by letter, the sound of someone tapping and typing quickly at a keyboard is played.
[Background music plays]
The humming noise fades out as the sound of a engine grows louder, as If a formula-one car is whizzing past you as it races around a track.
[Visual transition/change]
Both the text and the yellow blocks fade from the screen and the camera pans further to the right of the garage where is stops at the second parked red Formula-One Ferarri. As the camera rests on the car a white circle with a yellow circle in the middle appears on top of the Ferarri. At the same time another circle appears in the bottom left corner of the screen displaying the blueprint of the Scuderia Garage inside.
[Background music plays]
As the circles appear on the screen a light noise plays, similar to a tap dripping. The sound of a racing car fades quickly in and out again as if it is passing by.
[Visual transition/change]
The screen is then gradually blocked out by small squares with variety of transparency. Some are completely white, and others are more transparent, so you can still see parts of the Scuderia garage in the background. Finally the garage is completely blocked out by white.
[Text displays]
Scuderia Ferarri
Inside the legendary Formula One TM Team.
[Visual transition/change]
The text ‘Scuderia Ferari’ has a block of yellow behind it, and the text ‘Uncovered Inside the legendary Formula One TM Team’ has a block of red behind it.