1Establish systems to elevate and expand opportunities for students to experience the distinguishing hallmarks of a Cal Poly Pomona education: integrative learning, discovery, and creativity.
1.1Establish an Honors Program that challenges students to identify creative solutions to societal problems.
1.2Expand the Teacher-Scholar model to give greater focus to including and mentoring students in interdisciplinary and problem-based research.
1.3Create opportunities for faculty and students to learn how to use design-thinking strategies to enhance their teaching and research.
2Re-imagine the General Education program (and reduce GE learning goals to 3-5) to better align with our polytechnic identity, new mission statement and core values. For example, the GE Synthesis courses must be interdisciplinary and project-based (including community-based projects).
3Host an annual symposium to highlight student creative and scholarly activity and increase visibility of University-wide programs/initiatives. Invite employers and local media to the event to provide potential employment opportunities for graduates and raise the overall university profile. [see also Initiative III]
4Develop digital strategies (e.g., videos, MyCPP mobile apps, online tutorials, virtual orientations) to guide and advise students.
4.1Increase/Improve the Digital Student Experience to help communicate student expectations.
4.2Improve and help focus university communication with students.
4.3Increase the use of analytics and dashboards in support of Student Advising
4.4Increase the use of online notes/technology and communication for Student Advising
4.5Use analytics to fully align the class schedule with the curriculum to ensure timely completion of major requirements.
4.6Implement SmartPlanner in Fall 2018 and ensure that all students are using it as an advising and course scheduling tool.
4.7Embrace and increase our accessible technology initiatives for learning and web resources.
5Re-envision the transition experience of new students (first-time freshmen and first-year transfers) to include a redesign of orientation, developmental education, early start, parent and family programs. Create an intentional first year experience.
5.1Eliminate the need for students to take developmental math. Provide academic support to incoming students who need to develop their quantitative reasoning skills.
6Develop systems to close gaps in retention, persistence and graduation among traditionally under-represented minority students.
7Advance an environment that fosters student safety, security, well-being, and a sense of belonging.
7.1Transition to a smoke-free and tobacco-free campus.
7.2Implement a campus-wide keyless card access system,
7.3Implement a mobile personal security device application, such as Live Safe or Peace of Mind
7.4Create new campus cluster neighborhoods.
7.5Create a comprehensive structure of well-being support to address basic needs including emergency financial resources, emergency housing resources, food resources, etc. Establish a user-friendly online referral system to empower the campus community to refer a student in-need.
8Establish a pre-admission to one-year post-graduation model to include Admissions, the Career Center and Alumni Relations. Co-locate each unit on the ground floor of the new student services building to serve as a “front door – your CPP experience and graduation success starts today” experience. Create robust parent and family programs with direct connections to each unit.
8.1Reimagine the One-Stop center and theStudent Services building to establish a holistic approach to student advising, including supporting the college-based student success teams.
9Enhance student training and career readiness by providing early and on-going opportunities for students in all colleges/majors.
9.1Provide experiential learning opportunities for students in all majors early and throughout their programs of study.
9.2Make internships or service-learning for course credit a graduation requirement for all students. Expand service-learning to include projects/placements and partnerships across the university.
9.3Increase faculty and student participation in Technology Initiatives (Security, Analytics, Data Center, User Interface Design, Web & App Development…)
9.4Increase number of paid internships for students.
10E-portfolios through partnership with LinkedIn®
10.1Require a guided e-portfolio experience for all graduates to include assessment of curricular and co-curricular learning outcomes. Content may include: general education; participation in clubs and organizations; leadership opportunities; internships; and capstone experiences to fully integrate the students’ learning experience and illustrate evidence of having met university learning outcomes.
10.2Use e-portfolios to connect students with alumni and potential employers.
11Boldly elevate our reputation andshowcase our unique polytechnic identity
11.1Develop a comprehensive branding campaign on the meaning and value of a polytechnic university.
11.2Develop a sculptural focal point as a monument to the importance of Cal Poly Pomona.
12Expand support for research and sponsored programs in order to double grant funding in the next 5 years.
13Increase fundraising and public/private partnerships that support student success and our academic master plan.
13.1Fund the creation of a research building/space to support interdisciplinary research projects and faculty clusters.
13.2Develop and strengthen local community partners. The corporate offices of California Edison offer an excellent example. We should be engaging with their staff on topics related to education and societal trends that provide a “value added” reason for their location adjacent to campus.
13.3Create resources (financial and facilities) by continually exploring innovative public/private partnership opportunities to support student success.
14Develop and implement a long-range, systemic approach to manage university physical resources (i.e., space, land, water).
14.1Finalize a capital master plan that incorporates realistic and implementable short-term and long-term goals and targets that create the nexus for experiential learning, discovery, and innovation.
14.2Develop campus wide priorities for all capital projects to maximize financial resources (i.e. CSU system debt, philanthropic support and public private partnerships).
14.3Explore creative ways to partner with third party builders as an alternative to funding new facilities with limited state funding and private donations.
14.4The Cal Poly Pomona Foundation will develop a research and development building at Innovation Village. The building will offer surge space for the University needs and space for public-private partnerships.
14.5Reimagine the use of space
14.5.1Conduct a comprehensive space audit
14.5.2Develop principles to improve efficient use of facilities
14.5.3Curtail the need for office space by reexamining how some of our staff work
15Develop a multi-generational and polytechnic village at Campus South –Live, Work, Eat, Play.
16Identify and equip a new location for the Innovation Lab. Market services to business, industry and community stakeholders.
17Create an interdisciplinary center for creative communication that provides Cal Poly Pomona students with direct experience in marketing, strategic communication, and visual design. Forge strategic partnerships with the Innovation Lab and fee-for-service clients.
Are these keepers?
18Expand self-support master’s degree, certificate, and professional enhancement programs and leverage these funds to support university priorities.
19Implement multi-year enrollment and multi-year revenue models.
20Invest in the economic vitality of the surrounding community with the purchasing power of the institution.
21Research and publish information regarding the economic impact of Cal Poly Pomona on the southern California economy.
22Continue to grow the real property land endowment created by Innovation Village Research and Business Park.
23Become a Great College to Work For® by establishing systems that recognize and reward the contributions of individuals and teams
23.1Increase name recognition and brand identity by creating a recognition program to reward faculty and staff who provide expertise in public forums, for new outlets, publish articles or books in their field of expertise, publish articles on Cal Poly Pomona services and programs and/or receive awards.
23.2Provide monetary reward for ideas from students, staff and faculty that enhance the efficiency or experience at CPP. Focus efforts by calling for a Great Idea that addresses a specific theme each year/term.
24Encourage and support environmentally responsible initiatives.
24.1Adopt e-signature and e-submission of all forms on campus.
24.2Add many charging stations in the parking lot next to the new Student Services building and subsidize parking for those vehicles.
24.3Create bike paths throughout campus
25Implement a one-card system for students, faculty and staff.
26Seamlessly integrate the use of data in making all decisions, and empower leaders and decision makers to incorporate the use of correct and up-to-date data in making decisions.
27Enhance institutional effectiveness by having a cadre of well-trained leaders within all divisions of the university.
28Develop and implement new training and development programs
28.1Implement a mandated on-boarding leadership program for all newly appointed MPPs and bargaining unit leads. The required training should be completed within the first six months in the position.
28.2Develop and implement a diversity, equity and inclusion curriculum for all employees.
28.3Encourage a collective institutional purpose to break down cultural barriers that limit cooperative efforts.
28.4Create anemployee grant-writing academy to benefit individuals personally/professionally and provide employees the tools to raise money for departments.
29The Big Power of Small Gestures
29.1Require all administrators to use overflow parking and take the shuttle during the first two weeks of the term. Give students (maybe veterans) their parking in clearly designated areas of F4 and F8 during those two weeks, either via raffle or first come, first served.
29.2Use moral suasion to encourage all MPPs to adopt a student for the year, which entails taking the student to lunch/coffee on occasion and serving as an informal mentor.
29.3Surprise students who contribute to the Annual Fund with a Foundation gift card for double that amount (one-time basis).
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