Progress Monitoring Tool for Phonics:
Blending CVC words
Name ______Teacher ______Date ______
fat / lit / budhad / pit / nut
bad / rip / mug
cab / tin / gut
dad / tip / mud
man / sit / rug
rat / lip / cub
sat / dot / sum
tan / god / bed
hop / jet / rot
met / pop / pet
rob / yet / nod
men / hot / led
leg / his
___/41 = ___ (_____%)
4 letter blends and digraphs with short vowels
plan / stop / smogflat / spit / chip
chop / slip / shop
flap / bran / that
flop / shot / snip
slot / quit / spell
silk / fast / sank
lump / held / trap
_____ / _____ ( %)
R-controlled vowels
_____ / _____ ( %)
Long vowels
_____ / _____ ( %)
Two-syllable words
_____ / _____ ( %)
Names Test
by Patricia Cunningham and F.A. Dufflemeyer
Give the student a copy of the names. Ask him/her to read the names as if calling roll. You have your own copy that you mark with C for correct or, if the child does not read the name correctly, phonetically spell what the student reads.
Jay Conway / Chuck HokeKimberly Blake / Homer Preston
Cindy Sampson / Ginger Yale
Stanley Shaw / Glen Spencer
Flo Thornton / Grace Brewster
Ron Smitherman / Vance Middleton
Bernard Pendergraph / Floyd Sheldon
Austin Shepherd / Neal Wade
Joan Brooks / Thelma Rinehart
Tim Cornell / Yolanda Clark
Roberta Slade / Gus Quincy
Chester Wright / Patrick Tweed
Wendy Swain / Fred Sherwood
Dee Skidmore / Ned Westmoreland
Troy Whitlock / Zane Anderson
Shane Fletcher / Dean Bateman
Bertha Dale / Jake Murphy
Gene Loomis
Scoring and interpreting the Names test:
- Count a word correct if all syllables are pronounced correctly regardless of where the student places the accent. For example, either Yo’ / lan / da or Yo / lan’ / da would be scored as correct.
- For words where the vowel pronunciation depends on which syllable the consonant is placed with, count them correct for either pronunciation. For example, either Ho / mer or Hom / er would be acceptable.
- Count the number of names read correctly and analyze those mispronounced, looking for patterns indicative of decoding strengths and weaknesses. Use the chart below to help find patterns in the student’s responses.
- As a benchmark of performance, you can expect the average 2nd grader to score 23 out of 50.
Name / Initial Cons / Initial Cons Blend / Cons digraph / short vowel / long vowel / vowel digraph / controlled vowels
Jay Conway / J C / o / ay ay
Tim Cornell / T C / i e / or
Chuck Hoke / H / Ch / u / oke
Yolanda Clark / Y / Cl / a / o / ar
Kimberly Blake / K / Bl / i / y ake / er
Roberta Slade / R / Sl / o ade / er
Homer Preston / H / Pr / e / o / er
Gus Quincy / G / u i / y
Cindy Sampson / C S / i a / y
Chester Wright / Ch / e / i / er
Ginger Yale / G Y / i / ale / er
Patrick Tweed / P / Tw / a i / ee
Stanley Shaw / St / Sh / a / ey / aw
Wendy Swain / W / Sw / e / y / ai
Glen Spencer / Gl Sp / e e / er
Fred Sherwood / Fr / Sh / e / oo / er
Flo Thornton / Fl / Th / o / or
Dee Skidmore / D / Sk / i / ee / or
Grace Brewster / Gr Br / ace / ew er
Ned Westmoreland / N W / e e / or
Ron Smitherman / R / Sm / th / o i / er
Troy Whitlock / Tr / Wh / i o / oy
Vance Middleton / V M / a i
Zane Anderson / Z / ane / er
Bernard Pendergraph / B P / ph / a / er ar er
PHONICS INVENTORY: Teacher Instructions
- Alphabet Names - "Tell me the name of these letters."
- Consonant Sounds - "Tell me the sound that this letter makes."
- Consonant Digraphs - "Tell me what sound these letters make together.”
- Consonant Blends - "Tell me what sound these letters make together.”
- Name Vowels - DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS THESE LETTERS. "Tell me the names of the letters we call vowels."
- Vowel Sounds - DO NOT SHOW STUDENTS THESE WORDS." Listen carefully to the words I say to you. Tell me the vowel you hear in each word."
- Double Vowels - "Try to read these words. Not all of them are real words." Circle applies rule if child is able to complete this activity with 90% accuracy.
- Final "e" Rule - "Do you know what happens when the vowel is in the middle of the word and the word ends with an 'e'? Circle knows rule if child can tell you the rule. "Try to read these words." Circle applies rule if the child is able to complete this activity with 90% accuracy.
- Diphthongs - "Some vowels make their own special sounds. Read these words."
- Short Vowels - "These are real words and make-believe words. Read each of these words using a short vowel sound."
- Reversals - ":Read these words as quickly as you can."
- Prefixes - "Sometimes we add a prefix to the beginning of a word. Read these real and make-believe words."
- Suffixes - "Sometimes we add a suffix to the end of the word. Read these real and make-believe words."
- Compound Words - "Do you know what we call two words that are put together to make a new word? Read these real and make believe words."
- Silent Letters - "Read these words."
- Vowel + R - Read these real and make-believe words."
- Syllabication - HAND THE STUDENT A PENCIL "Divide these words into syllables (parts) with your pencil after I say the word."
Name / Date1. Alphabet Names
r o n f l m y t v k p z i a j u s h b g w f d x e c q
2. Consonant Sounds
m s f l r n h v w z b c d p t j g k y x q
3. Consonant Digraphs
sh ch th wh ng ph tch
4. Consonant Blends
gr sl cr pl st bl fl tr cl dr gl sp fr scr str
5. Name the Vowels:
a e i o u
- Short Vowels (aural)
strip__ bunk__ trap__ block__ bread__
7. Double Vowels
teal vie shoal seep raid ray feast fair peel moat
Circle: applies rule
8. Final "e"
fade cube cone file lane tune joke wife
Circle: knows rule Circle: applies rule
9. Dipthongs
maul foil cowl soy rout awl boon rook
10. Short Vowels
Real words: hit rug lip bun tab van let rot sell log hum
Pseudowords: fis gud hin sut jav bam nib pud nel ruft rist sant
11. Reversals
pal even no saw raw ten tar won pot rats nap
tops read meat lap never keep
12. Prefixes
Real words: retie display index combat exact project unhook
Pseudowords: repan conjump inwell dellike enstand combent
ungate excry proread prehead
13. Suffixes
Real words: reading helper tallest nation blackness wonderful
Pseudowords: smalling booker floorest dation skimmance meatness
chairly waterful burnaten broukous
14. Compound Words
Real words: waterfall doghouse upstairs daybreak breakfast
Pseudowords: nightbank dinnerplayer basketmeat broomfeather
paperjumper eatmobile spaderoom carthouse
15. Silent Letters
know knit write wrong walk comb lamb might
gnaw sleigh high half
16. Vowel + R
Real words: bird north hard ford berth sir harp hurl fern
Pseudowords: flir worb vark mer burk
17. Syllabication
bombardment combination refreshment establishment
revolver entertain calculate cucumber
Adapted from Los Angeles County Office of Education:
- Names the Vowels
- Teacher reads and records short vowels
- hit rug lip bun tab van let rot sell log hum
- retie display index combat exact project unhook
- reading helper tallest nation blackness wonderful
- waterfall doghouse upstairs daybreak breakfast
- bird north hard ford berth sir harp hurl fern
- Syllabication (copy for student to mark on)