Policy Statement: / Friends of KingsPark (FoKP) Promotional Material
Policy No: / 006
Effective Date: / 3 October 2013
PURPOSE: / To promote FoKP by way of visually attractive promotional, marketing and fundraising merchandise.
POLICY: / The FoKP committee to consider and approve example which are:
  1. FoKP financial members can purchase calendars by placing mail orders with the FoKP office (mailing costs are additional).
  1. For all other purchases, Aspects of Kings Park and other locations as advertised will stock the calendar and sell to the public at acost agreed with FoKP.
  1. FoKP members purchasing the calendar from Aspects of Kings Park will receive the normal agreed discount applicable to all sales to Park volunteers from Aspects of Kings Park. This will not be the case with other retailers who will sell at a set price.
  1. The price of calendars, cost to members and agreed percentage recouped from Aspects is to be determined by the Committee on an annual basis.
  1. If a member of the Management Committee, FoKP staff or BGPA staff wishes to purchase calendars for conferences, sponsors or VIPs, the decision will be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
  1. If the Management Committee agrees, FoKP will negotiate a price to cover the printing costs for special orders of the calendar.
  1. Members of the Management Committee, through the President, can provide names of people who they believe should receive a complimentary calendar in appreciation of service to the Friends.
  1. Brochures are to be widely distributed to potential members and sponsors and for promotional purposes within and outside the Park to celebrate, advertise and promote the Friends.
Bumper Stickers
  1. Bumper stickers may be provided to members, FoKP staff, sponsors and interested parties at no cost. They are a member benefit and not for distribution to the general public.
Eco Bags
  1. Bags may be sold as promotional merchandise, specifically targeting plant sales customers, at a price determined by the Management Committee from time to time.
Promotional Material of other Organisations
  1. Upon request, FoKP management committee at its discretion will include information from other organisations, ie flyers, invitations, etc., in its scheduled mail outs to members if it is deemed appropriate and of interest.
  1. All such mail outs will be organised and carried out by current FoKP members and/or staff and no other organisation will have access to members’ contact details.
  1. Normally, there is to be no additional cost to FoKP for including information from other organisations in its mail outs.

(ie legislation, constitution, etc.)
RELATED POLICY: / 007 Distribution of Friends of KingsPark (FoKP) Magazine “For People & Plants”
Policy developed by: / Policy Advisory Group
Approved by: / Management Committee
Date approved: / 3 October 2013
Policy review date: / 3 October 2016