22 June 2011 P2030-2_minutes_21-22June2011.docx

P2030.2 Working Group

21-22 June 2011

Piscataway NJ USA

Unapproved Minutes

1.  Call to Order

·  The meeting was called to order at 8:45 am ET on 21 June.

·  All present introduced themselves.

2.  Agenda review

·  The agenda was displayed for attendees.

·  Doug S. moved to approve the agenda. Charlie V. seconded. MOTION passed without opposition.

3.  Approval of Previous Minutes

·  Swee N. moved to approve the previous minutes. Jianwei L. seconded. MOTION passed without opposition.

4.  Working Group Policies and Procedures

·  Mark S. reviewed the Policy & Procedures highlights, and commented and edited areas of the latest draft

·  MOTION: The latest draft (2030_2-11-0001-04-0002-draft-policies-and-procedures.doc) was approved unanimously with the proposed edits.

5.  Other items from Tuesday

·  Tim Z. of U.L. provided a review of U.L. 1973, “Outline of Investigation, Batteries for Use in Light Electric Rail (LER) Applications and Stationary Applications”

·  Stationary applications cited include PV and wind storage applications

·  Currently in process for consideration of becoming an ANSI standard. Lori Florence of U.L. is working on that process.

22 June 2011

6.  Continue with review and edits to Clause 4

·  The group continued their review of clause 4, Energy Storage Systems, of the working draft (dcn 0007). The changes were recorded in 22 June 2011, V1 of the working draft.

·  The group discussed the inclusion of Hybrid storage systems.

·  Combinations of different storage types, and combinations of storage and generation, and storage and demand response. Remains open for consideration.

·  The group reviewed the IEEE definition of Efficiency, and the definition for Life Cycle.

·  ACTION: Dave N. and Tom B. will identify and leverage early industry work on defining cycle and testing process (information for Clause 9.)

·  ACTION: Mark S. to contact UL on planned testing for stationary batteries. Also will research references for standards for energy storage systems characteristics.

·  ACTION: Dr. Lu research for BPA and CAISO may be source for storage-specific cycle data, Charlie V. contact for PNNL’s cycling research as possible representative cycle data

·  ACTION: Tom B. to research IEEE definitions for Reliability (clause 4.3).

·  ACTION: Jay L. to provide input on a parameter for inclusion – how much duration, and rate of discharge to support applications.

·  Charlie Vartanian reviewed the So. Cal Edison presentation from the ESA 2011 meeting.

7.  Future Scheduling

·  For next WEBEX, get input from MIC experts on interfaces to the grid. Targeted for August, date to be set. 2 hour duration. Coordinate with P2030 MIC info, experts, resources.

·  Next live P2030.2 Working Group meeting. Co-located with EESAT. EESAT Oct 17-19. Location is San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina. P2030.2 Working Group Meeting 20-21 October, the Thursday-Friday immediately after EESAT. Dan Borneo coordinating.

·  ESA 2012 Annual Meeting. Future candidate event for co-locating a future P2030.2 Working Group meeting. ESA May 2-4 2012, Location, Washington DC, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. M.S. planning to put IEEE in contact with ESA Meeting organizers. Target timing for co-located P2030.2 W.G. is Mon-Tues April 30-May1, 9am start.

8.  Plan for outreach to other groups

·  ACTION: Tom B. coordinate w/ Matt C./IEEE for correct version of P2030, and posting to P2030.2 Mentor site. Draft 5 to be uploaded to Mentor.

o  Draft 6 will get posted to the P2030 website. P2030 Ballot pool has access to this doc..

·  ACTION: Jay L. to check and direct us to sections of P2030 that cover the comm. and control interface requirements. P2030 may cover Storage needs via reference, but need to check.

·  Mark S. and Doug S. participating in upcoming P2030.1 conf call meetings.

·  ACTION- Matt C. to facilitate contact between Mark and Dr Hiu/P2030.3 chair. Mark S. will be the point of contact for P2030.2 coordination with P2030.3. Mark S. to make introductory contact with Dr. Hiu of State Grid China by e-mail vs call.

o  P2030.3 is an Entity member working group.

·  IEEE 1547 coordination. Tom B. covering

·  NIST SGIP PAP’s TWIKI coordination, Tom B. covering. Al Hefner PAP7 Storage Interconnection, one PAP of interest. Other areas of interest, including communication PAP’s.

·  ACTION - Chet S. will provide pending updated ESA charts as input to P2030.2. Chet will provide general coordination with ESA’s Technology Working Group.

·  IT experts for our next WEBEX, Mark S. coordinating. Mark S. is also recruiting several IT experts to the W.G.

·  UL coordination. Tim Zgonena from U.L is a W.G. member, and good candidate for coordination between the W.G. and UL.

·  ACTION- Charlie V. will check if Dan Borneo/Sandia can lead coordination and integration of Sandia work product that we may want to incorporate in P2030.2 Sandia BESS testing resources, like representative storage test cycles are an example of Sandia product to consider for P2030.2.

·  ACTION-Mark S. to request access and W.G. use of NFPA standards. NFPA 110 and 111 targeted. If direct use isn’t allowed, M.S. to summarize relevant and useful content from those standards.

·  Market Mechanisms forums? Start considering contact with NIST PAP on Markets (Ed Cazalet), FERC Storage NOPR, CA AB 2514 Storage Procurement, Doug S. and Charlie V. investigating and then coordinating.

·  NAESB, has some published info on Markets. Possible source?

·  Standardized testing processes and testing data(test cycling data). Dave N. and Tom B. investigation leads to assess ‘state of the industry’, and identify other work on this topic that we can reference or draw from.

·  Wikipedia coordination. Check their listing of tech against P2030.2 technology outline. Are we missing anything? If so, investigate further and recommend if we should include it. Propose criteria for inclusion/exclusion in P2030.2 ESS technologies overview. Working Group input. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_storage

Charlie V. moved to adjourn at 2:00pm ET on 22 June. Doug S. seconded. MOTION passed without opposition.

The WG adjourned at 2:00pm ET on 22 June.


Michael / Schmitt / Plexus
Erik / Hansen / ABB
Doug / Staker / Demand Energy
Mark / Siira / Kohler
Swee Peng / Ng / Panasonic Singapore Laboratories
Alan / Esenther / Mitsubishi Elec Res Labs
Charles / Vartanian / A123 Systems
Thomas / Basso / National Renewable Energy Laboratory, WEBEX

Liang Downey Nextek Power Systems, WEBEX

Chet Sandberg Altairnano, WEBEX

Dave Nichols Altairnano, WEBEX

Tim Zgonena U.L., WEBEX

Matt Ceglia IEEE

Soo Kim IEEE

Brenda Mancuso IEEE


Several references emailed by Chet S. during the meeting. ACTION- Charlie V. to upload to Mentor

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