American Society of Agriculture & Biological Engineers

Iowa State University Chapter

General Meeting Minutes


The general meeting of the Iowa State University Student Branch of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers was called to order at 7:00 pm on 4/7/15, by President Nick Schrader. A grand total of 49 members were present.

•  Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

•  Guest Speaker: Iowa Corn Growers

·  Officer reports

·  President – Nick Schrader

o  AIM Planning Meeting Thursday 2:15-3:00pm 4th floor computer lab

o  Section Meeting next Tuesday and there is transportation provided, please sign up

§  Tour of Sukup manufacturing

§  Meeting at Ridge Stone Golf Club

§  Scholarships available to ISU ASABE students!!

o  Altec Industries

·  Vice-President – Alex Kubik

o  April 21 speaker: One3-Design

o  ABE Senior Faculty breakfast coming up soon

o  ABE Building 5th floor penthouse tour was a success

·  Treasurer – Colton Finley

o  Gave out reimbursements for fall trip

·  Secretary – Dallas Boehne

o  Sign in

·  E-council – Quenton Schieder

o  ESC nominations due April 10

·  Ag-council – Jacob Tank

o  Cardinal Cup: April 19 at 2-7

§  Three sporting events: human foosball, volleyball, tug of war

§  Intramural fields east of jack trice

·  Sergeant at Arms – Bailey Griffin

o  Leftover ice cream is in the recycle room in the basement

o  Fill out the doodle poll

·  AEM Historian – Rene Schmidt

o  Maple Dinner pictures

·  Grill Master – Phil Brotherton

o  Monday April 20 grill out for State FFA

§  Need 3-4 volunteers: Eli, Salam

o  Ordering a thermometer and thermopile/pilot light

·  Webmaster – Tate Klocke

o  Please fill out google form

·  Recruitment Chair-Evan Mellot

o  Thanks all the new comers

·  Committee reports

o  Fundraising

§  Meet Monday and put all the plaques on the Bricks and will be meeting again next Monday at 6 in room 1215

§  Davidson bricks are $50 for staff/alumni and $25 for current students

o  Events

§  International Meeting

§  Section Meeting

o  Community Service

§  Friday April 10 at 5:30 roadside clean up

§  Edwards Elementary: April 13 at 5:30

§  If interested in being a community service chair let Ben or Andrew know

o  Social

§  Two teams for broomball

§  Ag Olympics is Wednesday April 22 at the towers field

§  ASABE vs AST Sunday April 19 at 5pm

o  Public Relations

§  Like the facebook page

§  Follow us on twitter @ISUASABE

§  Tyler Bouslong won the trivia

o  Power Pullers

§  Sent rough draft of report out to past members, anyone who wants to proofread it let them know!

o  Fountain Wars

§  Moving to courtyard outside of 1209/1215

§  Meeting Wedne at 7pm

o  Advisor comment

§  Have a good election night

§  Section meeting next week

·  Final Announcements

o  Officer Elections

o  President-Quenton Schneider

o  Vice President-Kaitlyn DeVoe

o  Treasurer- Lucas Miles

o  Secretary- Sylvia Farley

o  E-Council- Colton Finley

o  Sargent at Arms-Dylan Childs

o  AEM Report- Elizabeth Tabor

o  Grill Master-Brendon Hageman

o  Webmaster-James Hartley

o  Faculty- Dr. Michelle Soupir

Congratulations to all the new elected officers

Committee positions will be at next meeting!!

·  Adjournment

o  Motion to close was called and seconded.

Respectively submitted,

Dallas Boehne

2014-2015 ISU ASABE Secretary