Wildlife and Ecology Management

Victoria West High School


Instructional Goals

By the end of this course you will be prepared for a career or studies in the wildlife, ecology, and natural resources industries. This course explores the importance of wildlife and recreation management to the environment and the agricultural industry. Students will learn the identification and management of game and non-game wildlife species, fish, and their habitats as well as their ecological needs.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Learn the employability characteristics of a successful employee.
  • Analyze the importance of wildlife, with an emphasis on use and management.
  • Know the scientific basis for wildlife management.
  • Examine natural cycles and related phenomena to describe ecologic concepts and principles.
  • Know the interrelationships between the various aspects of wildlife and outdoor public use management.
  • Apply cartographic skills to natural resource activities.
  • Obtain planning data by monitoring natural resource status.
  • Demonstrate concepts related to optimum production.
  • Develop an improved supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources.

*The above information was secured from the following TEA website:

Required Materials

To successfully complete this course, you will need:

  • Binder or tablet to take notes in.
  • Clothes and Shoes that can get dirty, our labs may be held outside.
  • $10.00 Fee for Hunter Education Certification paid to the TPWD.
  • About 40 dollars for fishing pole kit

Course Schedule

Week / Chapter/Lesson / Lab/Field Trip
1 / Syllabus
2 / What is Wildlife and Ecology Management?
3 / Benefits of Wildlife
4 / History Of Wildlife Management
5 / State and Federal Agencies in Wildlife Management / Game Warden Visit
6 / Federal Wildlife Laws / Today’s Hunter
7 / Texas Parks and Wildlife Laws / Today’s Hunter (Hunter Ed Certification)
8 / Policies Effecting Wildlife / Today’s Hunter
9 / The Ecosystem / Today’s Hunter
10 / Game and Fur Bearer Identification / Today’s Hunter
11 / Hunting Leases
12 / Non-game, Predator, and Nuisance Species ID
13 / Freshwater Fish Species Identification / Tying Knots
14 / Saltwater Fish Species Identification / Casting a rod and reel.
15 / Waterfowl Identification
16 / Inland Bird Identification / Trap Shooting
17 / Exotic Wildlife Species Identification / Trap Shooting
18 / Reptile Species Identification
19 / Wildlife Habitat Requirements
20 / General Concerns in Wildlife Management Practices / Boone and Crockett Scoring
21 / Wildlife Management Practices / Boone and Crockett Scoring
22 / Management of Plants Beneficial to Wildlife
23 / Management of Plants Beneficial to Wildlife
24 / Managing Freshwater Fish Populations / Begin Aquaculture Program
25 / Threatened, Endangered, Extant and Extinct Species
26 / Threatened, Endangered, Extant and Extinct Species
27 / Genetics in Wildlife Conservation
28 / Commercial Game and Fish Enterprises / Wildlife CDE
29 / Handling Misplaced Wildlife
30 / Compass and Pacing / Compass Exercise
31 / Identification of Recreational Enterprises
32 / Developing Recreational Enterprises
33 / Management of Recreational Enterprises
34 / State and Federal Policies Concerning Outdoor Recreation / Lab at Coleto Reservoir
35 / Careers In Wildlife Management
36 / Careers In Recreation Management

The syllabus is tentative and used as a guideline for the course. The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to instruction.

Victoria West Student Guidelines for Success

Warriors are….

Polite, Proud, Prepared, and Positive

Classroom Rules:

  • Listen to instruction and follow directions.
  • Utilize class time appropriately.
  • Produce your best work and complete assignments on time.
  • Follow all Victoria West High School Rules and Expectations

Classroom Procedures:

  • Do not leave the class/lab/shop area without permission. Failure to comply will result in automatic referral to AP.
  • Students may visit quietly while working on assignments, however no talking is allowed during lecture.
  • Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities.

Department Grading Categories:

Summative – 50%

This category includes items such as major tests, projects,

Formative – 30%

This category includes items such as projects, quizzes, labs, notebooks

Daily – 20%

This category includes items such as homework, in-class assignments

Exemption Policy

Midterm/Finals will count for 15% of semester grades.

District Wide Re-teaching and Reassessing Policy:

This course will follow VISD district grading guidelines. A list of all these guideline can be found on the district website and student handbook.

The Victoria Independent School District and its career and technology education program do not discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, age or national origin in its education programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI.

El distrito escolar independiente de Victoria y suprogramaeducacional de carrera y tecnologia no discriminan a base de genero, incapacidad, raza, color, edad u origennacional en susprogramaseducativos, actividades, o empleocomo lo requiere el Titulo IX, Seccion 504Titulo VI.

Tutoring/Additional Assistance

Instructor Information:

Name: Eric Reininger

Room #: Ag Building

Conference period:

Phone: ext-39191, cell 361-212-1167


Webpage Link:

School Website:

The Victoria Independent School District and its career and technology education program do not discriminate on the basis of gender, disability, race, color, age or national origin in its education programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI.

El distrito escolar independiente de Victoria y suprogramaeducacional de carrera y tecnologia no discriminan a base de genero, incapacidad, raza, color, edad u origennacional en susprogramaseducativos, actividades, o empleocomo lo requiere el TituloIX, Seccion 504Titulo VI.

We have read and understood what is expected to successfully complete this course. Please cut land return this bottom portion to Mr. Reininger by August31, 2017.

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Parent email:______

Parent phone number______

Second phone number______