Banner GPSynch Technical
Install-Training-Consulting Agenda
1 Meeting Logistics
Item / GPSynch Technical TrainingDate / Tuesday 3/24/2009 through Thursday 3/26/2009
Time / 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location / Foothill-De Anza Community College - Room TBD
Other Material Requirements / VGA-to-Overhead projection device and an overhead projector
2 Attendees
Role / NameFacilitator / David Gilmore, Technical Consultant, SunGard Higher Education
Minute Taker
Time Keeper / David Gilmore, Technical Consultant, SunGard Higher Education
Other Participants / Client attendee’s
Not in Attendance
3 Pre-Work
The client institution must have several tasks completed before the training consultant arrives at the site to conduct the course:
· Banner should be fully installed
· Toolkit should be fully installed (installation is being done by SGHE personnel). Specific Conversion Accounts (e.g. SCTCVT and FRSCVT) must be completely installed and tested. At least one Conversion Account with General Person specifications for SPRIDEN, SPBPERS, SPRADDR, SPRTELE, GOREMAL to which we can attach GPSynch specifications.
· Provide training room/facility with one computer for the instructor and a minimum of one computer for each two students.
· Each computer needs ability to connect to the OS, Converter Toolkit, Banner, SQL (SQL*PLUS for Windows is preferred), MS-Access, MS-Excel, MS-Word, and the Internet. The instructor computer needs to have Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader in addition to the above requirements.
· Password and log on instructions for VPN, Banner, Conversion/Training Oracle Accounts and the OS.
· Mapping EXEL spreadsheets should be available for review and re-mapping on the instructor PC.
· Sample data extracts can be run prior to the session. The data can be loaded into the temp tables prior or during the session. (Optional)
· Schedule those to attend.
4 Purpose
This session provides installation of the GPSynch baseline code AND will provide members of your technical staff with an understanding of the GPSynch methodology and underlying source code.
5 Desired Outcomes
Work with client technical staff on appropriate conversion methodology to move legacy data from legacy sources into Banner tables.
Please keep in mind that we can keep this agenda flexible.
6 Agenda
Time / Topic ~ Day 19:00 AM - Noon / SGHE- Install and Install verification
Noon – 1:00 PM / Lunch
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm / SGHE- Install and Install verification(continued)
SGHE and CLIENT - discussion of General Person Mapping, potential customizations as per project needs.
Time / Topic ~ Day 2
9:00 AM - Noon / SGHE- Install, Install verification, install modifications
Noon – 1:00 PM / Lunch
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm / SGHE and CLIENT - Formal Training on GP Synch Methodology
Time / Topic ~ Day 3
9:00 AM - Noon / SGHE and CLIENT - Data Hierarchy and Precedence discussion mapping.
SGHE and CLIENT(tech) - methodology and code implementation
Noon – 1:00 PM / Lunch
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm / SGHE and CLIENT(tech) - methodology and code implementation
SGHE – wrapup
Foothill-De Anza Community College / SunGard Higher Education - Confidential & Proprietary / Page 1 of 2
ST TA Week1 Foothill-De Anza CC ONSITE Banner GP Synch Technical Install-Training-Consulting Agenda.doc / 3/12/2009