The United Methodist Church at White River & Mission
PO Box 197, White River, SD 57579 259-3682 or
1-877-707-8613 email:
Dusty Roads
Pastor: Linda Baldock
Ministers: Every Member
October, 2012
From the Pastor’s Keyboard
One day as I was walking uptown, I was approached by a woman with whom I am slightly acquainted. I can’t tell you her name, but she asked me for $5 for food. She looked desperate, so I said, “I can take you over to the store and get you what you want.” She had a pleading look in her eyes and then said, “Pastor, I’ll be honest with you, I really just need a drink.” That took a lot of guts, didn’t it? How many of us are that honest with one another, let alone God, when we make our pleas? We beg off from doing something at church, saying we are too busy, when in fact we are afraid to stretch our selves to do or think more deeply or to open our hearts to others or to use our energy for God’s work instead of for personal stuff.
There’s that part of honesty with God and then there’s the part of our own sin. How many times have we said, “I’m just a little hungry, that candy bar won’t hurt me,” when we’ve been asking God to help us be healthier. That’s the smaller stuff, and then we get into the big stuff, like personal greed. Greed doesn’t just want stuff, but it includes wanting our self to feel superior to others. Growing up on a farm in the days when most farms had chickens, I know the meaning of pecking order. There were always a few hens or roosters who felt superior to the rest of the flock. They would literally get on top of the ones they perceived to be inferior and peck them on the necks, sometimes pecking them to death. You know what though; they all tasted the same on the platter for dinner! So it is with us and our pecking orders, we are all the same in the eyes of God, we are all sinners and we are all forgiven. Craving a new outfit is no different from the woman craving the drink, from a child craving a Mountain Dew, to a farmer craving a bigger tractor, is it? As we come into fall, a time of harvest, sorting and selling cattle, and so forth, let us think about the outcome of what we do with what we have.
Are we doing for the glory of God or are we craving more for ourselves? It is God’s plan that all creation, including human creation, should be satisfied and happy. WE are to praise and worship God and love one another. How are we doing? See you in church on Sunday?
Blessings, Pastor Linda
Due the fact that Pastor Linda and Jerry will be returning from Chicago on October 28, our DS Randy Cross has rescheduled our charge conference to November 8, at 7 in the evening. All reports will be due November 4th, so that Jeannine and Pastor Linda can get the booklet put together before the meeting. Sending them via email [Times New Roman – font size 12] will also help speed things up!! We’ll meet at White River this year, as we alternate between the two churches. The meeting is open to everyone, so please plan to attend and be a part of the future of our charge!!
An update from Travis Krogman, at Saint Paul School of Theology
Travis has started his third year of seminary and sends this note to all the folks back home: I just wanted to send a quick note saying thank you to everyone for the support of my education. The financial support is greatly appreciated and so is the spiritual support that I know is coming from the homeland as well. I'm taking three classes this semester and I am getting into upper-level classes so even more reading (which I can't believe is possible but it is). The classes I am in are pretty good though and we have more practical assignments like designing Bible studies and sermon series so that makes the extra work worth it
because you can actually use what you are doing in ministry.
I have also moved to a different apartment on campus it is still the
same building but my new address is: 5207 E Truman Rd. Apt #5 Kansas City, MO 64127. Once again thank you for the support.
Church Committees
So often folks say, “What’s the PPR or Parish Council, in our case?” or “Who is on Lay Leadership for our church?” Here’s a brief synopsis of both of those committees with a note from the Parish Council. The Lay Leadership Committee nominates folks from their individual church to lead the church in all areas, including education, trustees, administrative council chair, secretary, etal.
The Pastor Parish Relations committee (Parish Council) consists of members from both churches who formulate a budget for the charge, recommend the pastor’s salary, and act as a liason between the churches and the pastor, as well as make decisions that affect the church office.
Relations Reminder from the Pastor Parish Committee (aka Parish Council) Matthew 7:24-27 “Build your house upon the rock”
We would like to remind everyone in our parishes that you are also the rock, the foundation upon which our churshes are built.
If you have concerns, questions, suggestions or new ideas please bring them forward to any member of the PPR committee, so an open discussion can take place to address any of those issues, for how strong is our foundation if we don’t openly communicate between each other. We want our churche to always feel like your home andreaffirm how important each of you are to the our foundation.
PPR committee: Larry Hutchinson, Marlette Glanzer, Anita and Roger Krogman (Parish Treasurers), Shirley Fernen, Jan Rasmussen, Laurene Emery, Steve Twite, Kenny Kingsbury, and Lawrence Klein
Also, on the committee John Gross AC representative, Louann Krogman WR Lay Leader, and Pastor Linda without vote
The Lay Leadership committee will be calling you in the near future to ask if you have an area you would like to serve God within the church for this next year. Please be in prayer about this. Those seraving at Missinon are: Shirley Fernen, Jo and Gregg Grimshaw and White River include Lance Tucker, Kristan Krogman and Beth King. Pastor Linda chairs only this committee.
Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch about his
first visit to a big-city church. "When I got there, they had me park my old truck in the corral," Joe began. "You mean the parking lot," interrupted Charlie, a worldlier fellow. "I walked up the trail to the door," Joe continued. "The sidewalk to the door," Charlie corrected him. "Inside the door, I was met by this dude," Joe went on. "That would be the usher," Charlie explained. "Well, the usher led me down the chute," Joe said. "You mean the aisle," Charlie said. "Then, he led me to a stall and told me to sit there," Joe continued. "Pew," Charlie retorted. "Yeah," recalled Joe. "That's what that pretty lady said when I sat down beside her."
The UMC of Mission was hopping with youth over Homecoming week-end. Please see the story printed on this page. Confirmation class has started in White River. WE have 4 eager young people and 4 just as eager mentors!! Thus far we have covered Creation and Sin. Our material is Credo, which consists of 3 units: Know Your Story, Confirm Your Faith and Live Your Commitment. Our stdents and mentors are: Caleb Twite (Lance Tucker), Spencer Earll (Tracy Tucker), Hannah Hight (Kendra Earll) and Savannah Spotted War Bonnett (Vanessa Hight). Please keep the youth and their mentors, as well as Pastor Linda in your prayers.
This seems to be the year for rebuilding our youth groups as both groups had a large number “graduate” out, some to college and some to the older group. WE also need help with food; last year Amy was our chief cook and bottle washer, but with Patrick out of the nest, she isn’t in the church kitchen, as much. If you can help prepare a meal or furnish the entire meal, please let Kendra Earll, Bobbi Schmidt or Tracy Tucker know. These gals are the leaders, with Pastor Linda cooking or assisting where needed. All of 6th – seniors youth are invited to paricipate. It’s a great experience!! The Journey Experience has High Impact Submitted by Becky Holten, Director Camping and Youth Ministries Dakotas Conference
Mission, S.D. -- Senior high youth and adults journeyed many miles and hours in the car to get to Tree of Life Friday, September 16, 2012. For 43 youth and adults from the Dakotas Conference this was a journey on that highly impacted their spiritual and emotional life.
It was a journey to help the families and individuals that live on Rosebud Reservation. Homes were prepared to be warmer for winter. Homes now have plastic on the windows. Large cracks and holes are all caulked. The journey to Tree of Life Ministry changed the perspective of those that experienced it and rocked their value system. Participants reflected:
“I got a new view on how much I’m blessed to have.”
“It was amazing to see other people who have lived through so many hardships be so happy” “It opened by eyes to the poverty that can be just down the street. I want to do more now.”
“I realized the impact of extreme poverty and the injustice of it”.
“Seeing the way some of the Rosebud people live really changed the way I think about equality – we are all the same.”
Small group time was informed by Ray Buckley’s book Dancing with Words. Becky Holten, Director of Camping and Youth Ministry stated, “We looked at how events in our lives are shaped into stories we tell to others. Together each small group shaped their story from their experiences at Journey and then selected one individual to share that story during the closing worship on Sunday morning. It was a powerful worship experience and a powerful journey for those that participated.”
The individuals that participated have a new story to tell shaped by their experiences at the Journey. Be watching for more stories from those that participated. “A special thanks to Mission United Methodist Church for their hospitality as we held a number of our activities there
WR After School Program
It’s that time of year again; the fellowship hall at the White River UMC is bustling with children’s voices, cooking smells and interesting things on the bulletin board. About 2 youngsters are participating in the 3rd year of After School Program. The church received a grant for $1000 to help with expenses, from the United Methodist Foundation!! We are working on other smaller grants. Right now we are in need of a person to assist Cathy Chapman. If you know of a person who has a couple of hours on Monday-Thursday to help with the children, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, we are asking for donations for snacks. Some folks have kindly brought cookies, breads, sandwiches and so forth. When you see pudding packs or fruit packs or granola bars on sale, buy a box for the children. There’s a box in the back of the sanctuary.
The Disciple Study is up and running at the White River UMC. At this point in time, we have 13 eager and willing participants. This is a 34 week course, so it means a big commitment, as there are daily readings, also. There’s some lively discussion and lots of good discussion. The group is bonding and becoming a powerful prayer force within the church. WE are blessed.
Christian Education
Children at the UMC of Mission can look forward to a time of Christian Education as we work with the Klein school and schedules to find time to do something twice a month with the youngsters who would like to participate in learning more about Jesus and how to be followers of Jesus.
At the White River church, children can participate in the Jesus Followers program on Wednesdays, as Vanessa Hight, Cathy Chapman, and Pastor Linda (when available) lead the sessions. We would like to break this large group of children into grade levels, but need more volunteers to do this. Children are our most valuable asset and we have lots of children to share the story of Jesus with. If you can help, even once a month, it would be great! Let Vanessa know. Thank you for your support. The first Wednesday, there were over 30 children in attendance. That was absolutely awesome!
College Students
Please e-mail the church office your college or working young person’s e-mail address and snail mail address. It is so important that we keep up with our young people and remind them that we are supporting and praying for them. Keep this list handy and pray for our students.
Kathy Chesney continues her seminary education at Sioux Falls
Seminary while pastoring at Phillip and Interior
Travis Krogman continues his seminary at Saint Paul School of
Theology while working at Grand Avenue Temple, in KC
Lanson Bartlett is at Mary College in Bismarck