Designation : Associate Professor
- Ph.D. (Non-Traditional Machining Methods), Thapar University, Patiala
- M.E.(Production Engineering), Punjab University, Chandigarh
- B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), Punjab University, Chandigarh
Experience: Total Experience : 17 years
- Teaching experience: 17 years
Teaching Interests:
- Advanced Manufacturing processes
- Machining Science
- Manufacturing Processes
- Engineering Metrology
- Manufacturing Engineering
Research Interest:
- Non-Traditional Machining Processes
- Optimization Techniques
- Conventional Machining Methods
National/ international Journals: 41
National/ international Conferences: 25
Some of the publications are:
- Vinod Kumar, J.S.Khamba, “Statistical Analysis of Experimental Parameters in Ultrasonic Machining of Tungsten Carbide Using Taguchi Approach”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91[1] pp. 92-96, 2008 (Blackwell Publishers)
- Vinod Kumar, J.S.Khamba, “Experimental Investigation of Ultrasonic Machining of Alumina-Based Ceramic Composite”, Journal oftheAmerican Ceramic Society, 89[8] pp.2413-2417, 2006 (Blackwell Publishers)
- Vinod Kumar, J.S.Khamba, “Optimization of Tool Wear Rate in Ultrasonic Machining of Tungsten Carbide using Taguchi Methodology” , Journal ofMachining and Forming Technologies,Vol.1,Issue ¾,ISSN:1947-4369, pp. 1-15 ,2009 (Nova science publishers, U.K.)
- VinodKumar,J.S.Khamba, “An Investigation into the Ultrasonic Machining of Co-based Super Alloy Using the Taguchi Approach”, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials,Vol.7, No ¾,pp. 230-243 , 2010 (IndersciencePublishers,U.K.)
- Vinod Kumar, J.S.Khamba, “Parametric Optimization of Ultrasonic Machining of Co-based Super Alloy Using the Taguchi Multi-Objective Approach”, Production Engineering, Research and Development,pp.417-425, 2009 (Springer Publishers)
- Anirban Bhattacharya, Ajay Batish, Vinodkumar, Gurmail Singh, “Study of Material Transfer Mechanism in Die Steels Using Powder Mixed EDM”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis publishers,2011
- AnirbanBhattacharya,AjayBatish, Vinodkumar, Gurmail Singh, “Optimal Parameter Settings For Rough And Finish Machining of Die Steels in Powder Mixed EDM”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,Springer publishers, 61:537-548,2012 published online ,DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3716-5, Springer publishers
- Anishkumar, Vinodkumar, Jatinderkumar, “Microstructure analysis and material transformation of pure titanium and tool wear surface after Wire Electric Discharge machining process “, Machining Science and Technology, 18:47–77, 2014, , DOI: 10.1080/10910344.2014.863632 (Taylor & Francis Publishers, USA)
- Anishkumar, Vinodkumar, Jatinderkumar, Surface integrity and material transfer investigation of pure titanium for rough cut surface after wire electro discharge machining, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, SAGE publications, (Published online, December 2013),DOI:10.1177/0954405413513013,PP 1-22
- Anishkumar, Vinodkumar, Jatinderkumar, Experimental investigation of material transfer mechanism in WEDM of pure titanium (Grade-2) , Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.2013,Article ID: 847876, PP.1-20, DOI: 10.1155/2013/847876, Hindawi Publishers
- Anishkumar, Vinodkumar, Jatinderkumar, Multi response optimization of process parameters based on Response surface methodology for pure titanium using WEDM process,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ,Springer publishers, DOI 10.1007/s00170-013-4861-9,68:2645-2668,2013
- Anishkumar, Vinodkumar, Jatinderkumar, Investigation of machining parameters and surface integrity in wire electric discharge machining of pure titanium, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, SAGE publications, 227 (7), pp. 972-992,DOI: 10.1177/0954405413479791,2013
Achievement, Awards and Recognitions:
- Reviewed the research papers of some referred journals:
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes (Taylor and Francis, Publishers, U.K.)
- Machining science and Technology (Taylor and Francis, Publishers, U.K.)
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering, StrojniskiVestnik (University of Ljublijana)
- International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (Blackwell publishers,USA)
- Editor of the “American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Science and Education Publishing, USA (
- Editor of the American Journal of Modeling and Optimization ( USA.
- Awarded travel grant from DST for the research paper presentation on “Prediction of Tool and Nozzle Flow Behavior in Ultrasonic Machining Process” at the International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE 2011),
- Delivered about ten expert lectures in the area of Non-Traditional Machining Processes and optimization Techniques at various institutes.
Street: P.O. Box 32
Postcode: 147004
City: Patiala
Country: India
Located in:Mechanical Engineering Department